Unlike the joy of players, when "Zombie World" was released, all game manufacturers around the world were like a bolt from the blue!

In the face of such a realistic picture, such a novel gameplay and technology, what they felt at first time was not joy, not joy, but panic, unprecedented panic!

This is a kind of desperation formed by the technological generation gap!!If it is just a little technical advantage, then you can catch up with the direction and hard work, but you don't know where to catch up at all!

It's so ahead of its time!!It's already to the point where it's completely incomprehensible.,How can you chase this?

ET, the largest game manufacturer in the United States, the company's CEO has urgently convened a meeting of the heads of various departments at this time.

This industry earthquake came too suddenly, and everyone was unprepared and caught off guard.

Looking at the beautiful picture flashing by the ppt on the screen, ET boss said with envy: "I believe everyone has played this game, it is not an exaggeration to say that I have been immersed in it for the past two days, although I can't understand many places, but it does not prevent me from liking it, how good it would be if it was our company's game!".

"Now let's share our opinions. "

The person in charge of the technical department also sighed: "I can't see what the technology is at all, we have been analyzing it internally for a night, and it is impossible to complete it with the rendering engine alone, and we guess that there should be a complete set of development technology that surpasses the existing one, and even new programming code." "

"I see, no wonder it can have such an effect, but can the game manufacturers of Xia Kingdom have this strength? Hehe, they are all people who drill money. "

"This.... It's hard to say, but I think the development of the game was done by a small studio, which is too strange, and a small studio can't handle it. The person in charge of the technical department said melancholy.

"Stupidity, it's a smoke bomb, it's just being pushed onto the table to attract attention, whoever believes is stupid. The ET boss looked like he had seen through the essence and said disdainfully.

"Anyway, send someone to contact first, and in the future, the technical department will focus all its energy on technology catch-up, and take this as the standard as the goal of our next batch of games!!The content planning department continues to deepen, I think this game should not be so simple!".

"Yes!!" the heads of several departments replied with wry smiles.

Different from the direction of foreign game manufacturers, domestic manufacturers know that they don't need to think about surpassing when they look at the quality of the game.

With the money to invest in the development of technology, it is better to buy the entire game company!

Among them, Mr. Ma of the Goose Factory has placed all the information about the Orange Yi Studio on the table.

After all, it is a large domestic company, and it is still possible to find out the person behind it through some means.

Mr. Ma incredulously asked the project director, "The information is just one page, are you sure you are not mistaken?".

The director was also embarrassed: "Mr. Ma, we have confirmed it again and again, and there is really only this information." "

"A studio that was set up that day, and a little-known little guy who hadn't gone to college or worked in any game-related industry, developed such a masterpiece!?Are you kidding me?".

"It's really not, Mr. Ma!" The director was about to cry, and he himself was shocked!

Who is Mr. Ma? How could the founder of an Internet business empire, who fought in such a fierce environment, be deceived by this little trick?

He and the ET boss agreed that it was a smoke bomb.

"It's so stupid to let such a small studio do this game, and there is no krypton project at all!? "

"If you want me to say that according to the old way, the first rush gift package will be arranged first, charge 60 and get a peachwood sword, sign in for 7 days to get a beautiful skin set, and there will be five consecutive draws of coupons. "

"It's better to use the consumption level as well.,Noble v8 doesn't consume the level.,That's the right taste!".

"Mr. Ma is wise, this kind of small studio needs Mr. Ma to come and guide, and make progress together under the glory of Mr. Ma!".

The director, as a supporter, sent the sycophants in a timely manner, and Mr. Ma nodded slightly when he listened, this is the reason!

"Alright, no matter which one he's playing, let's talk to him first and buy this little studio. "

Mr. Ma pondered for a moment, and when he saw that the director was going out, he still shook his head and said: "Wait, don't contact him yet, this studio should be his brainchild, buying it directly will cause rebellion, you communicate with Chen Xiaoning first and let her sister persuade him." "

"Gao!!Mr. Ma, this trick is really high!!" the director said convincingly.

Not only the goose factory, but also the pig factory, and the rice factory also took action, and gave a death order to the people under him, and he must get this company in his hands.

As long as anyone can complete the task, they will be rewarded with shares!!

For a while, the storm surged!

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