(Thanks to YsaJone and Feng Yuhantian for their monthly votes)

Kara’s journey of submitting resumes and finding jobs finally came to an end on the eighth day.

She found a job as a reporter at a media company.

Kara, who has a job, and Evans, who has been squatting at home without a job, form a sharp contrast.

It's as if Evans is being supported by his wife's money.

Although the real situation is not like this, outsiders will definitely not think so. If someone asks Kara what your husband does in the future, how should Kara answer?

If she said this, others would probably regard her husband as a soft-boiled guy.

Rumors are not very harmful, but they are extremely insulting. In order to avoid rumors, Evans re-enacted his own path to fortune in the Marvel world.

He summoned Abigail and asked her to help him buy and sell in the stock market to earn start-up capital for himself. Then he opened a film and television company outside and left all the work in front of the CEO who acted like a hands-off boss. Abigail the Tool Man.

Abigail knew about Evans's process of making a fortune and thought it was a great reference.

As a human simulation robot, Abigail worked as a literary porter, personally copied film and television scripts from other worlds, spent money to form a crew, recruited directors and actors, and started filming movies.

Evans only needs to be named CEO of this film and television company. In this way, when others introduce himself to the outside world, when others hear that he is the CEO of a certain film and television company, they will immediately look up to him.

When Kara introduced her husband to the public, she was not so embarrassed that she was speechless.


Time, a month passed like this.

Evans' cultivation has successfully broken through to the Great Perfection stage of the Wheel and Sea Realm, and he can break through the secret realm of the Dao Palace at any time.

If the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea is about cultivating the Dantian, then the secret realm of the Dao Palace is about cultivating the five internal organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, giving birth to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the gods of the Tao Palace, and cultivating wonderful magical powers.

Today, Evans did not continue practicing.

He had an idea.

He plans to use his system to create a new game in the three-body plane to change the fate of people in the three-body plane and earn redemption points.

He is not going to copy the formula of the Marvel Super Heroes game, and plans to change his style.

Later, we will open up the barriers between the two games so that players of the two games can visit each other.

Evans clicked on the portable system's game editor and started designing the game.

The first is the core gameplay of the game. Only when the gameplay is determined can we add bricks and tiles to the skeleton called gameplay.

Evans created the first scene in the new game based on the style of Super Seminary.

This scene is named - Crimson Magic Academy.

The purpose of this academy's existence is to popularize magic to humans on Earth in the Three-Body Plane.

Of course, the magic mentioned here is based on the premise that Evans lends magic power to the world.

Let players use this magic power to learn magic knowledge first, and then spread magic to all mankind in reality.

Evans can produce his own magic power. As long as his vitality is not exhausted, the magic power will be endless. Even if he lends his magic power to all mankind, it will definitely be enough.

When all human beings in the three-body plane are using Evans' magic power, Evans can become the magic creditor of all human beings. At that time, he can easily control the fate of human civilization by extorting the price and free human beings from the original time and space. dilemma and gain a better future.

As for spreading magic, what if Trisolarans steal it?

Just learn secretly.

If the Trisolaran civilization collectively relies on meditation to communicate with Evans and borrow magic power, that would be even better!

At that time, the Trisolaran civilization will be captured by Evans without bloodshed, and all their technologies can be browsed by Evans at will.

Evans is very greedy for the various high-tech technologies of the Trisolaran civilization.

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt that this plan was possible.

Crimson Magic Academy has been generated.

The style of this college is very similar to that of Super Seminary, but the two are not the same thing.

For now, the new game only has this one scene, but it's enough.

If necessary in the future, you can add it at any time due to version updates.

The name of this new game was named by Evans - Crimson Magic World.

The name Scarlet came from the fact that Evans happened to think of Wanda when he was creating this game, and simply borrowed the word scarlet from Scarlet Witch.

Evans entered the Magic Academy of the Crimson Magic World game. There is currently no one here, not even an NPC.

After arriving here, Evans generated an NPC based on the appearance of Lenara, the full moon queen of Rhea Lucalia Kingdom in Elden's Circle, and asked her to act as a magic lecturer here and transfer her knowledge to her. A small part of the less powerful magic is shared with the NPC Lenara, letting her be responsible for teaching the older students who are about to enter here.

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NPC Lenara expressed understanding.

Evans explained some precautions to the NPC.

Just like that, the closed beta version of this new game is freshly released.

Although it is said to be a game, players who come here will not realize that this is a game world, because this game does not have a player panel, and the environment here is extremely real. When players come here, they will at most think that they have traveled through time.

Now, it's just a matter of bringing new players here.

Evans quit the game and returned home.

He used Resident Phantom + Life Essence to create a real phantom with a collision volume in front of him.

The Phantom didn't use Evans' own image, but instead borrowed Wanda's image.

Evans was multitasking. He sat down and continued to practice. While practicing, he controlled this real phantom to activate the random door and teleported to the Rabbit Country.

Yang Dong is Ye Wenjie's daughter. She is a scientist in theoretical physics and studies mostly cutting-edge things.

In recent days, Yang Dong has been confused and has thoughts of committing suicide.

Yang Dong originally had a basic belief - life and the world may be ugly, but at the micro and macro levels they are harmonious and perfect. The everyday world is just froth floating on this ocean of perfection.

But now it seems that the daily world has become a beautiful appearance, and the micro and macro it contains may be more chaotic and ugly.

This is terrible.

The results of that experiment told her that physics may have never existed.

In fact, she can live without physics. She can choose an industry that has nothing to do with theoretical physics, get married and have children, and live her life peacefully like every woman. But such a life, for someone like her, Maybe he only has half his life left.

In fact, not everyone has the opportunity to pursue their ideals. The vast majority of people in the world actually live a"half-life".

But what really made Yang Dong have suicidal thoughts was another thing.

(The fifth update is here)

(This book has 100 chapters. Please give me your monthly vote, brother, to support me who is working hard on coding. I will definitely give you a better story. Ding).

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