The moment he saw the two corpses, Teacher Ma felt that his scalp was instantly numb!

He actually expected that something would happen, but he never expected that something would happen so suddenly!

You know, those two D-level brothers are just dedicated, industry benchmarks!

But in the blink of an eye, it was gazed!


Teacher Ma subconsciously wanted to swallow spit!

But he hasn’t finished this yet!


He felt a pain in his neck, and the scene in front of him instantly became behind him, and then his body began to go soft…

Everything around began to blur.

Soon, a bloody line of words appeared in front of Teacher Ma:

[Object D-9341, cause of death: fatal cervical vertebral fracture! ] 】

“Groove! I was gazed! ”

Teacher Ma was stunned!

He is back in the dark space before the game starts.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are also very confused:

“???? Why didn’t Teacher Ma do it?! ”

“It seems that the statue did it…”

“Teacher Ma, when you just looked back at the corpse, you didn’t look at the statue, and the statue twisted your neck at that time!”

“Oh my God, this is too scary!”


Teacher Ma looked at the barrage and understood.

It turned out that he was just too surprised, and just looked at the corpses of the two D-class brothers.

Then the statue gazed itself.

Fortunately, the pain system is not high, and although the pain is there, it is acceptable.

Teacher Ma took a deep breath and carefully reviewed the entire game process just now.

Soon, he regained his confidence:

“Students, the reason for this failure is very simple, that is, I was careless!”

“Let’s do it again, this time just remember the characteristics of the statue!”

“I am confident that I will pass the level with one life!”

Most of the water friends in the live broadcast room are also very confident:

“The quality of this game is honestly good, and the statue killing brain hole is really novel, but the setting that it can’t move when stared at means that it shouldn’t be difficult to clear the level!”

“I think as long as you pay attention and make good use of map obstacles and blink intervals, it should be fine!”

“I don’t think it’s that simple, I don’t know what will happen later in the plot of this game…”

“Teacher Ma, open it again, I’m already downloading it here!”


Teacher Ma regained a confident smile.

Discussed a few words with the water friends in the live broadcast room, and then started the game again.

The beginning is still a small room.

This time, Teacher Ma has experience.

He simply glanced at the D-level personnel training sheet on the table, and then sat on the bed and waited for the door to open.

Sure enough, after a while, the door opened.

Two fighters stood in the doorway.

“D-9341! Go out right away, you need to perform a task…”

With the first experience.

Teacher Ma followed the two warriors to the hall of the containment room again.

“Students, we will rush out as soon as the door of the containment room opens, because soon the statue will rush out…”

Teacher Ma said confidently!

In the live broadcast room, all water friends are also waiting for the next content!

Soon, the door of the containment room opened again, and the terrifying and strange statue was once again displayed in front of everyone!

Teacher Ma walked into the containment room unhurriedly.

Without squinting, his eyes stared straight at the statue inside.

After a while, I heard the door behind me suddenly open again!

“Students, it’s now!”

Teacher Ma whispered, turned around and rushed towards the door!

Who knew that as soon as he rushed out, he heard the warning of the soldiers on the high platform:

“D-9341! Stop it now! ”

“First warning!”

“The second time-”

The soldier’s warning was not finished, and suddenly, the entire hall suddenly lost power!

Immediately after that, there were screams in the containment room!

Teacher Ma’s muscles tensed all over, he knew that at this moment, containment-173 was killing people, and he had to leave himself as soon as possible!

Thinking so, Teacher Ma walked towards the hall door in his impression!

But suddenly the power is restored again!

The hall is bright again!

Immediately from the high platform, there was a thumping gunshot!

Teacher Ma looked up and immediately said something in his heart!

I saw containment-173 I don’t know when it has already run to the high platform, and the soldier standing guard is shooting wildly at it!

But in an instant, the containment-173 ran to the soldier, and then the soldier fell to the ground!

Seeing this scene, the water friends in the entire containment room exploded, as if they were themselves at the scene:

“Run! Teacher Ma! ”

“Groove Groove Groove Groove Groove…”

“Run, run, run!!”

“This Nima is also too fast!!”


Teacher Ma’s forehead seemed to be sweating nervously!

But before he could run, the next second, the entire hall went dark again!

Only one extremely weak emergency light is on!

Teacher Ma secretly exclaimed in his heart!

He rushed to the side and hid in the corner next to the metal door!

“Shhh, don’t come here!”

Teacher Ma stared around the corner, praying in his heart that the statue would not come.

A few seconds later, the statue did not come, but the radio in the hall sounded a shrill siren:

[This facility has a number of Keter-class and Euclid-level containment breakthroughs! ] 】

[Started a facility-wide lockdown…].



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