I Designed The Exquisite Ancient City To Scare The Players Around The World

091 Sister Zhou's Iq Burst Against A! Interpreting The Parchment

Sister Zhou originally wanted to stop Professor Chen.

But I didn't expect Professor Chen, a crazy old man, to move very fast and with great strength.

Like being possessed by a ghost.

The stone box was originally sealed with cowhide and raw lacquer, and it would take some effort for most people to open it.

Professor Chen actually ripped it apart with his hands and pulled open the stone box.

Fatty Wang and Xu Xiaoying quickly stepped forward to support Professor Chen.

At this time, Sister Zhou discovered that there were still several paintings in the stone box.

The meaning shown on the first screen is that one of the remaining five people is a demon!

This man had a tongue, fangs in his mouth, and an eyeball-like flesh ball on top of his head.

It is obviously the guardian evil spirit of the Guidong clan.

The incarnation of that terrifying black snake.

The next two paintings, one left and one right.

On the one hand, the other four people were all killed by this evil ghost, and they all took out their filth.

On the other side of the screen, the snake-headed evil spirit was beheaded, and a crack opened in the narrow stone room, and the remaining four people escaped.

And strangely, none of the three paintings glowed.

After seeing this picture, Sister Zhou fainted.

"What does this mean? One of the remaining people is possessed by evil spirits?"

Xu Xiaoying and Fatty Wang have come over now.

After looking at it, I immediately understood what it meant.

At this time, Fatty Wang immediately took up the gun, "The prophet's prophecy just now has all come true, 08 I think we should be careful."

Sister Zhou also nodded.

The game clearance has come to the last moment.

At this time, if you choose the wrong one, you will be in trouble.

Even if you barely pass the level, it will definitely affect the rating of the game clearance.

"I think it must be Professor Chen who is possessed by the evil ghost. The appearance of Professor Chen just now shows that he is possessed by something.

"I vote for Professor Chen too! How can I open the stone box because I am weak?"

"I think Fatty Wang is a little suspicious. You see, he jumped too much along the way."

"Fatty is just that style, isn't it Fatty Wang?"

"Why can't it be Hao Aiguo? He didn't speak much along the way, he didn't even have a line, it was so strange."

"Yeah, yeah, it's too lacking in existence, it's very suspicious."

Sister Zhou looked around and was always hesitant.

Looking at Fatty Wang again, he found that Fatty Wang's gun had been pointed at Sister Zhou.

Obviously, Fatty Wang was suspicious of Sister Zhou.

The atmosphere in the air was about to stagnate.

Although Fatty Wang hadn't done it yet, he could feel it. At this moment, Fatty Wang was extremely tense and his muscles were tensed.

The ghost knows when Fatty Wang raises his hand and shoots.

Fatty Wang is a sharpshooter, and it is better to count on the immortals to help him at such a close distance.

Sister Zhou's hands began to tremble slightly.

If you don't come up with a solution as soon as possible at this time, the team will immediately kill each other.

mission failed.

At this time, Sister Zhou discovered that the color of the pattern in the second layer of the stone box was different from the pattern that she had seen before.

All other relief images are luminous.

But the pictures inside the stone box on the second layer do not emit light.

At this time, Sister Zhou actually found that the diary of the foreign explorer in her equipment column was glowing slightly.

If you don't pay attention, you won't notice this change at all.

Not to mention, Sister Zhou has never really read this diary of a foreign explorer.

Sister Zhou herself is a gossip person, and she is particularly interested in diaries.

Take this diary as a pastime.

Not too long anyway.

At that time, Sister Zhou still sighed in the live broadcast room that this game was made too carefully.

Even a prop is almost completely restored.

The stories in the diary are quite interesting.

It was this explorer who had a tragic ending.

In the end, he went crazy, and when he was crazy, he shouted about flowers and the like.

At this time, Professor Chen, who was resting just now, jumped up again and ran frantically to the edge of the stone box.

Dancing and shouting, "Flower, what a beautiful flower, I found it, I found it!"

Isn't this the end of that foreigner explorer?

Flowers...what flowers?

Sister Zhou's mind suddenly flashed.

"Wait! Don't move."

"This second painting is still an illusion!"

"We are still within the control of the corpse incense konjac!"

After hearing Sister Zhou's shout, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded first.

"Sister Zhou, what happened today?"

"Conan possessed?"

"I can't see it. It's generally said to be fierce and brainless. It seems that this has been fulfilled by Sister Zhou."

"how to say?"

"A fierce boy has a brain, and his IQ is directly on the table for A."

"I'm going, so Sister Zhou's IQ is not one hundred and forty? Far beyond ordinary people.

Sister Zhou watched the barrage in the live broadcast room develop in a strange direction, and couldn't help but twitch at the corners of her mouth.

What's this all about.

After Sister Zhou finished speaking, Xu Xiaoying immediately stepped forward to express her approval.

But Fatty Wang obviously did not let down his guard.

"Don't believe it, right? Let Lao Hu slap you if you don't believe it."

After Sister Zhou finished speaking, she immediately gave Xu Xiaoying a wink.

Xu Xiaoying and Sister Zhou have cooperated tacitly and have long been in harmony with each other.

Immediately stepped forward, Ri slapped Fatty Wang on the face.

Fatty Wang was immediately stunned.

"Old Hu, I think you are fascinated by the girl from this beautiful country. You just need to verify and hit yourself. Why hit me?"

Sister Zhou smiled slightly, "Wang Kaixuan, don't worry about who beats who, now look at the inside of this stone box, are there any pictures?

Fatty Wang looked at the stone box with some hesitation.

At this time, the game screen showed that there were still three pictures on the inner layer of the stone box, and those relief pictures had disappeared.

Fatty Wang covered his face, "I'm going, is it really a hallucination? That corpse incense konjac is too nothing.

Sister Zhou nodded, "Because we are far away from the corpse fragrant konjac, it can only create a small range of hallucinations."

"The best way for us to kill each other is to play on these prophetic pictures."

At this moment, Fatty Wang threw the gun behind him and took a step forward.

After the relief on the second layer of the original stone box disappeared, a small stone box was revealed.

Fatty Wang was quick and opened it at once.

Sister Zhou looked gritted her teeth.

But this time it didn't cause any disaster.

Inside the small stone box is a parchment scroll.

After seeing this parchment roll, Fatty Wang looked disappointed.

"Well, I have a headache when I look at this thing, and it's not worth much, Miss Yang, come and see what the ghost painting talisman on it means."

Sister Zhou quickly took the sheepskin roll from Fatty Wang.

The moment Sister Zhou received the parchment scroll, she heard an in-game system prompt.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the "Essential Ancient City" clearance item, the Zagrama Prophet Sheepskin Scroll."

"Clearance requires interpretation of the contents of the parchment scroll."

After Sister Zhou opened the parchment scroll, she immediately discovered that the characters on it that were originally incomprehensible had all turned into readable characters.

Sister Zhou immediately interpreted the words above.

Simply put, in ancient times, a tribe migrated here from the west.

A bottomless cave was discovered in the Zagramar Mountains.

The tribe wanted to find out what was in the cave.

But the cave is too deep to be explored.

Later, there was a high priest in the tribe, he ordered a jade eyeball, hoping that through the power of the true God, he could see whether this bottomless hole was auspicious or evil.

Later a festival was held.

The power on the jade eyeball was exchanged for the rich sacrifice.

As a result, I couldn't see what was under the cave.

But it brought disaster.

The high priest who made the jade eyeballs became blind and died suddenly.

Not long after, the black snake appeared.

This black snake has strange eyes on its head and is highly poisonous, killing countless people and animals.

Then the most heroic saint and warrior of the tribe, after paying a great price, slew the mother snake.

It is said to be a monster with a human head and a snake body.

The monster hatches eggs in the shape of eyeballs.

Hundreds of black snakes can emerge from the eggs.

If this female snake is not eliminated, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After beheading the female snake, the saints in the tribe knew that this cave was a disaster.

And jade eyeballs open the door to disaster.

Fortunately, a prophet appeared in the tribe.

That is the boy.

Help the tribe overcome many disasters.

The Prophet also spoke about what happened after his death.

It is said that eight hundred years after his death, his tribe had migrated to the East.

There will be a new tribe here.

New tribes come from the deserts of the west.

They will also discover ghost caves.

A queen will also be born.

The queen has demon eyes.

Can summon black snake evil spirits with jade eyeballs.

And also conquered the surrounding city-states and tribes with the help of demons.

In the end, the Queen's brutality angered the true God.

The True God handed over the ancient city of Jingjue and Zagrama Mountain to the devil.

This is the devil's place.

The ancient city of Jingjue was also buried deep underground.

The Prophet even predicted that in another two thousand years, five survivors would enter the burial chamber.

One of them is a descendant of the First Tribe.

Sister Zhou was stunned when she saw this.

Shirley Yang, is the descendant of the first saint?.

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