I Develop Monster Hunter And Play Crazy Players All Over The World

46 An Epoch-Making Masterpiece! This Is Worthy Of The Gorgeous Palace (Keep Begging For The First Or

Shen Fei's main purpose of coming to the conference this time was not to please them at all.

He is not interested in winning a conference championship or something.

Strength speaks for itself!

Sales are king!

Player word of mouth is everything!

He knew that many game media including Keda's live broadcast platform also came to the scene today.

Facing the live broadcast camera, there are millions of players.

In the camera, he smiled slightly.

Then he said in a very easy-going tone.

"Thank you very much, all players and friends, for your love for the game "Monster Hunter"."

"First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Shen Fei......

The words are not finished yet.

I heard many players in the audience who had already played and fell deeply into it, including Miss Dai, Sister Zhou and Da Sima, all gave out a round of applause.


"You are the best!"

Li Xinyi also made a trumpet shape with her hands to cheer for her husband.

Shen Fei laughed when the applause was interrupted.

Then he said like an old friend.

"Is Monster Hunter fun "Twenty Zero"?"


Little Sister Dai responded loudly.

It's so much fun!"

Da Sima in the audience also made a trumpet shape with his hands, shouting to Shen Fei on the stage.

This move made PDD dumbfounded.

Why are these guys crazy?

Then I saw Shen Fei on the stage nodding with a smile.

Keep talking.

"Then there will be more fun in the future!"

"As for players who have already been in contact with Monster Hunter, you may already know it."

"Monster Hunter has a very complete ecological simulation system, and each ecosystem has a very complete biological chain."

"Each monster is divided layer by layer according to the level of the biological chain."

"So in the future, the new large-scale DLC expansion pack that I will announce will have a larger and richer biological chain system than this work!"

As he spoke, Shen Fei smiled slightly, and asked the live camera.

"Do players who have played remember Kai?"


"Kai is from the fifth regiment of the New World, and he is a small captain."

"And the content of the large-scale fusion DLC expansion game pack that will be released soon will be launched in the New World...."

Then he smiled.

"Welcome to the New World...."

As he spoke, he quietly pressed the play button.

At this time, the Changyou Alliance testers sitting in the front row couldn't help but sit up straight.

PDD, Goose Factory, Wangyi, You Xia.

All the game company media present widened their eyes and sat up straight.

Those who haven't been exposed to the game Monster Hunter are very curious and want to see what kind of game this young man will bring.

In the area of ​​the goose factory, Li Jianjian and all the managers, especially Manager Wang, sat up straight.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the giant screen.

The screen slowly appeared.

First there was a flash of white light.

Followed by the five characters of Shen Fei studio.

Then a gust of wind suddenly came out.

Because the sound at the exhibition center is very powerful.

The sound effect is simply immersive.

The screen then unfolds.

A large primeval forest of lush pine trees.

A few half-person-high green grass swayed in the wind.

Suddenly, the back of a hunter in heroic armor walked by in the grass.

He carried this two-meter-long Taidao on his back.

Walk through the grass.

A burst of magnificent music sounded immediately.

The picture is a virgin forest covered with vines.

Deep and quiet.

After seeing such a picture that is as real as a movie documentary, it can no longer be real.

Anyone who hasn't played the game Monster Hunter is completely blown away.

PDD opened his mouth wide.

The eyes behind the glasses were wide open.

A question can't help but pop up in my heart.

"Is riding a horse a game?"

"Isn't this the real world?"

Goose Factory and Wangyi, which are game development companies, saw this scene, and they were all fixed on the spot as if they were struck by lightning.

Because the picture they saw was actually more real and perfect than the current Monster Hunter.

Those Changyou reviewers were completely paralyzed at this moment.

is this a game

This... just kidding.

A commentator sitting in the front row rubbed his eyes and confirmed again and again that it was indeed a real game screen.

At this time, the film continues.

I saw the hunter forcefully pushed aside a vine in front of him just now, and what came into view was an ancient ginseng tree.

Many unknown creatures sang and flapped their wings as they flew past.

The perspective of the picture has been following this hunter.

He then jumped into the water, swam and surfaced.

As soon as I stood on the top, I saw a large area of ​​unknown footprints.

The footprints shone with a golden light, flying out from the hunter's waist like fireflies.

Looking carefully, it turns out that there are really groups of small insects coiled around the hunter's waist loop.

Suddenly, just as the hunter was studying the footprints.

A ferocious monster with a height of more than five meters and a length of at least ten meters suddenly rushed out from the side.

The monster looked like an ancient carnivorous dinosaur, with a purple-brown body and a black back.

At first glance, it looked extremely ferocious.

A pair of ferocious eyes stared at the hunter.


The monster roared suddenly.

With the powerful audio equipment at the scene.

This roar shocked everyone present.

Some almost fell off their chairs.


Incredibly shocking!

When the monster roared, everyone was terrified to see every sharp tooth.

Saliva drooled down, everyone's scalps were exploding...  …

Then I saw the hunter slowly draw out the Taidao behind his back.

The tip of the knife was facing the huge and ferocious monster, and in a close-up, a drop of sweat quietly slipped from the hunter's forehead.

Immediately, the monster's bloody mouth opened sharply, and it bit fiercely towards the screen.

As soon as the picture changed, at some point, the hunter was hiding in a pile of grass.

And the huge monster was panting heavily, its huge nose twitching, as if it was looking for the hunter.

Suddenly, taking advantage of the monster's inattention, the hunter rushed out of the bushes, leaped high, and actually rode on the monster.

The monster shook its body desperately, and directly threw the hunter into the air.

Then the hunter began to run desperately.

The monster was chasing fiercely behind.

Huge feet walked by, rumbling footsteps.

The sound of footsteps seemed to step on the hearts of everyone present.

The sense of oppression is extremely strong.

Everyone was covered in white sweat.

Suddenly, the style of painting changes suddenly.

Just when this dinosaur-like monster was chasing the hunter.

Suddenly there was another thunderous roar in the sky,

I saw a gigantic creature in the sky vibrating its giant wings and looking at the ground arrogantly.

Players who are familiar with this work, especially Li Xinyi and Dai Xiaomei, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"My God! It's a female Charmander!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge mouth of the female fire dragon opened, and the fireball from the sun mouth was aimed at the dinosaur monster.

The dinosaur monster directly abandoned the hunter, and actually fought with the female fire dragon.

The two behemoths fought directly, and the sky became dark, and all the surrounding trees were smashed to pieces.

The scene was simply shocking to the extreme.

Just after the two huge monsters fought fiercely for a while.

Not to be outdone, the dinosaur monster also opened its mouth wide and sprayed out a flame in the air.

Colliding with the two flames of the female fire dragon 1.3, the surrounding immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Followed by an impassioned music full of passion.

In a raging fire, a line of subtitles appeared.

Stay tuned for "Monster Hunter World", the New World calls for hunters to gather here!

Then the entire movie will play to an end.

Until a minute after the end, the scene was still silent.

Everyone was completely stunned by the shocking scene just now.

For a while, I couldn't come back to God.

It was not until a long time later that the scene burst into thunderous applause.

And at this moment, all the live broadcast rooms completely exploded.

All the friends and players of Monster Hunter can no longer restrain their excitement.

The screen is full of bullet screens, and it is impossible to see what it is hitting.

Whether on-site or online.


Completely exploded!

Da Sima at the scene was too shocked.

Shaking his head in disbelief, he murmured.

"This is really an epoch-making masterpiece! Only it is worthy of this magnificent palace!",

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