I Develop Monster Hunter And Play Crazy Players All Over The World

59 Four Stars! A Blast Under The Moonlit Night, A Killer With Blood-Red Eyes! Xunlong!

The tents at the campground have collapsed and it is a mess.

There is also a bloodstain extending from the tent.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

Li Xinyi's heart tightened and became very heavy.

Then he mustered up his courage and walked to the ruins of the tent, and opened it.

Immediately, a horrible scene came into view.

Li Xinyi almost passed out.

There was only a corpse, only the upper body, and it was undoubtedly the outpost hunter from the attire.

But the lower body was gone.

Judging from the blood stains outside, it seemed to be dragged away by something.

Li Xinyi didn't dare to look at it anymore, so she quickly put down the tent.

After calming down, he looked at the depths of the tall grass outside the camp, and his eyes became vigilant.

The water friends and players in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

"Damn it! It's so miserable!"

"What the hell did this shit do?"

"I don't know what it is, anyway, all I know is that it is definitely not an easy student to deal with."

"Looking at the tragic death of this hunter, that guy must be cruel by nature, it is indeed terrifying enough!"

PDD: "Am I the only one who noticed? The dead hunter still has his weapons on him, so he should have been defenseless at all."

Da Sima: "Indeed, it should be killed in one hit without any precautions! Moreover, the speed and power of the attack in an instant can't be described as horror

"Tanima is scary 367, what kind of monster is this!"

"Even the hunter didn't notice it, I can't even imagine it!"

"Tuanmei, you have to be careful! It's too scary!"

Li Xinyi looked at the public screen, and her heart became more and more heavy.

The strings in the whole person's heart were also tensed.

I saw that the storage box on the side was also stained with blood.

But the storage box is still intact.

Li Xinyi opened the box and found some recovery potions, cave traps and paralysis traps.

There are also two bottles of vitality drinks.

Put these things in your own package.

She set off following the blood trail.

She is already very familiar with the topography of the stream and waterfall.

Stepping on the moonlight, she cautiously walked and scouted.

Always be on guard against the wind and grass around you.

Because it seems that the opponent is good at sneak attacks, and the speed and strength are extremely fast.

If you are not careful, you will be attacked easily.

While walking, I was thinking in my heart.

The other hunter has never been seen, and I'm afraid it's too bad.

Soon, she walked out of this piece of grass that was as tall as a person.

Ahead is an open field in the woods.

But until now, she still hasn't found any traces of the opponent's monster.

Leaning behind a tree, she carefully inspected the open land ahead.

There was only a sound of insects, but nothing was found.


Could this monster be a ghost?

Can't find anything?

Just when she was wondering and looking ahead.

A low "snoring" sound suddenly came from behind her.

Getting closer.

At the same time, a fishy smell floated indistinctly.

Li Xinyi's heart beat faster.

You don't need to look to know that there must be something approaching her behind her.

And it's very close.

"Fuck!! Fuck!! Behind Tuanmei! Behind!!!"

"Vorge, my hair is all standing on end, my God, it's in the back!"

"Be careful behind you!"

"What kind of monster is this horse riding!"

Li Xinyi's translucent public screen is constantly refreshing.

She didn't need to look at the reminders from the water friends to already feel it.

So she slowly turned her head to look in horror.

Turning around, he saw a monster that was completely black in the night, about the size of a female fire dragon, staring at her fiercely with a pair of sinister eyes.

Bloody saliva dripped from the giant mouth, dripping down.

From the looks of it, it should belong to those two hunters.

I saw this guy with short black hair and round and short ears.

There is a murderous look in the eyes, and a sharp wing knife the size of a door panel grows on each of the two front claw arms.

The claw hooks of the two front paws have been fully exposed.

The sharpness is unmistakable, and the ten claw hooks are more than half a meter long.

Li Xinyi, who was looking straight ahead, was terrified.

I saw the monster slowly approaching me step by step.

The fierce face is also pasted.

Li Xinyi looked at that ferocious face.

One hand quietly touched (cifd) the light crossbow behind him.

He swallowed hard in his mouth.

The two feet are also slowly moving back a little bit.

She retreated a little, and the monster pressed closer to her.

Until Li Xinyi leaned against a tree with her back, there was no way out.

Suddenly, the monster's bloody mouth opened sharply, and it let out a deafening roar.

"Whoa~ Whoa! Whoa!!"

This call is short, but extremely penetrating.

It's like the panther's cry in reality, but it's many times louder than the panther's.

This cry directly pierced Li Xinyi's eardrums with pain.

Dang even hurriedly covered his ears with a cool look on his face.

After the cry, the monster turned to the ground, and its whole body fell slightly prone.

This obviously should be the posture to launch an attack.

All the water friends in the live broadcast room are all arrogant and dare not show it.

This is especially true for players who have already played Monster Hunter.

Because they have already deeply felt the oppressive feeling of facing monsters much bigger than themselves in the real game.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this shit?"

"Is there anyone who is too big to come out and introduce!"

"Tuanmei, be careful, this thing looks more fierce than a female fire dragon!"

"Can sister Tuan do it?"

"Damn, I'm so nervous that I almost peed my pants!"

"This monster looks so vicious!"

"Look at the winged knife on its front paws, come here casually, I don't know if Tuanmei's dog dragon king suit can withstand it.

"The Dog Dragon King? That's the lowest large monster in the ecological chain. Compared with these guys, it's simply too far behind!"

"Ouch! My little heart, be careful! This product is about to be sold!"

Just when the water friends were full of barrage.

Li Xinyi felt a black shadow flash in front of her eyes, and in less than a second, she felt a pain in her body.

The whole person flew out to one side.

With a muffled "plop", it fell to the ground.

Compared with the pain in her body, what she feared was more in her heart.

I didn't see anything at all just now.

I only saw a black wind blowing in, and I flew out in pain.

OMG! What a speed this is!!

The water players in the live broadcast room were even more frightened.

"Fuck! What happened just now?"

"Um, did someone see clearly just now? What happened just now?"

"I don't know, why did Tuanmei get hit and fly out?"

"How do you fight this shit? What the hell is this monster? It's so fast!"

"How many stars is this monster?"

"I guess it's at least four stars..."

"Does anyone remember the list that Boss Shen Fei said before? Are there any monsters in the four-star?"

"I remember, let me think about it, the four stars have the male fire dragon, the ice tooth dragon, the velociraptor, the thunder wolf dragon, and the explosive hammer dragon"

"Huh? Xunlong?"

"Mist grass, I know the characteristics of this guy, that's the name, Xunlong! Four stars! My God!"

"Hurry up and tell Tuanmei!!!".

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