I Develop Monster Hunter And Play Crazy Players All Over The World

840,000 People Shouted Slogans Together! The Famous Spectacular Scene Has Never Been Seen Before!

Shen Fei took the two girls up the vine.

Stepped onto the canyon.

As soon as they climbed up, Li Xinyi and Dai Xiaomei saw a huge fortress not far away.

Entering from the door that is more than three meters high, the stronghold is a busy scene.

There are tall wooden buildings everywhere.

The highest point is more than 30 meters, and a huge wooden airship is parked on the top.

This scene stunned the two girls and all the audience.

The two of them felt as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden, and they felt that their eyes were not enough.

Shen Fei laughed.

Point to the highest airship road towards the public screen.

"Hunters, that airship can take everyone not only to various places in the New World, but also back to Jieyun Village!"

"Don't think that the story of Jieyun Village is over."

"In the ecological environment outside Jieyun Village, there are still many places that you haven't explored yet."

"After the release of the extended DLC of this new work, everyone can take the airship to and from Jieyun Village at will."

"However, the difficulty of entrusting both sides is the same."

"If you accept the commission from Samsung in Jieyun Village.

"Then come to the stronghold in the New Continent, the commission accepted is still Samsung!"

"The coins in Jieyun Village and the New World are interchangeable, and equipment and props are also interchangeable.

"That is to say, in the future you can hunt in Jieyun Village, and guide bugs can also be used!"

During this introduction, 377 heard that all the players were fascinated.

"My God, this is like directly opening up another world.

"Slowly, the game Monster Hunter will become the most perfect world besides reality."

"Just ask which game can do it now."

"I like Monster Hunter in this life, and I will live in it (dog head)"

In the game, Shen Fei takes two girls touring the stronghold and introduces them one by one.

"Over there is the organization responsible for the ecological research of the third group."

"They are responsible for the research on the ecology of animals, plants, etc. We can give them the traces of various monsters collected in the wild just now."

"In the later stage, after a period of collection and accumulation, you can check the detailed information of the monster at any time.

"After knowing the weakness of the monster."

"It will also be very convenient for everyone's hunting."

Then Li Xinyi saw several murderous people dressed as hunters sitting at a large table on the other side.

Quickly asked: "Who are those people over there?"

Shen Fei said.

"They are all the backbone of the dispatch team."

"The one in the middle who is speaking is the commander of the investigation team."

"He will give you any important combat missions in the stronghold."

"Of course, if you have won the title of Blue Star, which symbolizes the highest honor of a hunter, even this commander will respect you."

"So let's work hard."

(cieh) Saying that, Shen Fei went straight to the tallest building in the stronghold.

This is a spiral upward staircase.

When it was halfway up, there was a "jingling sound" coming from the front.

Shen Fei stood at the door of a room.

Li Xinyi saw a burly uncle beating in the forge inside.

There is a conveyor belt in front, and there are many forged weapons and protective gear beside the room.

Shen Fei introduced.

"As you can see, this is the New World, the forging house in the stronghold, just like Jieyun Village, after obtaining the materials from monsters, you can use this to create more powerful equipment!"

"I don't think I need to introduce too much about this."

"But next, I will take everyone to see something that Jieyun Village doesn't have!"

As he spoke, he looked towards the public screen, lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

“Friends who like food must not miss it!”

After finishing speaking, he continued to go forward in a tactful way.

until you reach the end of the stairs.

The two girls immediately smelled a strong fragrance in the air.

Follow the scent and look forward.

I saw a strong Ailu cat standing behind a square stone stove.

This Ailu cat looks quite domineering and mighty, even wearing an eye patch.

He holds a kitchen knife in both hands and a tall chef's hat on his head.

Shen Fei laughed.

"How about it, hunters, have you been hooked?"

"This is the unique Chef Ai Lumao in the world of the New World."

"You can also call it cat rice."

"There are many recipes of Chinese food here, and this kind of special food is among them."

"And I want to tell you a secret, every different flavor of cat food, it will increase your state before hunting.

"Such as defensive power, depletion of stamina, resistance to cold, resistance to heat, increased health, and so on!"

"As long as hunters who like food are not afraid of being overwhelmed, they can try it by themselves, haha!"

Saw this scene.

PDD's eyes widened.

"Fuck! This is so sweet, Master Shen Fei, I love you so much!"

If he wasn't at the conference site right now, he would have rushed to fly Shen to one.

The players who are watching the live broadcast are also very excited.

At that time, you can have a full meal here with your friends, and then embark on a hunting trip together.

Shen Fei laughed and walked to a dining table.

I saw a beautiful girl wearing a pair of goggles and a capable ponytail on her head.

Shen Fei introduced.

"The commissions of the stronghold, including the commander, will be issued through this girl, or there will be a bulletin board at the entrance of the stronghold, and the commissions that will be completed urgently will be posted on it.

Just as Shen Fei finished speaking, he saw the girl smiling at Shen Fei, Li Xinyi, and Miss Dai.

"Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you hunters."

Speaking of which, the girl saw the badges of the Proof of Courage on the arms of Li Xinyi and Dai Xiaomei.

"Wow! I didn't expect the two hunter ladies to be excellent hunters with the proof of courage.

"You can directly entrust with four stars, or you can do anything below four stars!"

As he spoke, he picked up the task register at hand and unfolded "Hula La", and asked Shen Fei to watch it with them.

Hearing the girl's words, both Li Xinyi and Dai Xiaomei felt a sense of pride in their hearts.

Then Shen Fei said to Gongping.

"Okay everyone, this is the world of Monster Hunter in the New World."

"Of course, there are many other ways to play, and I may not have introduced them to everyone one by one.

"This requires hunters to explore by themselves."

"Isn't that the charm of our world?"

"Let's go back to the press conference!"

As Shen Fei spoke, he turned to the air.

"exit the game!"

Then his whole person disappeared from the game.

Stand up from the game cabin.

Li Xinyi and Dai Xiaomei also returned to the press conference.

Shen Fei asked Dai Xiaomei with a smile.

"Little sister, do you mind an interview, how do you feel about this trip to the New World?"

Dai Xiaomei looked at Shen Fei and paused for more than ten seconds.

Then said.

"I think you're so handsome!"


One sentence caused the 10,000 spectators at the scene to burst into laughter.

There was also joy in the live broadcast room.

"Haha, little girl is so honest!"

"Little sister has spoken out the heartfelt feelings of our huntress team!"

"Indeed, it's pure nonsense!"

Shen Fei scratched his head and smoothed things out.

"Uh...Actually, every hunter is very handsome!"

Immediately there was applause and cheers at the scene.

"Okay, our new World Monster Hunter World press conference is coming to an end.

"The large-scale expansion DLC of Monster Hunter World will be launched on the official website of Star Tour at 18:00, please pay attention!"

"Let us hunters go hand in hand again and create a future in the new world."

"May the blue star guide you forever!"

"Hunters never die! Hunting souls never stop!

Shen Fei's last impassioned shout resounded throughout the conference hall.

"The hunter never dies, the hunting soul never stops!"

The loud slogan followed Shen Fei and resounded throughout the conference hall.

It is deafening and lasts for a long time.

The game platform reporters at the scene were also stunned by this scene.

They have never seen such a grand scene in any game.

Players who watched online also marked on the barrage at the same time.

The barrage of "The hunter never dies, the hunting soul never stops".

Crazy full live broadcast room.

Filled with extremely fiery enthusiasm.

And all of this was seen by President Ma of Goose Factory headquarters and Microsoft CEO Donald. .

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