After this mission reward and skill points.

At present, the overall attributes of Du Xiaomei become:

【Youth Invincible Beautiful Girl】

【Shinobi Order: Lower Shinobi 5th Order】

[Life: 100% (Note: Total life will not be affected by any factors)]

【Chakra: One Card】

[Items: Kumu *5, Shuriken *7, Broken Knife Decapitation Dao (imitation), Bond Scroll]

[Ninjutsu: Doppelganger LV1, Avatar LV1, Transfiguration LV1, Wind Escape Breakthrough LV1, Water Mist Concealment Art LV1, Teleportation LV1, Water Escape Water Dragon Bullet Art LV5 (MAX), Ratchet LV5 (MAX)]

【Physical skills: None】

[Illusion: Magic Mirror Universe Turn LV5 (MAX)]

[Forbidden Technique: Multiple Shadow Doppelganger Art LV2]

[Blood Succession Limit: Ice Escape Demon Mirror Ice Crystal, Single Hook Jade Writing Wheel Eye “047”]

[Basic ability: basic physical strength LV1, basic strength LV3, basic speed LV2, basic spirit LV4

【Remaining skill points: 0】

Take the current properties panel of Du Xiaomei.

The strong people from the 3rd order of the middle ninja to the 4th level of the middle ninja are not necessarily the opponents of the stupid little sister!

This is the strength of the current little sister!

It can be said that at this stage, which is also the 5th order of lower patience.

Dumb Little Girl is an invincible existence, crushing players of the same level!

Since the game system announced that the first Chu Shinobi Exam was held in Konoha.

Many ninjas from other villages came here to take the Chūnin exam.

In the Hokage Building at this time.

The three instructors of the seventh, eighth and tenth classes,

Kakashi, Red, Asma are all here.

“How about it, this time for the Zhongnin exam, among the newcomers you are in charge of, are there suitable candidates to participate!?”

The three generations of Hokage, sitting in the Hokage seat, with a pipe in his mouth, asked calmly.

The three saw this!

Without hesitation, they all stood up.

The first person was Kakashi.

“I, Kakashi, recommend four people from my seventh class, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and the invincible beautiful girl of my seventh class, to participate in this Chūnin exam!”

Seeing this, Red and Asma also followed closely and said:

“I, Sunset Red, recommend Hinata Hinata, Inuzuka Ya, Tomona the Oil Girl, and Shark Fighting Anchor Xiaokai from my eighth class to participate in this Chu Ninja Exam!”

“I, Asma, recommend the four people of my tenth class, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Dingji, and the flying piglet pig, to participate in this Chu Shinobi exam!”

When I heard the recommendation of the three.

Iruka, who was at the scene, was completely stunned.

Because these talents have just graduated from the Ninja Academy, isn’t it too dangerous to let them take the Mortality Extreme High School Ninja Exam now!

But Iruka’s view was refuted by Kakashi!

“I was six years younger than Naruto when I became a chu-ninja!” Kakashi said, rolling his dead fish eyes.

“How can this be compared to, your father is Konoha…”

“Enough! Iruka! ”

The Third Hokage scolded, interrupting Iruka’s words.

“They actually have their own instructor to recommend, then this matter is settled.”

“A week later, the Naruto will start holding the Naka Shinobi, and Naruto will come with them!!”

On the side of the little sister, she didn’t know anything about what was happening in the Hokage Building at this time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It is said that the Chu Shinobi exam will be held in a week.

But when it comes to playing games, time is still faster than in the real world.

While wandering around Konoha Street, she ran into PDD again

Next to PDD, a stout man in a green tights was standing at this time.

Wait for the little girl to walk in and take a look!

It was discovered that this person was Teacher Ma of the Fighting Shark Platform.

“Teacher Ma, what kind of look are you!?”

Du Xiaomei stepped forward and said hello to Teacher PDD Ma.

After PDD arrived, she couldn’t help but tell her about Teacher Ma with a smile!

“Hahahaha, didn’t I tell you and Sister Zhou before that Teacher Ma triggered a chain hidden task called [Hard Genius]!?”

“That hidden mission is actually essentially learning physical skills from Matkay from Konoha!”

“But this Akai teacher has a special proclivity, that is, he likes to let people wear this green tights to train with them!”

“Therefore, Teacher Ma can only wear this green tights, hahahahaha!!”

PDD smiled and pulled Mr. Ma’s tights with his hand, which made Mr. Ma very embarrassed!


I have to say that the exercise effect of Metkay is still very significant….

Teacher Ma himself is almost a middle-aged man,

Coupled with sitting live for a long time, there is more fat on the waist itself.

But after training with Metkay during this time, it was obvious that there was less fat on Mr. Ma’s body, and the outline of the muscles was slowly shown on the body! ! !

This kind of workout effect is no better than the gym outside!!

Combined with the golden wire eyes worn by Mr. Shangma, it seems to be moving step by step in the direction of the muscle golden wheel!!


Teacher Ma’s current image appeared in the live broadcast room of the stupid little girl, which immediately caused the laughter of the water friends!

“Hahahaha, Mr. Ma, what kind of shape are you, very six plus one!?”

“I have to say that Mr. Ma’s tight body is really ugly, and I can’t stand the wet green color!!”

“That being said, the overall effect of Teacher Ma after exercise is still very significant, you see there, Teacher Ma seems to have eight-pack abs!”

“Really fake!? I’m a gym trainer, and eight-pack abs are not trained like this, at least it takes about half a year!

What kind of training method is this named Metkay trained with, can you ask him if he is interested in joining my gym as a fitness instructor! ”

“Hehe, labor and management were in the live broadcast room of the 5.3 division of Malao at that time, I can only say that Mr. Akai’s training method is unbearable for ordinary people, if you don’t want your gym to go out of business, it’s best not to do this!!”


And right at this moment.

Du Xiaomei found out,

Now the PDD ninja level has actually reached the lower ninja level 5.

This kind of improvement speed startled Xiaomei.

Because Du Xiaomei was promoted to the 5th level of this Shinobi because she completed the only task [The Night of Uchiha Extermination] and gained a lot of experience!

Could it be… During this time, PDD had other adventures.

However, as for the specific reason, PDD does not intend to say.

Du Xiaomei feels that there must be some secret hidden in this!

At this time, Teacher Ma showed his attribute panel to Du Xiaomei and PDD!!


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