PDD exam or something, I hate it the most in my life, don’t you know that I only had 6 points in mathematics in the college entrance examination at the beginning!? ”

Da Sima: “Although I claim to be a gold medal lecturer, the exam is not my strong point!” ”

The fighting shark platform opened small: “Woo woo ~ what to do, I won’t ah!” ”

Almost all the players on the scene were in a state of distress.


Even in this case.

Du Xiaomei still remained calm, and after thinking for a moment, she thought of a good way.

“Maybe this exam will rely on the power of the water friends in the live broadcast room, and it will be up to you to complete this exam.”


The first thing that came to mind was to use the power of water friends.

After waiting for her to get the test paper, through the vision of the little sister, the water friends in the live broadcast room can also see the questions on the test paper.

Then, you can use this “390” to exert the power of water friends.

Think for yourself, or ask Qiandu on the Internet.

In the live broadcast room of millions of people, there will not be even one person! !

This wit of the little girl was also felt by the water friends in the live broadcast room.

“Hahahaha, old woman, but there is really yours, this method can also be thought of by you!!”

“But I have to say, the old woman’s method is really good, brainstorming, I have so many of our brothers here, and I don’t know these 10 questions!?”

“That’s it, it’s just 10 questions, how can it stump our witty and cute water friends!?”

“Not bad, good, the time has come to show everyone’s ingenuity!”

“Brothers, it’s done, Ollie give!!”


For this proposal of the little girl, the water friends in the live broadcast room all agreed.

And this plan was also transmitted to the live broadcast room of these anchors such as PDD.

PDD people were still desperate,


When they saw this proposal of the stupid little sister, they instantly felt that this exam did not seem to be impossible to take!

All are full of hope!


Ideals and realities are often very different.

When the real test paper is sent to their respective hands, after seeing the questions on the test paper.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

“Nima’s! What is TM! ”

Pdd was irritable and stood up in exclamation.

And this move of his was also warned by the invigilator!

“Warning once!”

“Sit down!!”

In response, PDD sat down again with a dull look.

The little girl had a hand on her forehead, and her face was helpless.

Because this is not to blame PDD, just because the questions on the test paper are really outrageous!!

[First question! ] 】

[Please interpret the code below and write it down.] 】

Attached below is a picture /

This picture is covered with tadpole-like dense symbols.

These little tadpole-like symbols are very small.

Du Xiaomei felt that she had to use an eight-fold magnifying glass to see clearly!

And this!

It’s just the first question in the exam paper.

The next topic is even more outrageous.

[Second question! ] 】

[The B parabola in the picture is the maximum range of the enemy ninja A dart standing on a 7-meter-tall tree.] 】

[Please write down the characteristics of enemy ninjas that may appear within the range of this dart, as well as their maximum range in flat combat, and write your basis.] 】

Underneath this question, a tree is drawn.

There is a ninja A on the tree, and the parabola where Ninja A throws a dart is B.

After reading this question, Du Xiaomei smiled directly.

Get! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This TM is still a physics problem!

High school parabola physics problems.

How, in this ninja world, g is equal to 9.8!?

The silly little sister complained weakly.

But even if this is a simple high school physics problem, Du Xiaomei can’t do it anymore.

After all, the stupid little girl who has already left society has long returned these things to the teacher.

So, she wouldn’t do it at all.

Du Xiaomei can only ask for help from water friends.

But after reading the topic, the water friend also said that he would not be able to ah! !

“Nima’s, what kind of hook eight problems are these, you said that decrypting a code is enough, what is the problem with this parabola!?”

“The code can be put aside first, it is estimated that no one will, this physics problem is which big guy will know, come out quickly to save the anchor!”

“I’m a high school physics teacher, so I can write about the characteristics of enemy ninjas that may appear within the range of this dart, and there is no such thing in physics knowledge!”

“It’s not just a simple parabolic problem, it’s a lot deeper…”

“No, no, no! There are millions of people in the anchor live broadcast room, and no one will!? ”

“What did Qiandu say, do you know!!”

“Labor and management have long been checked, and there is no answer on the Internet.”

“It’s too hard, it’s too hard! None of these two questions will be, is there a simple question, why are they so difficult!! ”


These two questions alone triggered the collective wailing of water friends in the live broadcast room.

It’s not that their heads are not smart enough, it’s really because these topics are too perverted!!

Is this really a topic that normal people would do!?

Du Xiaomei looked all the way,

It turned out to be some decimal spectrum problems.

The water friends in the live broadcast room shook their heads one after another!

And finally.

It also comes to the last question on the test paper, the tenth question.

However, this tenth question is completely different from the previous nine questions!

[Question 10! ] 】

[The invigilator will give you the title of this question after the first 45 minutes, please answer it after fully understanding.] 】

What does that mean!?

The entire exam lasted only an hour, and your last question didn’t appear until forty-five minutes later.

Don’t… There are other mysteries hidden in this last question!?

Let’s leave the last question alone.

Du Xiaomei still felt that she would put her mind back on the previous nine questions.

Water friends in the live broadcast room don’t have to think about it, they won’t have these questions.

4.4 Now the only person you can rely on is yourself.


With your own knowledge reserve, you can’t answer it at all.

Don’t… Is there only one way to cheat!?

Du Xiaomei was very hesitant, what to do.

However, the proctoring is really strict, as if it is assumed that they will definitely cheat.

Du Xiaomei observed the invigilators in the next four weeks and found that they were all staring at them very seriously!!

Some proctors even wrote in their notebooks with pens, apparently some cheating was discovered by them.

Obviously, cheating is not so simple!

Du Xiaomei began to try to recall what Ibiki had said.

Let’s see if you can find a breakthrough point!

Suddenly, the little girl had a flash of light, and she remembered a sentence that Ibiki had said before!!


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