Chapter 73 Zheng Zha’s Change, Chu Xuan’s Last Words!!

“Impossible! When pigs fly! ”

“Chu Xuan is a sinister villain, how can he even calculate himself.”

“You also deserve to be a psychology student?”

“It’s not from which point you can tell that Chu Xuan will calculate himself, can he be so great?”

“I thought with my toes, Chu this person will not be so great.”

“I saw through him from the moment he appeared, you were right at the beginning, but then you said that he was going to sacrifice himself to create benefits for Zheng Bar? Why don’t I believe it? ”

“Believe it or not, I don’t believe it anyway.”

“Believe it or not, my family Chu Xuan is so great!”

“I believe it anyway.”

“Sister Zhou, hurry up and save my family Chu Xuan, the voice in the contact just now must have encountered a curse!”

Sister Zhou looked at the vast barrage, and she didn’t believe that Chu Xuan would choose to perch herself.

But judging from the last voice in the communicator, at least one thing is certain.

Chu Xuan may have really encountered a ghost!

Sister Zhou looked at Zheng Zhao and said, “Chu Xuan may be in trouble, are we going to help him?” ”

Zheng Zha shook his head: “We don’t know where Chu Xuan is now, the contact is still interrupted, and we can’t contact it now.” ”

“However, with Chu Xuan’s ability, he will definitely be able to turn the danger into a disaster, and he can do it.”

“It’s just that what he said seven stands for…”

Sister Zhou thought about it, and now she didn’t even know where Chu Xuan was.

Since Zheng Zhao was also so relieved about Chu Xuan, there was no need to say anything.

Fast forward 563 to daylight.

When there were many people at noon, a few of them secretly left here.

On the way, Zheng Zha said to Sister Zhou, Zhang Jie, and Zhao Yingkong: “Say whatever you want when we return to the hotel.” ”

“That way you don’t get noticed. Sister Zhou and several people nodded. ”

Zheng Zhao said as he walked: “Regarding Chu Xuan’s words, I thought about it all night. ”

“I think I may have fallen into a misunderstanding.”

“Maybe it’s because of arrogance, or maybe it’s overwhelmed by Chu Xuan’s momentum.”

“So much so that it made me forget that my original purpose was to live.”

“We are all here to survive!”

“Zhang Jie, do you remember what I said to you in the last horror movie?”

“I said I would do my best to protect my companions, I would believe and help them, but that’s how I got into a misunderstanding.”

“That’s what kind of person can be my partner. Zhang Jie looked at Zheng Ton calmly, and Duan You spoke. Zheng Zhao continued. ”

“For those who can drag down and betray us at any time, they are simply not qualified to be our companions.”

“And I included them in the range of companions.”

“Now that I know, I’ll start to change.”

“Only those who pass the test of all of us are qualified to be our companions.”

“As for ordinary people, we will give them some help, such as weapons and confession, but that’s about it.”

“Their life or death is not an excuse to drag down our team.”

“When necessary, I will abandon ordinary people who are not on the team for the sake of the team.”

“This Chu Xuan is right, the world is cruel.”

Zheng Zha’s words made most of the people in the live broadcast room satisfied…

As early as when so many newcomers appeared, they all had a little burden in this regard.

They took a taxi back to the hotel.

Trying to avoid the crowd, he returned to Zheng Zha’s room on the tenth floor.

It wasn’t until they returned to the room that Sister Zhou and the others relaxed.

In the room, Zhang Jie, Sister Zhou, Zhan Lan, Zero Point, Zhao Yingkong, and Qi Tengyi, who had his head bandaged, all looked at Zheng Bar together.

Zheng Zha looked at them and told everyone what he had been thinking about all night.

First of all, he took the mistake of these things on himself and told everyone.

And said the change he was going to make.

After that, only the team will be responsible, and those new people can help, but never at the cost of the team’s safety.

Also, if a newcomer wants to join the team, in addition to strength and personality, half of the team members must agree.

The others were stunned and looked at Zheng Zha.

Only Zhang Jie jumped up and said: “Zheng, in fact, you don’t have to blame yourself, a few of us were not careless at that time. ”

Sister Zhou also stood up and said, “Zhang Jie is right. ”

“I didn’t even see that Lu Renjia and Jun Zhong were so frustrated!”

“This responsibility should not be borne by you alone.”

“Actually, Zheng Zha is right.”

So many things happened, Zhao Loukong’s face was still so cold.

“As a team leader, you don’t need to be smart and powerful, what you need is accurate judgment and play to everyone’s strength.”

“You have the potential to unite people, but you’re not fully realizing it at the moment.”

“As for those newcomers, they must all be regarded as enemies before joining us.”

Zheng Zhao looked at Zhao Yingkong and smiled.

“Okay, then the blame ends here.”

“Zhan Lan, you are the person with the strongest thinking ability besides Chu Xuan.”

“What do you think the Lord God made us experience all kinds of horror movies?”

Suddenly getting this honor made Zhan Lan’s face slightly red, and she became a little shy.

She forcibly calmed down and said, “I don’t think it should be for us to experience death and terror.” ”

“If you add Chu Xuan’s reasoning before, I think the Lord God is for us to evolve.”

“Pushing the limits on the edge of life and death, evolving and unlocking genetic locks.”

“If Chu Xuan’s inference is correct, the only answer I have in mind is this one. Sister Zhou thought, isn’t it the same as now. ”

It’s just to get stronger.

Zheng Zha agreed with Zhan Lan’s statement.

“Yes, I think so too.”

“Every horror movie has a way to crack it, and enemies to defeat.”

“The Lord God will not really put us in a desperate situation.”

“The Buddhist scriptures may be one way to restrain grievances.”

“But why should we be afraid of cursing?”

When this question was asked, everyone was stunned.

Sister Zhou panicked and said, “That’s a ghost!” I’m most afraid of ghosts! ”

“You don’t know, at night I feel that there are ghosts everywhere, and I dare not sleep!”

Zheng Zhao laughed and said, “Actually, we don’t have to worry, don’t forget that we are not characters in the movie.” ”

“We just need to think of ghosts as invisible aliens.”

“Although it will sneak up on us at any time, it is not invincible.”

“As long as we face it bravely, if we have a spirit bullet, it is not impossible to kill the grudge!”

Zheng Zha’s words infected everyone, except Sister Zhou.

“Zhou Yi, are you still afraid?”

Zheng Zhao looked at her with concern.

Sister Zhou nodded, “I can’t convert what you said.” ”

“The main thing is that the alien is also terrifying!”

This made Zhang Jie laugh.

“What a laugh!”

“I’m already timid, can’t I!”

Zheng Zhao put his hands on Sister Zhou’s shoulders.

“Zhou Yi, we have come all the way, and everyone can see your strength.”

“Didn’t you say you were a game streamer? Then you can think of those ghosts as slimes, barrel monsters and the like. ”

“Then you still have the art of the Hao Fireball, and the Sharingan to prevent, and the three means of spirit bullets to deal with ghosts, and you are no longer an ordinary person who used to have no power of chickens.”

Zhan Lan came to Sister Zhou’s side to comfort and said, “Your strength is so much stronger than mine now, don’t worry so much.” ”

“Then I’ll try.”

Sister Zhou looked at their gaze and sighed, how could she suddenly feel that her shoulders were a little heavy.

Zheng Zha looked at the group and said, “Now we have to verify two points, one is whether the spirit bullet is really effective against ghosts. ”

“Second, it is to let Zhou Yi test whether her Hao Fireball Technique can harm ghosts.”

“Her Hao Fireball Technique is very powerful, I, Zhang Jie, and Zhan Lan have already seen it in the last copy.”

“If the non-physical fire attribute energy skill of Hao Fireball can harm ghosts, then for us, it is another guarantee.”

After Zheng Zha finished speaking, he was preparing to assign tasks.

Suddenly, the communicator on his waist rang.

Zheng Zhao quickly opened it, and Chu Xuan’s voice came from inside.

“I’m Chu Xuan.”

“If you hear this, I’m dead.”

“This will come out twelve hours after I die.”

“As a final message, thank you for meeting everyone.”

Just listened to the beginning, Zheng Zha, Zhang Jie, Zhan Lan, Zero Point, and Sister Zhou who were present were all very shocked.

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled!

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