
kind of thing is a Xia countryman, Chen Xiaoning took out three incense sticks and inserted them in the incense burner next to the coffin according to the instructions.

Everything else is fine, but there is a coffin, and there is no incense burner, so Chen Xiaoning is inserted in the coffin.

As a result, it disappeared as soon as he turned around after inserting it, Chen Xiaoning didn't think much about it, and inserted it again, and this time it actually flew out of the crack.

Isn't there a dead man in the coffin??

was so frightened that she retreated again and again, and hurriedly called Wen Cai.

"There's something wrong with this coffin!!".

Wen Cai also felt strange when he heard it, so he was ready to show his manhood and lift the coffin lid with his own hands.

As a result, as soon as he lifted it, a skull suddenly stretched out from it, and it bit Wen Cai's hand at once, and Wen Cai squeaked in pain.

Chen Xiaoning saw that Wen Cai was bitten, and endured fear and was about to help, before he approached, and another hand reached out from the coffin and grabbed her arm firmly.

This hand was cold, and Chen Xiaoning had goosebumps all over his body!


Cardiac arrest for a second, the other hand reflexively picked up an incense burner next to him and smashed it desperately!


A scream came, but Chen Xiaoning didn't have time to pay attention to it at all, at this time, his palm had been released, and he immediately ran forward in a panic.

"Not over there!!".


Chen Xiaoning was so flustered that he actually hit the table in front of the zombie and knocked the ever-bright lamp to the ground.

In an instant, all the zombie forehead talismans were dropped, and eight pairs of eyes opened in unison!


Stretching out his hands, he jumped on his feet and jumped towards her.

"Mom, !!


The second fright struck, Chen Xiaoning had never been so agile, avoided it in an extremely distorted posture, and ran out of the door as if he was running away, but unfortunately bumped into a figure.

"Well, what's going on? are you....?".

An honest voice came, and Chen Xiaoning looked up and saw a middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, short hair and square face.

I don't know what's going on, but I feel an inexplicable sense of security when I see this face.

"What's the matter with the little girl?" spoke a tall, thin man with glasses standing next to him, his tone visibly anxious.

Chen Xiaoning pointed to the room behind him and said, "Yes.... There's a ghost!!Wen Cai was caught!".

"What!?Senior brother, do you still have a ghost in your house!?" the man with glasses turned his head to look at the square-faced man in disbelief.

The square-faced man frowned and didn't believe it, and the two rushed in directly.

Chen Xiaoning also followed behind and watched secretly, if the situation was not right, she immediately took off her helmet and went offline, although taking it off directly will cause the game to not be stored, but it can't be so much.

I saw the square-faced man and the glasses man step forward together, biting their fingers to make a decision, and they were not afraid of the eight expressionless zombies at all.

It's a punch and a kick on the forehead, and the most amazing thing is that the zombie doesn't move after the forehead is nodized with fingertip blood!!

Where has Chen Xiaoning seen such a scene, he just thinks it's amazing, and all the zombies are frozen in less than a while.

"Who are these two people!?Such awesome!

"Could it be the ninth uncle Wen Cai said?"

"If you learn a few tricks here, won't you be afraid of Ah Piao outside!?".

"Xiao Ningzi remembers to hug her thighs!!".


After the scene was suppressed, two people came out of the corner, it was Wencai and a man in a zombie costume, both of whom stood with their heads down and did not dare to move.

"Why don't you come here to help!?" said the square-faced man, glaring at them.

"Oooh oh. The two of them were busy and came over to move the zombies together.

Wen Cai saw Chen Xiaoning who was hiding outside the door and peeking, and immediately ran over to pull her over.

"Xiao Ning, this is my master, Uncle Jiu, this one who wears glasses is my senior uncle, and this one is my senior brother Qiusheng. "

Wen Cai helped her identify them one by one, and Qiusheng gave her an apologetic look.

Seeing that there was doubt in the master's eyes, Wen Cai said with a big grin what he had met Xiao Ning before, and then asked the master if he could let her stay for one night

What else can Uncle Nine say, how could he drive people out this big night, so he had to say with a straight face: "Yes, let's find a room to sleep tonight." "

Chen Xiaoning was pleasantly surprised: "Okay, thank you Uncle Nine, Uncle Nine, you are so amazing!!".

Uncle Jiu's face turned red rarely, and he immediately turned around and continued to help the zombie customers of the four-eyed Taoist paste yellow charms and light the everlasting lamp again.

"You two stinky boys, what are you kidding, playing with my customers..."The four-eyed Taoist shook his head and complained, and prepared to leave in his robe.

Wen Cai Qiusheng had no choice but to smile awkwardly.

"Stay longer. Uncle Nine kept a sentence.

"Okay, we'll see you later. "

After speaking, the four-eyed Taoist held the order flag in one hand and shook the bell in the other, and walked towards the door.

Chen Xiaoning was surprised to find that these zombies actually jumped out in unison with his bells.

"It's amazing, isn't it? "

Qiusheng leaned over and said, "What's this, the Taoist skills of my Maoshan faction are even more amazing." "

Seeing their two spells against zombies tonight, Chen Xiaoning was really moved, and he didn't know if it was possible to learn a trick!

"Aren't you going back so late?!You'll be asking for someone again later!Go back!" Uncle Nine looked at his apprentice there, and said directly with a straight face.

"Hey, hey, let's go. Qiusheng smiled and immediately took off the zombie suit, and whispered to Chen Xiaoning by the way: "I'm sorry just now, I wanted to scare Wen Cai." "

Looking at the literary talent with the same bitter gourd face, Chen Xiaoning had no choice but to smile: "It's okay, your senior brother has a really good relationship." "

Uncle Nine: +1 favorability

Autumn Students: +1 opinion

Wencai: -1 favorability


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