Later, the carrier sailed more than five hundred nautical miles away from the western seas.

Logistics dropped several dozen floating carriers to the surface.

The ship carries helicopters and armored personnel carriers of various models.

Black Hawk transport helicopter, Cobra attack gunship, Wolf filling armour, Abrams main battle tank.

Most explosively, the carrier also has four A10 Warthog attack aircraft and two F35 fighters.

And at the large rear base, there are at least four F22 fighters on standby, which can provide artillery support in fifteen minutes.

In this battle, the magnesium country sent two aircraft carrier fleets and exploded!

Not to mention the stunned dumb little sister and other anchors who are already shocked.

Even Ye Yu shook his head slightly and sighed.

Five minutes later, the entire ship boarded.

Players in each other squad have their own missions.

They are responsible for clearing the rest of the town of enemy forces.

Ye Yu leads the B2 squad, codenamed War Pig, who will be responsible for arresting Alassad.

When the squad landed on the carrier ship and sat on the Black Hawk helicopter, the carrier ship set sail.

At the same time, extremely intense background music sounded in everyone’s ears.

Five minutes later, the carrier ship sailed fifty kilometers from land.

At this time, the helicopter pilot reported:

“We have reached the target area, sit tight, let’s take off!”


With a slight shaking, the helicopter flew away from the carrier ship and rose to a height of 100 meters, and drove in formation towards the target area.

On the surface of the sea, the open front baffle carrying tank armored vehicles rushed to accompany.

This scene alone made everyone’s scalp tingle.

The tasks of Task Force 141 are mostly infiltrated by a small number of people.

The tasks of the naval and land special combat teams are basically group operations, and they will kill the past in a mighty manner.

It’s exactly two styles of combat.

Therefore, players who have just played the first level of freighter missions, before they have time to catch their breath, the second level immediately enters the larger battlefield.

How could this not be exciting?

Sit on either side of the helicopter and watch the tanks traveling on calm seas.

Look at the nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that take off from time to time on the distant sea horizon.

This scene directly made the live broadcast room explode.

“Brothers! I’m crying! Look at this picture, you don’t want to play? ”

“What are you doing stunned, go buy a game and lie in the groove!”

“Can’t stand it, I can’t wait to pinch my… Refreshing! ”

“The material for dreaming tonight is here! I just slip on my knees to thank the game producers! ”


The excitement of the water friends almost overflowing the screen intensified the mood of the anchors such as Du Xiaomei.

And at this time.

Only a tick in the headphones was heard.

First, there was a Boeing explosion in the distance, followed by the blink of an eye.

Two F35s flew sharply over the helicopter formation.

The pilot deliberately showed off, slowed down and flew close to the surface of the sea so that the player on the helicopter could see the fighter clearly, and said:

“Approaching the target area, let’s go in.”

“Heavy fire from enemy tanks is detected, let’s give him a few rounds of hellfire.”

“Launch launch!”

The chat of the fighter pilot was transmitted to the ears of the squad members, and people heard a burst of teeth.

Subsequently, the two fighters each dropped two Hellfire anti-tank missiles, dragging a long tail flame straight to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the fighter turned around with a beautiful acceleration, leaving a long flowing line behind him.

“The enemy beach tanks have been destroyed, it’s time for you to enter.”

“Received received, thank you for your support.”

Five nautical miles away, the sound of tanks exploding on the beach could be heard.

Deafening, the sound blows the ears, but the giant is cool.

Immediately after, another female voice appeared:

“The pig enters the field, the cannon clears the visible threat on the ground, pay attention to the dangerous distance!”

As soon as the words fell, four more pig attack aircraft flew overhead.

The plane flew very close, pulling down the altitude of the helicopter formation for five seconds.

The pilot turned around, nodded to the squad members, and then quickly pulled up the nose and flew high.

A nice large elevation angle rises, followed by a sharp head-down flight towards the beach.

The formidable 30mm seven-barreled Gatling cannon placed in front of the nose spun rapidly.

This thing can fire 4200 shells per minute, 4200 rounds!


A tooth-biting roar sounded immediately.

Each of the four pigs pulled out a 100-meter-long line towards the ground, leaving no one behind wherever the shells went.

When they finished this wave of ploughing attacks, the land was left in ruins and dust.

At this time, the helicopter pilot reported:

“Thanks for the support! 30 seconds to reach the landing area. ”

Hearing this, the squad leader played by Ye Yu, Vasquez, raised his hand and signaled: “Prepare!” ”

Then, the rest of the squad each took out an M4A1 assault rifle equipped with a lower grenade from his waist and loaded it with a click.

At the same time, a Cobra attack helicopter flew in front of everyone’s eyes.

“War pig, lethal here, we will provide ground fire cover, please use a laser guidance instrument to lock on the target.”

Ye Yu nodded: “Received.” ”

Saying that, he looked down at the laser pointer tied to his left shoulder, activated it and put it back on his shoulder.

Fifteen seconds later, the helicopter formation entered the land range.

Immediately, the enemies hiding in the ruins on the ground poked out their hair and attacked.

“Pick up the enemy! All ready to land! ”

“Ten seconds!”

With a loud shout, the helicopter advanced against the light fire weapons of the enemy on the ground.

Players of ground forces such as tanks go in the other direction, where they are going to fight tank street battles.

Listening to the sound of bullets flying from time to time in his ears, Ye Yu smiled and asked the stupid little girl next to him who played team member Jackson:

“Excited, no?”

The silly little girl nodded frantically: “Cool!” ”

Cook, the player played by PDD, clutched his rifle and shook his head

“I regretted it, I knew I should take another antihypertensive pill, my heart was about to jump out!”

Next to her, Sister Zhou pounded PDD with her elbow: “Lose weight brother!” ”

Ten seconds later, the squads flew to a height of ten meters above the target area.

A green light lights up to indicate that you can recil.

Ye Yu nodded, reached out and pulled the rappel from the top of the hatch and threw it to the ground:



[Damn, I was actually ridiculed by the big guy, saying that it was such a flower! ] 】

Brothers beg for flowers!! At least eight more than 20,000 words today! I want revenge!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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