A large number of red chakras burst out from Naruto’s body!


White smoke comes out!

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw an incredible scene!

I saw Naruto’s figure everywhere in the entire grove, whether it was on the trunk and on the branches, or on the ground or in the grass.


Naruto’s doppelganger technique was successful, and it was a big victory!!

With so many shadow avatars, what a huge Chakra this must be!!

And, more importantly, shadow avatars are different from ordinary avatars.

The shadow avatar is not like other avatars, it is physical and can be touched.

Therefore, the amount of chakra consumed by the Shadow Doppelgänger Technique is also much greater than that of ordinary Doppelganger.

Iruka was shocked, is this still the crane tail who was not good at doppelganger!?

This amazing amount of chakra, even Kakashi, an elite, can only sigh on his back!!

Among the people at the scene, not only Iruka was shocked, but the stupid little girl standing on the side was even more impressed!

Not for anything else, just because this is the art of multiple shadow avatars!

It is a forbidden technique that is rewarded in this hidden mission!!

With so many shadow doppelgangers, is this the power of forbidden arts!?

At this moment, the eyes of the little sister are going to release green light!!

If he has this forbidden technique and can summon so many shadow avatars, then he will not be able to walk sideways in this ninja world in the future.

As the saying goes, punch the teacher to death.

With so many shadow doppelgangers, I don’t know how many teachers can be killed!!

This forbidden technique, the old lady must get, the little sister secretly decided in her heart.


When the water friends in the live broadcast room saw so many Naruto appear, the barrage of the entire live broadcast room immediately exploded!!

“Groove Groove!! To be able to summon so many doppelgangers at once, is this the ability of the forbidden multiple shadow avatar technique, it is too outrageous!! ”

“Sure enough! Forbidden art is forbidden art, if it is not bull beep, how can it be called forbidden art!? ”

“The grove is densely packed with Naruto’s doppelgängers, there are at least thousands of doppelgangers in so many doppelgangers, and the forbidden multiple shadow doppelganger technique is really terrifying!!”

“I really envy the old woman, being able to trigger this hidden task, such a powerful forbidden technique will be learned by the old woman.”

“However, one thing I feel curious about, didn’t I say before that the forbidden art would endanger my life if it consumed too much energy, but I saw that Naruto divided thousands of shadow doppelgangers didn’t seem to have anything at all, didn’t it… It is false to say that forbidden techniques are dangerous!? ”

“Can the old woman know after completing the hidden mission, I didn’t expect that the key to breaking this hidden mission turned out to be Naruto, Naruto’s thousands of shadow doppelgangers came out, how can Mizuki still play!?”

“It’s just, Naruto, you don’t talk about martial arts, so many people are beating Mizuki alone, you are not bullying people (funny laughter)!”

When Naruto divided thousands of shadow doppelgangers, the victory and defeat of this battle were divided!!

If it’s just one or two Naruto’s doppelgangers, then this fight is still hard to say.

But… Now in the face of thousands of Naruto shadow doppelgangers, Mizuki can be said to have no chance of victory!!


When Mizuki saw Naruto’s thousands of shadow doppelgangers appear, his whole person was frightened and stupid, and his whole speech began to stutter:

“This… How is this possible! ”

“You are obviously just a crane tail, why can you separate so many shadow doppelgangers!!”

In this regard, thousands of Naruto’s shadow doppelgangers began to say:

“Weren’t you arrogant just now!?”

“Doesn’t that mean I’m just a crane tail!?”

“Since you also said just now that you want to fight me, then I am not polite!”

Naruto’s shadow doppelgangers all smiled heartily at Mizuki.

However, these hearty smiles in Mizuki’s eyes were as if death was waving to him.

All of Naruto’s shadow doppelgangers rushed towards Mizuki, and in the face of so many Naruto’s shadow doppelgangers, Mizuki had no resistance at all.

He was beaten up and screamed: “Wow,


Mizuki let out such a miserable scream, even the stupid little girl standing on the side was shocked.

Because, being beaten by so many people at the same time is too cruel, I am afraid that this kind of treatment is unique to Mizuki in the entire ninja world!!

When Naruto’s doppelganger dispersed, only Mizuki’s face that had been beaten all over the pig’s head was left.

Mizuki was beaten so badly that even if his parents came, I am afraid that they would not recognize him.

Because after the ninja sent by the three generations of Hokage found Naruto and them, they didn’t recognize Mizuki for a while.

The nose and eyes are swollen all over the face, and if you don’t look closely, you really can’t see that this is the middle head Mizuki!!

Even Naruto felt afterwards that he had hit too hard.

However, during this battle with Mizuki, Iruka saw Naruto grow.

He thoroughly recognized Naruto’s qualifications as a ninja.

So, Iruka beckoned to Ming Ming.

“Naruto, come here.”

“Close your eyes.”

Although he didn’t know what Iruka was going to do, Naruto obediently closed his eyes.


Naruto seemed to feel a cold touch on his forehead, as if something was on his head.

“Okay, you can open your eyes.”

After opening his eyes, Naruto saw Iruka-sensei looking at him with a smile on his face.

“Congratulations, Naruto!”

“You’re graduating.”

Iruka said with a smile on his face and a look of relief.

Naruto was slightly stunned when he heard this.

He touched the ninja brace on his head, his lips pursed slightly, and the excitement in his heart was indescribable.

“Myself… Finally become a ninja? ”

On this day, Naruto didn’t know how long he had been waiting.

Only after officially becoming a ninja can he move towards his goal, Hokage!

Naruto pounced on Iruka very happily at this moment.

Seeing such a warm scene of Naruto and Iruka, the corner of Du Xiaomei’s mouth unconsciously showed a smile.

At the moment when Naruto officially became a ninja, the voice of the game system came to the voice of the game system in the mind of the little sister again.

Hint that her hidden mission this time has been completed!!

[Congratulations to the player ‘Youth Invincible Beautiful Girl’ for completing the hidden mission – Guardian of the Book of Seals! ] 】

[Get rewards: 1. Forbidden Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Technique; 2. 1 skill point; 3. A small amount of experience points. 】

At this moment, Du Xiaomei felt that all the previous efforts were worth it.

Because, the forbidden multiple shadow avatar technique is beckoning towards her!!

PS: Thank you for your support, only to add more !!

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