I Develop Monster Hunter And Play Crazy Players All Over The World

24 Sand Dragon Of The Sand Plain! The First Time I Came Into Contact With The Ferocious Beast Dragon

at the same time.

Shen Fei sat quietly in front of the computer screen.

The eyes looked at the time in the lower right corner from time to time.

Half an hour has passed since the official release of Monster Hunter at 20:00.

It is 20:30 now.

There was no message on the phone yet.


"It's been half an hour. Could it be that a set of the game body hasn't been sold yet?"


And in the next second.

The phone rang like a virus, "jingling, dingling" crazily.

Countless text messages flooded into the phone crazily.

At one point, the phone froze up.

In an instant, countless incoming messages were displayed.

Shen Fei couldn't see it at all.

It turns out that there may have been too many releases in an instant just now, which caused delays and lag.

It took more than ten minutes for the SMS money to arrive in the account before it slowly subsided.

Shen Fei did a rough calculation, and it was more than 40 million.

Calculated according to the price of a set of game body 499, it is directly more than 100,000 sets...

Excluding the fees charged by the vagrant platform, Shen Fei earned more than 45 million in just ten minutes!

Seeing this spectacular scene, Shen Fei couldn't help scratching his head.


"It's hotter than I expected..."

More than 2 million platform authorization fees and more than 40 million sales.

Isn't it a matter of minutes to get hundreds of millions in this wave?

The system father is really awesome!

The key is that the sales volume of the game body is still growing upwards.


It's too scary!

There was a surge in Shen Fei's heart.

It seems that from now on, he is about to reach the pinnacle of his life!

And at this moment, in the homeless live broadcast room.

Li Xinyi had already returned to Jieyun Village, which she had been looking forward to for a long time.

Standing again at the peaceful village entrance of Jieyun Village, I felt a sense of pride and ambition.

One is that I have successfully taken a solid step in becoming an excellent hunter in the game world.

The second is to be proud and proud of my husband.

This game is bound to push her into the ranks of super popular anchors.

Let her directly experience what it means to be a super popular star anchor.

He closed his eyes and raised his head, taking a deep breath.

Then he looked at the bright sunshine in the sky of Jieyun Village.

Listen to the melodious sound of the flute.

In the exploration of the future game world, she is now the number one person in the world.

In the world of Monster Hunter, so far, no one is more powerful than her.

Seeing that the number of online viewers on the public screen has exceeded the 500,000 mark, approaching 600,000.

The superstar anchor with millions of fans is not far away.

And even many anchors gave up their live broadcast at this moment, and rushed to watch her live broadcast immediately.

Dai Xiaomei is of course among them.

Dai Xiaomei: "Tuantuan, come on, take us to continue our adventure and exploration!"

"Tuanmei is ready this time. After all, I will see a two-star monster soon. I don't know how much stronger it is than the dog dragon and the green bear beast."

"We are all looking forward to it? We want to see how powerful those two-star monsters are."

"Mainly we want to see if you will be abused (dog head)"

"Come on, Tuanmei, remember that you are now a very experienced hunter, let's get ready to go!"

Li Xinyi smiled at Gongping.

"Don't worry, everyone, I have a little experience now."

"At least for the time being, no player has achieved more than me, hehe!"

"So everyone just look at mine!"

Although Li Xinyi is very confident.

But the preparations to be done still can't be sloppy in the slightest.

The first time she came to the blacksmith shop of the old blacksmith.

Wearing a dog dragon king suit, she looked very handsome at the moment.

"Wow! Tuanmei is so cool!"

"It's just a bit of a dog! (laughing)"

"At least this time, if you accidentally get attacked by a monster, you won't die immediately!"

"But I can get three hits (dog head)"

Li Xinyi just came to the blacksmith shop, and the old blacksmith had a warm smile.

"Haha, you are back, everyone is waiting for you!"

Li Xinyi also greeted the old man with a smile, and then took off the ancient knot cloud crossbow on her back.

"Old man, last time I remembered you said that you could modify my light crossbow."

The old man nodded.

"Of course, let me see if you have enough materials first!"

After speaking, I checked the materials brought by Li Xinyi one by one.

"Yeah! Not bad! Iron ore, wood with cloud..."

"All right, wait for me for a few minutes, you can be busy with other things, come back to me in a few minutes."

"Next, you may go to the sandy plains. That place is no better than the deep forest stream."

"The climate in the sand plain is very strange. It is very hot during the day, but at night, it can freeze you into a popsicle!"

Li Xinyi was also very surprised when she heard the old man's words.


so real?

The water friends who watched the live broadcast were also full of emotion.

"It's a real hammer! The official version is undoubtedly a masterpiece!"

"Real climate environment, real powerful ecology, real alternation of day and night, wow! What more can I say?"

Li Xinyi hurriedly asked the old man.

"Excuse me, how should I deal with this situation, old man?"

The old man replied.

"Go to Xiaomei's tool store and have a look."

"There's what you need there."

"Oh! By the way, your ancient knot cloud crossbow has become a knot cloud crossbow through this upgrade. It can be loaded with level 2 ordinary bullets and level 1 piercing bullets. Don't forget to replenish the ammunition!"

"Thank you, old man!"

Li Xinyi thanked the old man, and then rushed to Xiaomei's grocery store.

Xiaomei was also very happy to see Li Xinyi.

"Haha, sister, you are back again!"

"Just tell me what you need."

Li Xinyi hurriedly told about the situation in Shayuan.

Xiaomei said with a smile.

"It's simple, just look at this."

After speaking, he took out a can of cold and delicious drink from the ice pack beside him.

Then he took out a can of red steaming drink on the other side.

"Here's to cold and hot drinks, exactly what's needed, and they'll help you beat the heat and cold with the extremes around you!"

"However, there is a time limit for the effect to last, so pay attention to replenishing it at any time when the effect ends!"

Li Xinyi sighed.

"Oh my god, the details are so good, there are even cold and hot drinks!"

Xiaomei nodded.

"Of course, you can also collect materials for making on the road, you can find frost grass for cold drinks and chili for hot drinks!"

Li Xinyi hurriedly thanked Xiaomei.

"Thank you, I made a note!"

"Next, I have to replenish the ammunition."

Xiaomei immediately brought up a wooden box.

There is a box of ammunition in it.

"This is a level 1 ordinary bullet and a level 2 ordinary bullet for light crossbows. This is a level 1 piercing bullet. Please choose whatever you want and fill it until you can't fit it."

Li Xinyi, a level 1 common player, must have known it.

This is the first time she has seen a level 2 common bomb.

Ordinary shells are a round ball as a whole.

The level 2 ordinary bombs are more than a circle larger than the level 1 bullets as a whole.

The penetrating bullet looks like a pointed ammunition, and the size of one bullet is not small.

Li Xinyi visually judged that she couldn't hold too many penetrating bombs.

In the end, she bought a lot of trap tools for use in capture.

In the virtual menu panel, she used the lightning bugs collected last time, ivy leaves and spider webs to synthesize paralysis traps and pit traps.

To be on the safe side, she was going to bring both.

After preparing everything, she bid farewell to Xiaomei and returned to the old blacksmith.

"Come back! Look!"

The old blacksmith smiled and handed over the modified Jieyun Crossbow.

Li Xinyi took it and weighed it in her hands.

Indeed, the weight is much heavier than before, but it seems to be a circle bigger.

Gently stroking the knot cloud crossbow with his hand, the entire crossbow body became smoother.

The grip area in the hand is larger, which increases the hunter's grip for firing harder ammunition.

Tut tut! This detail is simply not too awesome!

"Go girl, this is how you become stronger step by step."

"After you start to get in touch with three-star monsters, the materials of three-star monsters will be very powerful."

"I'll build it for you when the time comes!"

Li Xinyi put on the light crossbow again and bid farewell to the old man.

Wearing the dog dragon king suit, it can be said that it is completely new from head to toe.

Full of confidence now, she came to the village chief.

When the village chief saw Li Xinyi's return, he laughed.

"You are back, I have been waiting for you."

"Traces of the earth sand dragon were found on the side of the sand plain, which seriously hindered the transportation of our village to the outside world."

"During your absence, all the hunters sent to hunt down failed. It seems that you must complete this tricky task."

"But even if you are as powerful as you are, you have to be careful. The earth sand dragon should be the first beast dragon monster you have come into contact with."

"That was ferocious."

"Anyway, be careful, I'll leave this to you!"

The village chief opened the mission register as he spoke.

"Hunting an earth sand dragon in the sand plain, the reward is 5000z!"

Li Xinyi saw that the reward was so generous.

Last time I built a dog dragon king suit, and I bought so many tools and ammunition just now.

Another weapon upgrade.

The rewards I received before have almost bottomed out.

Although the reward is good this time, it must be a difficult commission.

Don't be careless!

Li Xinyi said to herself.

Then, she took the Coke and walked towards the other side of the village.

According to the village chief, this trip is not close.

Sand Plain is more than 100 kilometers west of Jieyun Village.

Li Xinyi and Coke jumped into the Marutori car.

It seems that this trip is not a close trip...

ps: The data has not been moved for a day, and the little author is eager for the tickets and flowers of the tyrants! ! Kneel and beg for a wave, and immediately raise your head! !

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