“I know that this kid Chu Xuan is not honest, and it is dangerous for Sister Zhou to follow him, no, it’s fulfilled.”

“Let you call Chu Xuan bull and see how he sells his teammates.”

“I can understand that he abandoned Li Shuaixi, after all, he is a waste, but Sister Zhou should have strength in their eyes, it should be similar to Zheng Zha, how can he abandon it?”

“What does this show, this shows that Chu Xuan is a selfish bastard, as long as he can survive, all the people around him can be sold out.”

“Depend, when I play here, I must kill Chu Xuan first!”

“Leaving Chuxuan in the team is simply a bomb!”

“If it were a real world, with people like him around, it would be difficult to sleep.”

“I don’t know what Overlord and Zero Point think, they would actually choose Zheng Zha instead of Chu Xuan.”

“It’s much more reassuring to follow Zheng Zha.”

Sister Zhou looked at the massive barrage floating in the live broadcast room.

All of the above are saying how insidious Chu Xuan is selling people.

There will be no good fruit to eat with him!

Sister Zhou also became more and more angry the more she looked at it.

“You have to give me an explanation today!”

Zheng Zhao was also looking at Chu Xuan angrily, waiting to hear what he had to say.

Chu Xuan’s cold eyes swept over the people present, and said lightly: “First of all, let me explain first, regarding the alien, I have a calculation error. ”

“We just stepped on the possibility that the other half of the alien would run around.”

“There is also a miscalculation of the head-to-head battle Alien, because in the movie, the Alien has hardly fought head-to-head with human weapons.”

“If it weren’t for Zhou Yi, you showed your strength, we might have lost at least two people.”

Chu Xuan then looked at Sister Zhou.

“Then since you just stepped on the other half of the possibility, the plan that has long been arranged in this possibility can also be implemented.”

“This plan is to test you Zhou Yi.”

“No, why are you testing me!”

Sister Zhou was very angry and quickly rose and fell with A.

“It is to test whether you will go crazy and out of control in the face of extreme danger and mental pressure to the limit.”

“Because you said before that voices appear in your head when you are under stress.”

The overlord took Chu Xuan’s words and said, “Since this situation appears, it also means that there will be the possibility of hallucination and madness, which is not very rare among recruits who go to the battlefield for the first time. ”

Sister Zhou, Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan, and Zhang Jie were all stunned.

The people in the live broadcast room also suddenly realized at this time.

“You said that as long as we can clear the horror movie, we will return to the main god space together.”

“It means that in the next horror film, we will set out together, maybe we will also cooperate.”

“Since there is a possibility of cooperation, it is necessary to eliminate the unstable factors in the team.”

Chu Xuan walked in front of Zero Point and Overlord and faced Zheng Zha and Sister Zhou.

“This plan is also my test for you, proving to us that you will not go crazy and become an unstable factor when your mental pressure is at the limit in extreme situations.”

“Now you have managed to prove yourself, at least not go crazy and become an unstable existence.”

“And your performance is far better than Li Shuaixi.”

“That’s why I said it exceeded my expectations.”

Zheng Zhao grabbed Chu Xuan’s collar and said angrily: “If Zhou Yi can’t pass your test, you will watch her die?” ”

Chu Xuan nodded and did not hide anything.

“If she can’t pass the test, I will have another way to squeeze out her remaining value, just so that we can survive.”


Zheng Zhao just wanted to raise his right fist and hit him.

But just as he was about to raise it, there was a pain in his right arm.

Zhan Lan hurriedly went over and pulled Zheng Zha aside.

Sister Zhou hated it so much, she actually hurt herself because of the excuse at that time!

This is much more serious than the consequences of being deducted points for the topic!

If you hadn’t chosen an attack skill, you would have really died!

“How did you know I would choose to follow you!”

“Because you’re so simple.”

Listening to this, Sister Zhou’s face turned red!

Chu Xuan said: “I have been planning since I knew that your mental pressure conference heard the voice. ”

“At Li Shuaixi’s time, I was injured by the explosion, and the reason why I called you not Zhan Lan was the first test of obedience and trust for you.”

“As a result, you were very submissive and did not have any hesitation.”

“After that, the second test of obedience and trust is to ask you to help me get water, and you don’t hesitate to do it, and then I will say some words of gratitude to bring us closer and make you feel needed.”

“In this way, the basic relationship of trust and obedience has been established without any difficulty.”

“You may not realize it yourself, but your psychology has begun to tilt towards me.”

“Plus you and Zheng Zha have only lived a horror movie, and it can be seen from the behavior between you and them that your relationship is not deep.”

“Then I open my mouth to let you choose who to follow, and you will subconsciously lean towards my side.”

“In this way, the original 50% possibility has become 60%.”

“There were no surprises in the results.”

Listening to Chu Xuan’s analysis.

Sister Zhou was stunned, feeling a little afraid of the man in front of her.

Every step he takes is actually being calculated!

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

“Is this really a game character?”

“Nima will calculate the player?”

“And from the time when Sister Zhou was deducted points, until now, can an NPC capture the player’s psychology so accurately?”

“That’s far beyond what a program can do, right?”

“It won’t be real people inside, will it?”

“Whether he is really true or not, I admire this Chu Xuan’s calculation anyway.”

“Then I estimate that when I want to kill Chu Xuan, I am afraid that I have already fallen into his calculations.”

“It is estimated that as soon as you started killing thoughts, you were thrown to feed the alien.”

“I feel like I’m even more confused!”

“My family Xiaoxuan is so smart!”

“Hehe, the wisdom of mortals is too small.”

“Hahaha, Sister Zhou was said to be simple, listening to Chu Xuan’s scheme, I feel that I have a chance to trick Sister Zhou into going home with me.”

“Brother, I bought the ticket while you were still talking.”

And this time.

Other anchors are also watching Sister Zhou’s live broadcast room.

So far, only Sister Zhou’s progress has been the farthest.

They come and copy their homework.

But when they also saw the scene of Chu Xuan’s layout, they were also taken aback.

There was a look of disbelief on his face.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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