Lying down, the pain came, making Chen Xiaoning convulse all over.

Fortunately, the immersion device will reduce the pain according to the damage received by the player, but at most it will only be reduced by half, and Chen Xiaoning still feels pain.

The key is not to the point of fainting, just hanging like this, half of the field of vision is stained with blood.

Uncle Nine was dumbfounded, is this girl's bad luck so terrifying!? It seems that he still underestimated the power of this zombie!?

"Quick, she's got too much blood, let's rush her to the hospital!!" Uncle Nine shouted.

Qiusheng was also anxious when he saw it, and immediately ran over to pick her up.

"You hold it, I'll ride it, Wencai, you go to Ren's house to make an announcement. Uncle Nine thought for a while and said.

"Master, why do you want to go to Ren's house?" Wen Cai grabbed his hair and wondered.

"Do you have that much money to go to the hospital?".

"Nope. Wen Cai smiled shyly.

"Then don't you hurry up!!".

"Ah, good, good!".


"Xiao Ningzi, you're too miserable, aren't you!?".

"For Xiao Ningzi, come, everyone continue to brush up the rocket!!Let Xiao Ningzi know and be more gratified!!".

"Tut-tut, it seems that some choices for playing this game in the future are very important!".


Chen Xiaoning saw that he was admitted to a hospital, and then doctors and nurses came to treat him.

Ren Tingting also came later, and she was relieved to hear the doctor say that it was okay.

"It's really scary. Ren Tingting patted her chest and said.

Chen Xiaoning had no choice but to smile awkwardly.

At this time, it was already midnight, and Ren Tingting planned to stay with Chen Xiaoning.

"By the way, master, the ink fountain is half played, and there is still a little left, will it be okay to play it again tomorrow?" Qiusheng seemed to remember something, and said to the ninth uncle beside him.

"What!?It's only halfway through!?No, you have to go back and finish it!!," Uncle Nine looked stunned and said extremely seriously.

Only then did Qiusheng know the seriousness of the matter, so after saying goodbye to the two, he hurriedly followed Uncle Jiu.

"What's wrong with them, are they going back so late?" asked Ren Tingting puzzled.

Chen Xiaoning doesn't understand either, but she has low blood now, and if she is weak, she can't keep up.

"This game can be skipped for sleeping, so it should be possible to skip the healing, right?!Huh? Why can't it?" Chen Xiaoning tried a few times but still couldn't do it, and he didn't know what was going on.

The hospital at night was very quiet, and Chen Xiaoning lived in a single room because of Ren's family, which looked like a hotel.

It's a little retro decoration, and I always feel a little infiltrated in this environment.

Ren Tingting next to her had already fallen asleep in the other bed, breathing very slowly, while Chen Xiaoning felt very strange that she couldn't fall asleep at all.

I can't fall asleep and I can't skip it.,It's weird.,This game won't bug anymore!?

There are also many people discussing it on the barrage.

"I always feel like something is going to happen!?".

"I have a bad feeling too!".

"Ask for a high-energy warning, hey!!".

"What do you think, old boss!?".

"Xiao Ningzi, you take it easy, be careful that the female ghost from before came to the door again..."

The atmosphere was not right, and this group of sailors instigated again, which made Chen Xiaoning a little worried.

His eyes looked around, hoping that he was thinking too much.

In the silence of the night, a slight sound suddenly occurred in the hallway outside the door.

There was a rhythmic "knock, knock, knock" sound.

It seemed to be the sound of something heavy falling on the ground, and it was getting closer and clearer.

Chen Xiaoning's heart jumped to his throat, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

I've been playing the game for a while, and I've been so happy that I almost forgot that this Nima is a horror game!!

The nightmare of paper veneer is still vivid.

This time I was weak, not like I could run before, and this feeling of being able to passively wait for danger to come is really bad!!

Chen Xiaoning's voice trembled and whispered: "Tingting, Tingting, wake up!"

But Ren Tingting didn't seem to notice it, and still slept soundly.


sound outside the door was already very close, Chen Xiaoning's teeth were chattering, and she could clearly feel a cold breath outside the door.


Suddenly, the sound stopped at the door!

Before Chen Xiaoning could react, there was a loud "bang", and the door of the ward was slammed open.

At the dim doorway, the corpse of the old lady Ren was standing there, stretching out his hands and staring at her.

The face was hideous, rotten, and the eyes were hollow, accompanied by a beast-like roar.

Chen Xiaoning was already highly concentrated, and was frightened by this loud noise, and then it was the old lady who stood in front of him as a zombie.

A cold breath exploded from the tail vertebrae, instantly expanding every pore of the whole body.


The screams were uncontrollable, and they also woke up Ren Tingting, who was sleeping.

Old lady Ren jumped on her feet and jumped to Chen Xiaoning's bed, the one-foot-long gray-green nails were straight and straight like ten knives

She poked.

Chen Xiaoning, who couldn't move, had extremely constricted pupils, and could only watch as the zombies strung her into a blood gourd, and then grabbed a bite to put on her neck.

The terrifying footage didn't last long, but the screen went black in a few seconds.

You're dead! Game Failed!

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