At this time, the popularity of the bullfighting live broadcast room has been full, and after watching the film and television dramas, everyone feels that it is not enjoyable enough, and now they can only watch and play games to enjoy it, so they are all extremely enthusiastic.

However, at this time, the game process is basically based on "Ghost", and there are some people who replay "Deadlock" with popularity.

So in the similarity, everyone suddenly saw that Xiao Ningzi's homepage recommendation seemed to be a little different, and they all gathered around curiously.


"What's new? "

"I don't believe it can be new, I guess it's still the previous plot, haha. "

"I just finished watching the show, it's really timely!"

"Did Xiao Ningzi go undercover and find out anything from the big demon king?"

"Hurry up, wait for Xiao Ningzi to live!"

"Don't say anything, a few rockets will be delivered!"

"It's been so popular to save 100 million, haha, it's worthy of being the popular heroine of bullfighting!"


The gifts continued to be brushed out, and the barrage floated overwhelmed, Xiao Ningzi was very satisfied with it, and said proudly:

"More love from all the brothers, hehe, of course new things are brand new things, I just spent a lot of effort to finally get the final chapter of "Ghost" from my brother!"

"Well, should there be applause here?"

Hearing her say this, the sailors also cheered.

Good guy, you can come here, didn't you say that Chen Yi Da Demon King has the strictest mouth?!

So the gifts exploded again.

Xiao Ningzi saw that it was almost over, so he smiled and said: "Because the game has not been launched this time, it is difficult to find other players to participate in it, watch me show the whole audience by myself!!"

Where would the sailors mind, she was busy and asked her to start quickly.

Xiao Ningzi didn't say a word, and clicked on the game.

As soon as the picture turned, Xiao Ningzi appeared on the familiar street.

"Haha, it's really not much that has changed, it's just that there are a lot of new houses, and the town is a lot bigger, and I occupied a place in this area before, I'll take you to see it.。 "

Xiao Ningzi walked around with ease, chatting with everyone: walking towards a building.

"That's it, I'm still the big boss. Xiao Ningzi walked in proudly.

Suddenly, the originally noisy teahouse quieted down in an instant, and everyone looked at her greedily and obscenely.

Xiao Ningzi shuddered, what's going on?

Looking at the position of the shopkeeper again, he was no longer the person he was familiar with before, but a big man, who was keeping an account book in one hand and sharpening a knife in the other.

"Is it the wrong place? No, this is the location! Hey, how is it called Baiwei Building, isn't it called Taste Xuan?" Xiao Ningzi looked at the plaque hanging on the counter, and was stunned for a while.

Ignoring the ill-intentioned eyes around him, Xiao Ningzi walked directly to the counter and asked, "Shopkeeper, when will you change the name of this building, isn't it called Taste Xuan?"

"Taste Xuan?" the big man frowned, looked at her with some suspicion, and said slowly: "That was the name of this restaurant a hundred years ago, how can anyone still remember it now?!"

A hundred years ago?

Xiao Ningzi was dumbfounded, what the hell? Could it be that this timeline was directly delayed by a hundred years? This is also too terrifying!

The sailors in the live broadcast room were also stunned, if a hundred years passed, wouldn't Yan Chixia also die?

Xiao Ningzi lost her mind for a moment, she had been good friends with Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi before, and came up with ideas for them to attack Ning Caichen, and now, this group of people is so old and dead?

Suddenly, Xiao Ningzi was a little bored.

Walking out of the teahouse, and then looking at the street, I realized that something was wrong, it seemed to be more chaotic than before, white cloth was hung everywhere, everyone on the street carried knives, and the fierce and cautious looked around.

"Meng Lanbao's birthday, weapon promotion!!"

"Cut people, cut people!"

"Steal! Don't run! Stop!"

The street was bustling and noisy, Xiao Ningzi was still walking in a trance, and two people in front of the road were walking and suddenly bumped into each other.

"Who hit me?!" one of them shouted.

Suddenly, the entire street pulled out their weapons and looked at the others with a vicious expression.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, which scared Xiao Ningzi!

"What do you mean?"

"Who hits whom?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is it your own person?"

Xiao Ningzi: "....."

Friends in the live broadcast room: "...."

Xiao Ningzi was a little speechless, has this world been chaotic like this?

In the past, shouting "don't go" would cause a riot, but now if you touch it, you will die!

At this moment, Xiao Ningzi saw two monks dressed in white who were out of place in this environment coming over, one old and one young, the old one with long eyebrows and white beard, and the young one handsome and simple.

The old monk seemed to be looking at the map to check the way, and the little monk ran to Xiao Ningzi and said, "This donor, I don't know if there is an inn around here?"

Such an incompatible NPC, Xiao Ningzi suddenly thought of Ning Caichen at the beginning, like a kind of person, looking very naïve in this turbid world.

"This one next door is. Xiao Ningzi still showed him the way with a good feeling.

"Thank you!" the little monk took out a broken bowl from behind him and walked inside, obviously wanting to turn his fortune around.

Suddenly, as he looked around, Xiao Ningzi found that there was a person sitting in the inn, and his facial features were too familiar.

It's actually a leaf of autumn!!

"Why is he here? By the way, a hundred years have passed, this guy should be reincarnated!!" Xiao Ningzi was excited, he finally met a familiar character, and he didn't know if he knew (the money) Dao.

Although Xiao Ningzi was also eaten when she beat the big centipede, she didn't know how to do it, and she just waited for Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye to go out of her body to solve it.

It's just that in the end, the original god of Zhiqiu Yiye can't come back, and this ending is also regrettable.

And the players also discovered that no matter how it is arranged, Zhiqiu Yiye will definitely die in the end, just like being arranged by the fate of the Great Demon King.

"Let's go up and talk!"

"Zhiqiu, I still regret that this guy died so miserably, didn't this just happen?"

"I'm a fan of his! I really look exactly the same, could it be that Xiaoqian and Qingfeng are the same, not alone?"

"Was it found by Yan Chixia?"

"Look at the cloth bag behind him, isn't that shape familiar!"

The sailors were chattering and discussing, and they all encouraged Xiao Ningzi to hurry up! .

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