Chapter 90 Unlock Chu Xuan’s Hidden Fragment!!

The words are not finished.

Chu Xuan had already jumped out of the window and also landed on the chest of the huge ghost.

He looked at Zheng Zha’s position and rushed over.

Block the attacking ghosts behind him for him.

“Chu Xuan! You! ”

Zheng Zhao turned his head in surprise.

A faint smile rarely appeared on Chu Xuan’s pale face.

“Remember the information I asked you to bring back? I owe you once, and now I can finally pay it back to you. ”

“If you can meet again, I hope you have become a real captain.”

“Remember, you are not a savior, you do not live to save them, but you need their strength to survive, do not reverse the order.”

“There is nothing right or wrong in this world, isn’t what you want to live well?”

“So smash all obstacles that prevent you from living!”

“Finally… Thank you, it turns out that it is not so difficult to thank others. ”

After Chu Xuan said this, he looked up at the stars in the sky with his last strength, he had been absorbed by the ghost, and finally fell weakly.


Teacher Ma looked at this scene and couldn’t help shouting.

Obviously it’s almost there!

Almost Chu Xuan can live! Why didn’t you hold on!

Zheng Zhao poured all the blood energy into Jia Coconut’s body, and Jia Coconut became smaller and smaller.

“Zero point, it’s now!”

With a loud bang, the bullet entered Zheng Zha’s arm. The chest of the huge ghost was struck into a hollow.

Everything is settled.

After the giant ghost is defeated, the other ghosts on the ground also disappear.

Teacher Ma stood behind the window and couldn’t stop sighing.

With so much effort, it still failed to stop it.


A prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

[Congratulations to the player for unlocking Chu Xuan’s hidden clip, do you want to watch it?] 】

The live broadcast room was originally very disappointed, but seeing that Chu Xuan’s hidden fragment was actually unlocked, he immediately became excited again.

They all urged Teacher Ma to hurry in.

Teacher Ma click to watch.

I saw a CG animation appear in front of me.

In what looked like a laboratory, in a transparent glass container with a small freshly formed baby floating in it.

And around the terrarium stood how people in research suits were discussing fiercely.

“The only surviving body, President Chu, we succeeded! Ten years! It took a whole decade to have such a living body! ”

“Yes, the above has long been impatient, tens of billions in ten years… But it was also a success. ”

“From the beginning, with research institute-level knowledge, unparalleled wisdom, a strong body, never tired and a weak mind, and will not be defeated by any disease, such a person is simply superhuman…”

The researchers excitedly discussed the only successful project that had taken ten years of hard work and tens of billions of dollars.

Only the gray-haired old man at the head did not say anything, just looked at the little life in the glass container tenderly, and printed his palm on the glass container.

The little life seemed to have an intuition, and he tried to reach out his little hand to touch the palm, but after all, it was only just taking shape.

The old man looked very cute when he saw the little life squirming non-stop, and couldn’t help laughing.

“This little baby should be Chu Xuan, right?”

“No, I thought his childhood was miserable, but I didn’t expect it to be created in the research room?”

Then the screen turns.

In the cold base, a little boy flipped the Rubik’s Cube in his hand expressionlessly.

Tens of seconds later, the entire Rubik’s Cube was turned back to its original form.

The little boy threw the cube on the ground and played the puzzle with an expressionless face.

A huge masonry of about one meter gradually took shape in his hand, and there was not a single mistake in the middle, and it was put together smoothly and at one time.

Behind a glass window not far from the boy, more than a dozen researchers were observing him.

“It seems that the intelligence is very high, and the memory is also very strong, not so much that it is a human brain, it is better to…”

“It’s more of a computer, right? And this child has never smiled, and the cold expression looks creepy. ”

“He has no smile, not even pain, touch, smell, taste, and even because of the excessive emphasis on the toughness of the mind when the genome is modified, he actually does not have some chemical secretion system that a normal person should have.”

“In other words, he will not have troubles, because every secretion in the body will not have pain and happiness, no fear and fear.”

“Is such a genetically modified person who doesn’t even have the desire to survive really the superhuman we expect?”

“Maybe he only thinks about how to die now.”

“Okay, shut up!”

Behind the glass window, the white-haired old man at the head stopped these words, and none of these people dared to look up at him.

The old man pushed open the small door next to him and silently came to the little boy.

The little boy just glanced at him faintly, and then looked at the decryption lock in his hand.

“Chu Xuan, do you want to see the stars?”

“…… Star? ”

“Yes, something that you can only see outside the base, although you have knowledge about the stars, but that kind of thing can not be described by knowledge, you must see it with your own eyes to understand its beauty.”

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to the stars.”

Under the starry sky, an old man led a little boy to talk while walking under the starry sky.

It’s just that the little boy’s expression is still indifferent.

They lay on the grass, looking at the stars in the sky.

The old man suddenly fell silent, and after a long time he continued: “Sorry, it’s my fault, I originally thought that a person who knew everything from birth, had no pain, and had a tough heart would be a brand new super human, but…”

“Although ordinary people can make many mistakes, they know how to constantly correct, know how to adapt to the world, and know how to make themselves better.”

“Although it is indeed very weak at the beginning and does make all kinds of mistakes, as long as there is still a desire to improve, this progress is endless…”

“I was wrong, depriving you of all desires, so that you don’t even have a reason to live, I was wrong…”

The white-haired old man cried with the little boy, and the little boy reached out and touched the old man’s tears, and his eyes seemed to be a little moist, but where the tears could not flow helplessly.

When the people in the live broadcast room saw this, their eyes were moist.

It turned out that this was the case, Chu Xuan was created, without any desire, not even the desire to live.

Teacher Ma looked at this picture and sighed and shook his head: “Chu Xuan, maybe he has not found the meaning of his life, unlike us ordinary people who live for various reasons.” ”

Then, the picture changes again.

This time, Chu Xuan has grown up and is thinking about the four unsolved problems of mathematics.

And the gray-haired old man back then, now he was already gray-haired lying on the hospital bed, silently looking at Chu Xuan, who was sitting next to him with an expressionless face.

The old man struggled to open his mouth and speak: “Chu Xuan, do you still hate me?” ”

“Why hate you? Chu Xuan replied lightly. ”

The old man smiled bitterly and said: “Yes, why hate me, if you really hate me, maybe I can still leave with peace of mind.” ”

Chu Xuan opened his mouth, and finally said indifferently: “They said that you are going to die, already… Can’t get it back? ”

The old man shook his head slightly: “With the current technology, it is already a blessing that I can still talk to you.” ”

“Chu Xuan, don’t follow us, vainly trying to use technology to change human nature, mortal wisdom, will only be full of resentment about life, but who knows?”

“Our shortcomings, our desires, our various shortcomings, in fact, this is the treasure left to us by God.”

“Chu Xuan, I’m sorry, if I can come again, I hope to give you a real childhood, an ordinary life…”

Chu Xuan’s eyes darkened slightly, and said, “Is it? You’re dying… When to die? ”

The old man suddenly propped up his body and stared at Chu Xuan tightly with a pair of big eyes.

“You’ve wanted to die a long time ago, haven’t you? Do you kill yourself now when I die? Or looking for a way for someone else to kill you? No…”

“Chu Xuan, I still have a lot of technology that has not been developed, such as stable hydrogen polymerization reactors, such as Gaussian ultra-long-range running, such as high-efficiency batteries… Chu Xuan, you research all these things instead of me, promise me, you must not die until you get these technologies in the group, promise me!” ”

Chu Xuan silently looked at the old man, knowing that the old man’s household registration was gradually getting urgent, so he nodded.

As if he had received a response, the persistence in his heart finally had sustenance, and the old man grabbed his hand and began to slowly slide down.

“Son, since you have no desire, then live with my desire, let me bind you one last time, no matter what…”

The picture gradually turns black.

[Chu Xuan’s hidden clip has finished playing. ] 】

After the prompt disappears, the screen changes back to the hotel in front of you.

After watching it, Teacher Ma and the people in the live broadcast room shook their heads and regretted.

Now they finally knew why Chu Xuan wanted to die.

It seems that it is related to the technology that Zheng Zha brought back to the real world last time.

After fulfilling his father’s last wish, he had no reason to live…

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