"Haha, I like this Xiao Zhuo, it's so funny. "

"Yes, it's popular, Nie Xiaoqian before was too poignant!"

"Little monk He De, how can he, if you don't come down, I won't let you down!"

"Damn the eggs, do you want to feed us dog food?!"

"Xiao Ningzi, you better be a light bulb honestly. "

"I always feel that this little monk is very similar to Ning Caichen, it is really possible to be reincarnated!"


This farce made the sailors look straight and happy, and they had to sigh that this Xiao Zhuo was really principled.

Can't you use the power of ghosts to control people and send them to your grandmother? Do you have to use temptation to argue that you are a bad person, and then kill them willingly?

Seeing that Xiao Ningzi didn't answer, the little monk could only innocently take his clothes and walk towards Xiao Zhuo, but he was knocked down by Xiao Zhuo again, and the two stuck together again.

"No, it's going to be bad if we continue like this. The little monk hurriedly closed his eyes and said, his face constantly struggling.

"I'm bad, are you as bad as me?" Xiao Zhuo said step by step, getting closer and closer.

"You.... You... Aren't you being chased by a ghost?" the little monk's face turned red, and he quickly changed the subject.

Xiao Zhuo 933 suddenly became proud when he saw her appearance, and said with a smile: "Ghost, ghost is here, come and catch it!"

I'll go, you're blowing yourself up, Sister Zhuo!

Xiao Ningzi really can't understand it, isn't she a little too carried away? Isn't she just a monk?!


When the little monk heard this, he was shocked, and his eyelids rolled and he fainted.

Xiao Ningzi: "....."

Don't you have to be so small, if it's an ugly female ghost, just forget it, such a beautiful female ghost can still be scared!?

"It's embarrassing, I can't think of it like this, and I'm dizzy. Xiao Zhuo teased, helped him up, and began to undress him.

Xiao Ningzi was anxious, and immediately stepped forward to persuade: "Don't, it's not suitable for children like this!"

"What's that!" Xiao Zhuo didn't have a good breath.

At this time, the little monk opened his eyes, saw the two of them, and immediately put his hands together and began to chant the sutra: "When the Bodhisattva of Freedom and Freedom is walking in the deep Prajnaparamita, he sees that the five aggregates are empty, and he will overcome all suffering." Relics, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color...."

With the recitation of the (dbab) Heart Sutra, Xiao Ningzi suddenly felt a headache, although it was not very painful, but it was also uncomfortable, she looked at Xiao Zhuo's side, Xiao Zhuo had already retreated with a scream, and her face was pale.

"Don't come near me. The little monk said, and then he stopped talking.

"It's amazing, this Heart Sutra. Xiao Ningzi was surprised, helped Xiao Zhuo up, and whispered, "Come back later, or let's find someone else." "

"No, I'll be laughed at by Fluttershy and whipped by Grandma if I go back empty-handed!"

As he spoke, countless strands of hair flew out and entangled the little monk, the little monk was shocked, he wanted to struggle but couldn't break free, and was pulled in the direction of Xiao Zhuo little by little.

"Little monk, come on, I just want to have fun with you, don't be afraid!"

"It's gone!!Don't come here!!" The little monk was shocked and immediately recited the scriptures again.

Xiao Zhuo was very painful and unwilling to let go, Xiao Ningzi wanted to help but didn't know what to do.

In the end, Xiao Zhuo couldn't hold it and was shocked and flew out.

"Let's go, don't come again!" said the little monk.

"Why, why are you willing to let us go?" Xiao Ningzi asked curiously, shouldn't he kill the killer and eliminate the harm for the people?

Could it be that this guy is in the CPU Xiaozhuo and wants to catch the old man? (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Zhuo stood up and looked at him puzzled.

The little monk said: "I just want to give you a chance to mend your ways, be a good female ghost, and be a good person in the next life!"

"Wuhu!" Xiao Ningzi couldn't help but want to give him a thumbs up, although this time it was really an extremely failed operation to catch Kaizi!

Xiao Zhuo was dissatisfied: "Hmph, I'm a bad female ghost!"

Xiao Ningzi pulled Xiao Zhuo and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard the little monk behind him shouting, "Wait a minute!"

Xiao Zhuo's eyes lit up, and he said to Xiao Ningzi: "Look, a duplicitous man!"

So he turned back with a smile on his face, winked at him and said, "What's the matter, little monk, are you connected?"

"No! I'll ask you for a favor first. The little monk said embarrassedly.

"What's the hurry?" Xiao Ningzi looked at him curiously.

"My Golden Buddha just accidentally fell underneath, can you help me find it?" the little monk pointed to the dim place under the stairs.

"Please, Sister is a female ghost, okay, and she's not a servant, why do I want to help you find something. Xiao Zhuo was immediately unhappy.

Golden Buddha?

Xiao Ningzi suddenly thought of the big gold nugget that the monk was carrying during the day, and it actually fell?

Could this be an important choice?

Xiao Ningzi is now very cautious about the problems that the NPCs in the game say, but after thinking about it, there seems to be nothing bad about it, so he agreed to help find it together.

Xiao Zhuo was originally not very happy, but when he saw that the two of them had gone down, he pouted and followed to look for it.

Xiao Ningzi snickered.

"My golden Buddha mana is boundless, don't touch it, just find me and take it. The little monk instructed.

The three of them squatted under the dim and damp building with candles and looked for them.

"I don't know what your name is?" Xiao Ningzi asked curiously, this person should also be an important person, after all, he hooked up with Xiao Zhuo.

"My name is Shifang, by the way, I've always felt that you are very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere. The little monk looked at Xiao Ningzi's face and wondered.

"You must be thinking wrong, my public face. Of course, Xiao Ningzi knew that he was talking about the daytime, but he didn't expect this monk to be quite forgetful.

After looking for a while, Xiao Zhuo wanted to take the opportunity to find an opportunity to continue the attack, but he was always dodged by the little monk.


"Are you alright?" asked Xiao Ningzi.

"No, huh, I've found the Golden Buddha!" shouted the little monk!

The little monk took a stick and picked out all the snakes on the side, and then he picked up the golden Buddha with confidence.

Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Ningzi both came over curiously, and saw the golden Buddha in the little monk's hand... It's broken into three pieces.

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