[Congratulations to the host for getting 10w points of sentiment points! ] 】

“What!? It’s only 10w points, which is not in line with the style of the emotional system! ”

“You know, other emotional systems can give millions of emotional points to the host at every turn, isn’t your system a little incompetent?”

[The host can choose to give up this 10w sentiment value and start from zero! ] 】

Yes, it seems that the routine cannot be used to lack this stupid system.

I only have 10W sentiment points, and I don’t know what games I can make.

“How much sentiment does it take to develop Silent Hill PT?”

Fear is often the most likely to cause fluctuations in the player’s mood.

[500w mood points.] 】

So expensive!?

A Silent Hill PT is so expensive, then other famous games in the past life still have it!?


Just as Chen Mo guessed, the famous 3A masterpieces in the previous life all started with tens of millions, and they were simply not able to exchange them now.

“Can Naruto make a game!?”

Naruto was the head of the three major Ming Gong manga in his previous life, and his influence in the entire world is huge.

Colorful ninjutsu system, wonderful and passionate plot, Ming Zuo’s deep bond… Wait, these things make for an interesting ninja world!

If you can turn it into a game, you won’t have to worry about your future emotional value.

[Yes, the upper part of the ninja world requires 10 million emotional points. 】

[It is recommended that the host currently only has 10W emotional points, and you can exchange the plot of a single act first.] 】

Although Chen Mo was desperate when he heard that the exchange was 10 million, being able to redeem a separate scene first gave him hope.

Who said you have to make an entire Naruto to make a player’s mood fluctuate?

In the opening Nine-Tails Rebellion, Naruto vs. Mizuki Shiki exhibited a large number of shadow doppelgangers, the establishment of the seventh class and Kakashi’s physical mysteries, how could these interesting plots not collect emotional points?

After collecting a part of the emotional points, it is a sustainable path to open the Wave Country Mission, the Chūnin Exam, the Sasuke Capture Battle, and the subsequent Shippuden!!

Moreover, through the introduction of the system, it is known that the ninja world mentioned by the system is the Naruto of Chen Mo’s previous life, but the system has made name adjustments according to this world.

Without hesitation, Chen Mo immediately made this game called “Ninja World” through the big system, which was actually a game for Naruto.

At present, “Ninja World” is only a demo version, and the main story is only before the establishment of the seventh class and the mission of the Land of Waves.

However, this game has one big difference.

That’s a very high degree of freedom!!

Players talking to characters under certain conditions will likely trigger hidden missions, which is one of the highlights of the game.

Chen Mo believes that “Ninja World” will definitely bring a ray of light to the game industry in this world!

Now the last question remains, that is, how to promote “World of Ninjas”?

With Chen Mo’s current financial situation, he simply cannot afford the high publicity costs.

Although the quality of “Ninja World” is not worried that no one will play it, it may take a long time to rely on the publicity between players alone.

Moreover, before word of mouth rose, after some big manufacturers saw the quality of “Ninja World”, in order to suppress the game, they would inevitably use despicable means, malicious bad reviews, plagiarism are commonly used means, and even forcibly acquired.

Therefore, it must be obtained a certain amount of popularity before it can be put on the shelves!!

Thinking about it, Chen Mo remembered his childhood sweetheart, a game anchor!

The live broadcast industry in this world is still hot, even hotter than Chen Mo’s previous life.

After all, the maturity of VR technology can make the audience more immersive, so the live broadcast industry will not be too bad under the popularity of the game industry.

Some famous game anchors, such as What PDD, Da Sima, Sister Zhou and other big anchors, their popularity even exceeds that of some stars.

Although Chen Mo didn’t know any big anchors, he still knew the little anchor.

In this life, Chen Mo and Du Xiaomei still have a childhood sweetheart, Du Xiaomei has liked to play with Chen Mo since she was a child, and now it is naturally not a big problem to let her help herself promote a game.

Moreover, with the quality of “Ninja World” can definitely attract a large number of gamers, when the time comes, Du Xiaomei can even take this opportunity to promote to the ranks of big anchors, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone! ! !

Without hesitation, Chen Mo immediately sent the demo version of “Ninja World” to Du Xiaomei.

Shark fighting gaming platform.

In the live broadcast room of the little girl.

At this time, the little girl is paying attention to the live broadcast, although the popularity of the live broadcast room is only one or two thousand people, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of the little sister live broadcast.

Because these people are all stupid little girls who were there when they first started live broadcasting, it can be said that they are all some iron fans!

“Old woman, what game are you going to broadcast today, shouldn’t it be the Alliance of Kings again!?”

“Don’t say goodbye, I am going to vomit in this game of the League of Kings, and with the current level of the old woman, it is estimated that it is a rhythm of 20 shots.”

“Stop! Shameless old thief, what happened to our old woman’s dish, it is because of her dish that we look at her, and you are Sister Zhou’s fans. ”

“Having said that, I’d like to see other new games.”


Du Xiaomei glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, a little helpless.

She didn’t want to broadcast a new game to drive popularity, but now the games on the market are all a piece of defense, and none of them can be played.

At this moment, Du Xiaomei received a message and found that it was sent by her childhood sweetheart Chen Mo.

[Is it there?] 】

[Are you going to promise me to go to the movies together this week?] (*^▽^*)】

【Eh… No, I want you to play a new game I made while you’re streaming. 】

Seeing the word ‘no’, the little girl was a little angry, this guy, why can’t he promise himself?

However, she soon saw what was behind it.

A game made by Chen Mo himself?

Although I heard this guy mention before that he wanted to develop excellent games independently, he didn’t expect to actually make it.

Chen Mo’s game stupid little sister naturally wanted to be the first to play, but she thought about it again, she couldn’t just be so cheap this guy.

So, Du Xiaomei compiled a piece of information in the past.

[Yes, but you have to promise me to accompany me to the movies this week.] 】

【Eh… Well…].

【? (′??? ‘) Than heart].

Soon, the game was sent, and the little girl clicked to take a look!

Ninja World!?

What kind of game is this, could it be a game that plays assassination?


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