What the!?

Hidden mission, this turned out to be a hidden mission!?

When Du Xiaomei saw that the task panel showed hidden tasks, she was excited.

She also remembered that Chen Mo had said before that forbidden arts could only be opened by hidden tasks.

Sure enough!

In the reward column, Du Xiaomei saw the forbidden multiple shadow avatar technique!

The doppelganger little sister knows, she herself has the doppelganger, although the level is not high.

But what is this multi-shadow avatar technique, which is also a doppelganger, is there any difference between this technique and the doppelganger!?

Similarly, the water friends in the live broadcast room also saw the prompts on the task panel of the silly little girl.

The live broadcast room is instantly fried!!

“Groove! Hidden missions, there are even hidden missions in this game!! ”

“The rewards after completing the hidden mission are so rich, good guy, this time the reward is not only forbidden art, but also 1 skill point, these are things that can quickly become stronger!”

“How the hell did this hidden mission trigger, could it be that seeing Naruto here late at night can trigger the hidden mission?”

No, no, I’m going to write this down and trigger this hidden mission when I play it myself! ”

“Although the rewards of hidden missions are abundant, if you don’t complete it, everything will be for nothing.”

The water friends discussed the name and goal of the hidden mission.

They are very concerned about how to solve this hidden mission.

On the one hand, it is for the little sister, on the other hand, it is also for themselves.

If they don’t know how to attack this hidden mission, then even if they trigger this hidden mission themselves, it will be useless.

“You see the goal of this hidden mission, ‘protect Naruto and prevent the renegade from taking the Book of Seals from Naruto’, it is clear that there is a renegade in this hidden mission.

And our goal is to prevent this renegade from taking the Book of Seals from Naruto’s hands, which may eventually involve a fight between ninjas, and the old woman is likely to have a battle with this rebel in the end. ”

“However, in the mission, it is only written that there is a traitor, but it is not written who it is, so how do we judge whether this person is a traitor.”

“This is the most chicken part of this hidden mission, if the player is clearly told who the traitor is in the mission, the player can go and tell Iruka in advance and let them arrest this rebel in advance, so that this hidden mission is not a little difficult.”

“Groove! The upstairs analysis is so reasonable, you should not be some game god, right!? ”

A statement with the ID name ‘Wind Spirit Moon Shadow’ immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

There are water friends who have been in the game circle for many years, and they immediately recognized this wind spirit moon shadow.

Wind Spirit Moon Shadow is very famous in the game circle, and there are countless game strategies made from him, especially for this kind of open world without any introduction.

It can be said that Wind Spirit Moon Shadow is a veritable game master.

When I saw that a big god really appeared in the live broadcast room, water friends wanted him to analyze and analyze a wave, how to do this hidden task.

Wind Spirit Moon Shadow also did not reserve and gave his opinion.

“In my opinion, the priority at the moment is to find Naruto first and protect Naruto.”

“Because now the enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, we are completely passive.”

“Although I don’t know what is written in this sealed book, but from the remarks of the mission, this should be a very important thing, and the three generations of Hokage will definitely send many people to look for it if they find that such an important thing is lost.”

“As long as we find Naruto first and then bring him to the ninja sent by the third generation of Naruto, then we will be safe, and even avoid a battle with this renegade ninja in the end.”

In fact, the idea of the wind spirit moon shadow is very simple, that is, find Naruto, bring Naruto to the group, and let them protect him.

Ryo, the rebel ninja, saw so many ninjas of Konoha there, and did not dare to make an easy move.

For the suggestion of Wind Spirit Moon Shadow, many water friends in the live broadcast room agreed, and judging from the current situation, the most urgent thing is to find Naruto.

Du Xiaomei also nodded, and also agreed to this suggestion of Wind Spirit Moon Shadow.

Fortunately, Naruto had just run past his eyes.

She still knew the direction Naruto left, and as long as she ran in this direction, she should be able to find Naruto.

Du Xiaomei no longer hesitated and chased in the direction Naruto left.

Due to the previous strengthening, Du Xiaomei’s physical fitness has been greatly improved, and she can now jump on the roof like a real ninja.

Jump from one roof to another.

The breeze generated by the rapid movement blew on the cheeks of the little girl, making her feel very comfortable.

And the water friend in the live broadcast room saw that the stupid little girl really moved quickly between the roofs like a ninja, and his heart was even more envious.


The little girl came to a small forest near Konoha Village, and she found no trace of Naruto along the way.

At present, this grove in front of her has not been explored, and the little girl wondered if Naruto would be in this grove?

The little girl cautiously slowed down her pace, searching for Naruto’s traces in this grove step by step like a ninja.

After going some distance deep into the grove, Naruto’s trace was really discovered by the stupid little girl, and Naruto was really here.

Just as Xiaomei wanted to call Naruto’s name, she found that there was still a person standing next to Naruto.

When the little sister took a closer look, she found that this person was Iruka-sensei.

Fortunately, it was Iruka teacher, and the little sister breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to go out to call the two of them, but she was stopped by the water friend in the live broadcast room.

“Don’t go old woman, don’t go, you don’t know who this traitor is, you can’t go out rashly, what if this traitor is Iruka!?”

“Yes, in case Iruka is really that traitor, you will definitely die if you go out now!!”

What the!

Iruka will be this traitor!?

After seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Du Xiaomei was stunned, but he thought carefully that there was indeed this possibility.

In the mission, it is not clear who is a traitor, everything is possible!

If Iruka was really a rebel, neither she nor Naruto combined could beat him.

People are also famous ninja, and he and Naruto, one is a shinobi and the other is a ninja trainee, there is still a big gap compared to the middle ninja.

So, Du Xiaomei hid in the grass next to her and waited to see what happened.

He wants to confirm Iruka’s true identity first!

If Iruka is really a traitor, if he carries out another sneak attack from his own point of view, he may still have the power of a battle!!

PS: Suddenly I was beaten by a wave of flowers, I felt supportive, and I had to desperately add more!!

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