“The legendary Three Shinobi!? I heard right, this woman seems to have said these words just now!? ”

“Isn’t this the goal of those Oto-ninja just now? In other words, what exactly does this legendary three ninja mean!? ”

“If you take it literally, this should refer to three ninjas, but since you can use the words in legend, these three ninjas must be very powerful!!”

“The anchor can ah, she really found something by mistake.”

“Luck, Sister Zhou has always had this thing.”

Yes, no matter what the game, luck is still very important.

If Sister Zhou had no luck, she might have died tragically at the hands of the three Yin Shinobi just now.

Sister Zhou followed all the way.

During the conversation on the road, Sister Zhou learned that the name of the NPC who saved her was Shizune, and it used to be the upper Shinobi of Konoha Ninja Village.

Now he is the personal guard of Tsunade, one of the legendary three Shinobi.

“Why is this Tsunade called the legendary Sanshin, is it because she is very strong?”

“Besides this Tsunade you mentioned, which two are there?”

Sister Zhou and Mue walked side by side, wanting to set words out of her mouth.

And Shizune saw that Sister Zhou was from Konoha Ninja Village, so she didn’t think much about it.

“Yes! The legendary Three Shinobi, to be precise, should be Konoha Three Shinobi. ”

“Each of them has shadow-level strength!”

“In addition to Tsunade, there are Jiraiya who is outside Yunyu, and… Become Konoha’s rebel Orochimaru! ”

When Shizune said the three words of the big snake pill, his face became ugly.

However, Sister Zhou did not notice this.

Because when she heard that the strength of these three people was comparable to that of a shadow-level powerhouse, she was already shocked!

Sister Zhou learned from the little sister that the highest level of the ninja level in this game is only the shadow level.

Of course, whether there is a higher level than the shadow-level ninja level in the future, this will not be known until later in the game.

However, this already shows the strength of these three people.

If he could learn from this woman named Tsunade, wouldn’t he be able to walk sideways in this game in the future!?

Sister Zhou has already made up her mind, and she must please Tsunade later.

Unconsciously, the two had already walked through the woods and arrived in a small town near Konoha Village.

The streets are full of shops.

Some sell food, some sell clothes, some are lodging….

Sister Zhou guessed that since Tsunade was a woman, she was probably in the clothes store now.

After all, for beautiful clothes every woman likes.


One by one, clothes points passed by Shizune’s side.

At last.

Shizune stopped in front of a shop with the word ‘gamble’.

Sister Zhou:?

Water friends in the live broadcast room:?

What do you mean!?

Are you sure you didn’t go wrong!?

Could it be that you have to tell me that the legendary Sanshindo Tsunade is a gambler!

“Come in.”

Shizune also looked embarrassed when she saw Sister Zhou’s surprised expression.

Apparently, she also felt embarrassed that Tsunade was a gambler.

Sister Zhou came back to her senses and followed behind Shizune.

The area of this gambling hall is not very large, so that there is no very loud sound inside.

While walking, Sister Zhou saw a woman gambling with her back to her.

The woman wears a green coat with a big ‘bet’ in the middle of the coat.

Obviously, the woman in front of him should be a gambler.

And silent’s words also verified Sister Zhou’s conjecture.

“Tsunade-sama, there is a ninja apprentice who ran from Konoha Village here.”

“What to do, are we going to send her back to the village?”

“Huh!? People from the village!? ”

When Tsunade heard this, he turned his head to look at Sister Zhou.

And when Tsunade turned her head, Sister Zhou was shocked by Tsunade’s beauty!!

Tsunade has long light yellow hair, long hair that she combs into a large ponytail, light yellow short eyebrows, bright brown eyes, and very delicate facial features.

She has a diamond-shaped blue-purple mark on her forehead, which has a unique charm against the background of her white and tender skin.

What’s more, Tsunade has a very inferior body.

Compared with Sister Zhou’s airport, it is simply the difference between watermelon and apple.

Seeing Tsunade’s appearance and figure, the water friends in the live broadcast room immediately couldn’t hold back!

“Groove! What kind of devil’s body is this, this figure is too inferior! ”

“Nima’s, I seriously doubt that this is not a ninja playing game, who can fight with these two heavy things!?”

“I dare not say anything else, but one thing is certain.

That is, Tsunade’s defense must be very good, not why, just because those two lumps can bring her a lot of cushioning! ”

“Hahahaha, upstairs, Nima’s really logical genius, this can be thought of!?”

Sister Zhou’s live broadcast room was immediately brushed by the words ‘Tsunade’.

Sister Zhou glanced at Tsunade, and then at her airport, and the idea of worshipping Tsunade as a teacher in her heart deepened.

Tsunade can not only learn ninjutsu from her, but more importantly, learn body management methods from her.

Unexpectedly, “Ninja World” is still a fitness game.

And Tsunade’s side.

After hearing Muzune’s words, she didn’t hesitate to let Shizune send Sister Zhou back.

However, with such a good opportunity in front of her, how could Sister Zhou just let it go!?

“Please don’t send me back, I’m an orphan and no one treats me in Konoha Village.”

“I want to travel with you.”

Sister Zhou is full of emotions and creates her own orphan character well.

Tsunade was obviously moved after hearing the identity of Sister Zhou’s orphan.

Tsunade, who is a three-ninja, has naturally experienced battles large and small, and he is naturally very clear about war orphans.

Although there is no ninja war again, the ninja world is not as calm as it seems.

Between countries, between villages and between villages, the open and dark battles are still going on all the time!

“Yes, let’s gamble, only if you win me, I won’t send you back to the village.”

Tsunade picked up a dice cup and put it in front of Sister Zhou.


Sister Zhou was stunned for a moment.


She received a prompt from the game system!

[Main Quest: The Legendary Fat Sheep].

[Goal: Make a big bet with Tsunade and win from it.] 】

[Task difficulty: E].

[Mission reward: 1. Randomly draw a medical ninjutsu; 2. 100 gold coins; 3. A small amount of experience points. 】

[Note: Kill the medical ninja first in the team battle, this matter is known even to children! ] 】


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