Li Xinyi changed into the game live broadcast clothes.

A tight jumpsuit.

Outline her graceful figure.

Her anchor ID is called "Smiling Xiaotuantuan".

Soon, she lay down in the game cabin, turned on the live broadcast device and connected, and her picture appeared in the live broadcast room.

The largest gaming platform in Xia Kingdom is naturally "Vagabond".

In addition to any recent game masterpiece information.

The hottest section is the game live broadcast section.

In the study, Shen Fei also turned on Homeless on the computer to watch his wife live broadcast his game this time.

"Hello, players!"

Li Xinyi smiled and greeted the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Wow! Tuantuan is here!"

"Strive for Pentakill today!"

"It's a pity yesterday, it was only one step away, almost turning the tables!"

"Xiao Tuantuan's skills are still lacking!"

"So what, even if Xiao Tuantuan's skills are poor, I still love to watch her play games!"

"That's right, that's right, Xiao Tuantuan's skills are pretty good, isn't it? It's much better than some people who have a lot of krypton gold and still can't get up in the rankings!"

"Anyway, Xiao Tuantuan is still a professional."

"Xiao Tuantuan, which picture to play today?"

Good guy, this live broadcast has just started, and the popularity is soaring.

In the blink of an eye, it has more than 100,000 popularity.

Seeing a player asking a question, Li Xinyi smiled slightly.

"Today we don't play CF, nor LOL!"

As soon as these words came out, all the water friends in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.



"If you don't play CF or LOL, what should you play?"

"Apart from these two games, what else is there to do?"

"What is Xiaotuantuan doing?"

Facing the questions from many water players, Li Xinyi continued to smile.

"Today, let's play an adventure action game that hasn't been released yet!"

"what? What?"

"Action-adventure game?"

"Not yet on the market? Is it the kind of text adventure survival?"

"It sounds so boring."

"No, Tuantuan, just play normally!"

In fact, Li Xinyi has been an anchor for the past few years.

Either CF or LOL, she was about to throw up.

But in order to make money, even if you are bored, you have to keep playing.

But this time I changed the game, and it was made by my husband.

She looked forward to it even more.

"Everyone! Listen to me, trust Xiao Tuantuan, when has Xiao Tuantuan ever lied to you? This game is really fun!"

She has confidence in her husband.

"Okay! Let's watch what Xiaotuantuan broadcasts!"

"What's the name of the game?"

"Hope it's fun!"

Li Xinyi introduced.

"The name of the game is "Monster Hunter". It is only a trial version and has not been released yet. It is an adventure game that uses hunting and real-time combat."

After listening to Li Xinyi's introduction, barrages filled the screen.

"Action-adventure games don't seem to be interesting."

"I'm going, action-adventure games are really not fun. I heard that Goose Factory seems to be developing an adventure game recently, but I'm not looking forward to it."

"A goose factory? You can't even look forward to it, the key is that you can't afford it."

"Yeah, this kind of adventure game from Goose Factory can't be played without spending money."

"Speaking of which, Tuanmei must be a boring game with text and stickers. Tuanmei really wants to broadcast this thing?"

"Stop arguing, let's take a look before talking!"

As soon as the water friend's words came out, the barrage fell silent.

"Yeah, Tuanmei took the risk of losing traffic to promote this game, why don't we give Tuanmei a chance?"

"That's right, sister Tuan, don't bother, just broadcast it for us to watch!"

The studio fell silent.

In fact, Li Xinyi is of course the first time to open this game made by her husband.

I also have no idea.

But she has always believed that her husband is the best.

Will not let her down.

With a light breath, she pressed the button to start the game.

Suddenly, the world spun around for a while.

The screen in the live broadcast room also automatically switched to the scene after entering the game.

The screen suddenly went dark at first, and it was pitch black.

There is a full minute.

"What? Why is it so dark!"

"It can't be a game card bug!"

"Let me just say, this kind of game from an unknown studio has a lot of problems, and it's boring..."

"This is embarrassing!"

"Is Xiao Tuantuan okay? What's going on?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room flew up.

Doubts abound.

Li Xinyi was also nervous for a while.

"Is there really a bug in my husband's game?"

Just when she had doubts in her mind, the picture in front of her suddenly lit up.

That's a line of subtitles.

"Monster Hunter, Shen Fei Game Studio"

Shuiyou players saw the name of the development studio.

"I've never heard of this kind of studio."

"Sure enough, it's a small and unknown development team."

"Is this Shen Fei a person's name? It must have something to do with Tuanmei, otherwise Tuanmei wouldn't be so concerned."

"I hope it won't disappoint you!"

In the picture, the subtitles disappeared and the screen lit up.

Suddenly, a majestic mountain scenery unfolded in front of everyone like a scroll.

The sun shines through, and under the light, the subtitles of Shen Fei's studio are played again.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, a picture of great natural ecology.

The mountains and rivers are so magnificent in front of Li Xinyi.


Li Xinyi seemed to be standing on a peak at this moment, overlooking this magnificent mountain and river.

"This scenery is so beautiful!"

"Mist Grass! This very good!"

"I admit it scares me, I'm really looking forward to seeing what it's like to be in the game now."

"As far as this screen is concerned, it has killed more than 90% of the games on the market in seconds."

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded crazily.

At this moment, Li Xinyi was completely shocked by the picture of mountains and rivers in front of her, speechless.

In this world, most players are already used to text and texture games.

Even if a so-called "masterpiece" pops up occasionally, it is just a tree like a piece of paper, and the other materials in the picture are even less flattering.

So as soon as such a picture came out, all the players and water friends in the live broadcast room were completely shocked.

Li Xinyi was also extremely shocked at this moment, and the image of her husband kept appearing in her heart.

This... is this really the game my husband just developed?

At this time, the picture of mountains and rivers is pulled in.

The stream is gurgling, the waterfall is flowing, and a large string of grilled meat that is sizzling with oil appears in the picture.

It seems that the rich aroma of barbecue can be smelled through the screen.

An unknown creature flapped its wings in the sky.

A man with a one-meter-long tatami behind his back was sitting on a small wooden stool, turning over barbecued meat.

Hearing the movement in the air, he lifted the hat above his head and looked up at the sky.

Players and friends in the live broadcast room all speculated.

"Wow, is this man a hunter?"

"Isn't the name of the game Monster Hunter? This person must be a hunter."

"Is this to hunt monsters? What kind of monsters."

"This hunter is so handsome!"

As the players discussed, the screen continued.

The picture fell not far from the hunter, and I saw a cat standing there, looking around. The orange cat has cute eyes and is very lively, as if looking for something in the grass.

"Oh my God!"

When Li Xinyi saw this cat, her face turned bloody.

"What a cute kitty!"

"Is this cat the hunter's companion?"

Suddenly, the cat seemed to see a beehive on a tree not far away.

Immediately ran over happily, ready to find a way to collect.

Just when the cat was about to make a move, suddenly, the sound of rumbling footsteps appeared in front of it.

In the picture, a creature resembling a big bear, with shaggy blue fur, opened its mouth wide, with its long tongue sticking out and dripping saliva, and let out a thunderous growl at the cat.


This roar was shown through the world's most advanced game equipment, and the effect was too shocking.

Li Xinyi almost fainted from the fright.

Countless water players were also taken aback.

"Mist grass! Is this a big bear?"

"No way, the bear has such long fangs? And such a long tongue?"

"Hiss~ This thing is very oppressive, is this a monster? It looks so fierce."

"Will this thing work with a knife?"

"Isn't it just to hunt it?",

"Damn! I was watching the live broadcast with my dog ​​in my arms, and when I roared, my dog ​​went straight under the bed..."

With a burst of intense and tense percussion sounded.

The furbolg in the picture spread its four paws directly towards the cat and chased after it.

The barbeque hunter just kicked the wooden bench aside, and pulled out the one-meter-long Taidao from behind.

The cold light of the knife light dazzled people.

The furbolg rushed to the hunter's side and roared again, standing up straight.

In such a comparison, the height of the furbolg was much taller than the hunter in front of him.

Two sharp claws that were half a meter long directly grabbed the hunter.

The hunter blocked a blow with a knife, but was staggered and nearly fell to the ground by the opponent's huge force.

In a hurry, a wooden barrel suddenly flew out from the side.

The wooden barrel hit the strange bear impartially.


The wooden barrel exploded, knocking the strange bear to the ground.

This time the strange bear lost its temper and rushed towards the hunter with a more ferocious growl.

When the screen turned, another cat was seen carrying bamboo shoots in a forest.

A beautiful huntress at the side seemed to hear the movement not far away.

The previous male hunter seemed to be losing to the strange bear gradually, he was beaten back again and again, and even his bamboo hat was scratched.

The huntress who rushed over also immediately joined the battle circle, and a ballista bomb hit the strange bear firmly.

Afterwards, the cat beside him also ran extremely fast, holding a trap with golden electric sparks in its two paws and placing it on the ground.

The moment the strange bear swung its claws, it happened to step on the trap, and was immediately shocked by the electric shock.

The huntress raised the heavy crossbow in her hand and blasted out two shots in a row.

Immediately, white smoke swirled around the strange bear, and such a huge monster collapsed and fell to the ground motionless.

Then the picture changed, it was night, and a village built by the mountains was very lively.

Clusters of wooden buildings are full of smoke and wine.

Drinking, food, hot springs.

A lively and prosperous scene.

The scene turned again to the wilderness, where the two hunters who captured the strange bear just now were transporting the fainted strange bear back to the village with a wooden cart.

Suddenly, a piece of golden-yellow firefly-like thing fluttered in the air.

A cat seemed to be electrified by the golden thing after touching it.

And in the depths of the forest, a larger black shadow, an unknown monster covered in golden lightning, was approaching the hunter step by step.

Sensing the danger, the female hunter took down the heavy crossbow and took aim, while the male hunter looked at the huge monster rushing and swung the sword.

Tai Dao's sword light quickly formed a line of characters.

"Welcome to Monster Hunter World!"

Originally, this tense sense of oppression was making all players and water friends breathless.

It wasn't until I saw this line of subtitles that I realized that this was just the opening animation.

"Fuck! It's so exciting!"

"Intense, let's not talk about the game, I don't know how many blockbuster movies have been killed in seconds just by this opening scene!"

"Great praise, it makes my blood boil, I want to watch the game right now, immediately! Immediately!"

"Let's not talk about the game, just how many games can do this opening screen!"

Li Xinyi also looked completely fallen.

The worries about the game just now have long since dissipated.

Now she is full of confidence, and said to the players on the public screen in the game screen.

"Haha! Everyone, how are you? Do you want to see the content in the game?"

Countless players broke their defenses immediately.

"Tuanmei, you are too bad, so don't tease us."

"Tuanmei, we are your loyal fans, so be careful and send the blade if you want to sell it!"

"If I don't enter the game again, my big rocket gift will be gone!"

"Haha, sister Tuan, did you hear that? My gift is also ready, it's up to you."

Li Xinyi laughed.

"Okay, everyone, don't tease you, now I will start to enter the game."

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