Chapter 129 Awaken! Ten Thousand Winged Angel!!

The state of the pig is obviously extremely bad, and the whole face can almost be described as miserable white!

The side effects of superfinishing, coupled with the abnormal nature of cowbell, the two effects are superimposed, and the pig can survive until now, in fact, it is already very good!

In fact, strictly speaking, there is still the abnormal nature of the sleeping killer on the pig, but the abnormal nature of the sleeping killer is basically not reflected.

After all, the pig does not need to sleep.

If you don’t need to sleep, then naturally there is no problem of mental distress because you can’t sleep.

Like the pig, the three of them also suffer from the abnormal nature of the sleep killer.

But as long as you don’t sleep, you can basically ignore this…

“Either way, I hope we can get to the final level…”

“Come on!”

In front of the door of the containment room, Teacher Ma patted the pig’s shoulder, and then stretched out his hand

The pig grinned, and the first one put his palm up, followed by Sister Zhou and the big horse monkey!

The four looked at each other!

Then shouted in unison: “Come on! ”

Countless water friends in the live broadcast room saw this scene and also sent out ‘come on’, and for a while, the entire live broadcast room was occupied by ‘come on’!

“Okay, I’m going to open the door, let’s check it one last time!” Also,,”

After opening the door, remember not to make a sound!

Teacher Ma held the level 5 key card, and his face unconsciously became extremely solemn!

After the three of them quickly checked the equipment again and made sure everything was ready, they nodded at the same time!

“Let’s go!”

“I’m ready!”


Teacher Ma nodded, and then, gently swiped it with the key card! The metal door opened again…

The scene in the containment room is once again in view!

Huge white wings, curled together, occupied at least half of the room at the moment.

Moreover, because the metal door opened with a little sound, the wings grew a little again.

In addition, the man who had just screamed had died, and the body was thrown on the ground next to the center of the wing.

Both eyes were wide open, covered in blood, and he was dead. Judging by the attire, he seems to be a researcher at a site or something.

I don’t know how I got caught.

The four of Teacher Ma looked at this scene, and their hearts unconsciously became nervous! But several people are not newbies, although they are very nervous in their hearts, they still purse their mouths tightly!

Not making a sound at all!

According to the description in the archives, the Winged Angel does not devour human flesh and blood.

Its food is only ‘sound’.

So although the man’s body was pierced with sharp feathers with many small holes, and blood flowed all over the ground, his body organs were not less.

However, although a whole corpse was left, in a sense, the man fell into the hands of the Ten Thousand Winged Angel, it was better to fall into the hands of small peanuts and other containments.

At least the little peanut kills neatly.

And the Ten Thousand Winged Angel killing is slowly tortured, squeezing out the potential of people to make sounds!

It’s obviously better to die neatly than that kind of torture…


Teacher Ma lip-synced towards the three of them.

The three of them nodded!

Then Teacher Ma took the lead and stepped into the ground of the containment room… The three of them followed!

Their steps are extremely slow, and it basically takes a few seconds to take a step, in order to make as little noise as possible!

The light in the containment room is fairly bright.

After the four people entered the containment room, they were able to see the huge winged tissue next to them very clearly.

The white wings reflect the light slightly.

If it doesn’t kill, then it’s really beautiful, and people feel good when they look at it!

Pity! The four of Teacher Ma in the containment room knew very well that this beautiful wing was simply a demon that ate people without bones!


Teacher Ma lowered his voice and exhaled extremely slowly! He stopped and took a break.

Several people also stopped.

Inevitably a large number of beads of sweat appear on everyone’s forehead.

Nervousness and apprehension are all written on the face!

The four people looked at the Ten Thousand Winged Angel next to them, and then looked at the exit in front of them, and sighed unconsciously in their hearts!

The four of them walked for nearly a minute before they reached the middle of the holding room.

It is still several meters away from the exit of the hole on the opposite side, and Sha said that there is still a few meters away! At this moment, the 10,000-winged angel was curled up not far from the four people.

Densely packed white wings piled together.

It looks like a ball made of feathers.

Many wings stretched not far from the feet of the four people, and the ground was also everywhere.

Four people must be careful, careful, and carefully walked over…

Despite being careful, the four of them were still uneasy in their hearts

Because the file of the Ten Thousand Winged Angel is clearly written that any human who gets too close to or touches the Ten Thousand Winged Angel will be attacked!

Although they were trying their best to avoid touching, they were so close that no one knew if they would attract the attack of the Ten Thousand Winged Angel!

Although the surface of these white wings looks very soft, it seems that there is no harm.

But Mr. Ma and the others were very sure that if they really annoyed the Ten Thousand Winged Angels, then these wings might become indestructible weapons!

After all, the file also said that all the plans of the Foundation to eliminate the Ten Thousand Winged Angels so far have not succeeded!

With just this sentence, you can see how perverted the Ten Thousand Winged Angel is! Time passes slowly.

A little later.

Teacher Ma gently raised his hand and waved! The four of them set off again!

One step, one step, one step… The hole exit on the opposite side was getting closer and closer to several people.

The four people were also getting more and more nervous in their hearts!

And the 10,000-winged angel next to him, the huge white wings, were even floating slightly.

It feels as if the next moment, those wings will flutter

And countless water friends in the live broadcast room are also nervously watching this scene!

Countless people sweated for Teacher Ma! Two minutes passed again.

The four of Teacher Ma finally approached the exit! But near the exit are all concrete wreckage.

If you are not careful, you will make sound.

Teacher Ma’s face was a little ugly, but now, no matter how difficult the road is, they have to go!

Teacher Ma was the first to step on the ruins.

Extremely slow, extremely careful…

But even so, he made an extremely weak sound!

And this faint voice attracted the 10,000-winged angel not far away, and some white wings extended some distance in the direction of several people!

Fortunately, in the end, Teacher Ma still went out without danger and stood in the passage outside.

After going out, Teacher Ma immediately beckoned to the three of them and asked them to come out.

A few people held their breath and concentrated!

One by one, go out.

Fortunately, the whole process was basically smooth.

Sister Zhou, the big horse monkey, all successfully went out!

However, when the pig behind the temple was about to come out, in his field of vision, at the edge of the hole exit, a thin weirdo suddenly appeared!

The strange man stretched out his head, glared, and a pair of huge palms reached out towards the pig!

“I lean!”

Because the weirdo appeared too suddenly, coupled with the special environment at the moment, the sauscal was startled without paying attention and instinctively shouted out!

But, he shouted so!

Immediately caused a chain reaction!

The wing closest to the pig grew rapidly, extending to the feet of the pig almost instantly, and directly wrapped around the pig!

At the same time, all the Yuji in the containment room even moved! All rushing towards the pigs!

On the whole, the curled wings actually have a tendency to open!

Teacher Ma outside the hole was stunned!

And looking at this scene, the first word that popped up in Teacher Ma’s mind was ‘wake up’!

That’s right!

The 10,000-winged angel in front of him, it seems, has awakened!

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