Ye Yu, when they won a big victory.

The pig’s side has almost collapsed.

The driver was blown to shreds with a bomb by the enemy plastered to his face.

The commander even shot several people who tried to blow up the barrel at close range with his pistol.

The pig was covered in sweat at the moment, but his hands and feet were surprisingly cold.

He was so nervous that even his blood pressure rose a lot.

At this time, an enemy carrying a package of bombs under the cover of others tried to stick it from the right side.

The pig saw it, but the machine gun was stuck in the dead spot of the shooting and could not hurt the enemy.

The commander focused on the front, was shot in the shoulder by the enemy, and retracted into the car with a cry of pain.

The two were so desperate that they didn’t even have time to call for support from the command.

Pressed to the extreme, the pig gritted his teeth and looked at the commander.

He picked up the submachine gun hanging from the driver’s seat and prepared to go out and fight the enemy to the end.

And at this time.

The voice of the silly girl suddenly sounded in the earphones:

“Teacher Park! Here we are, are you still alive?! ”

Hearing this, the saugar was first stunned, and then a burst of ecstasy spread from his feet and rushed straight to his brain.

He grabbed the radio and roared, “Quick! I can’t stand it!! ”

“What about you people!?”


As soon as the words fell, the pig poked his head out from the roof of the car.

I saw the wind raging overhead, the dust mixed with rubble, and the whole world was orange-red.

Suddenly, one side.

A depleted uranium bomb dragged a long tail flame through the sky and flew over the pig’s head.


With a bang, the shockwave directly lifted the headphones on the pig’s head.

Look to the side, in the corner, less than fifteen meters away.

An enemy T72 tank did not know when it was creeping up and was preparing to deliver the porcupine a final fatal blow.

However, the shells that flew from the other side burst the enemy tanks in time.

A tank flew down the slope and completed a jump in the air.

Seeing this, the sauing pig couldn’t tell for a moment which of the two T72s was a friend and which was an enemy.

And on the side of that tank, a jeep was speeding beside it, with four people sitting in the car and two people hanging from the frame next to the car.


“Head down!”

With a loud shout, Yinko slammed the accelerator and slammed the steering wheel, flying down the hillside and stopping with a tail flick.

Sister Zhou gripped the vehicle-mounted 50 machine gun, shouted furiously, pulled the trigger and shot at the pig, killing a large group of enemies in a moment.

The others followed Ye Yu and jumped out of the car, shouting furiously as Ula ran past the side of the tank, stepping on the corpse of the enemy and rushing over to storm.

In an instant, the form of the battlefield was quickly reversed.

Ye Yu shot out an airburst grenade in one direction to blow up an enemy, and then clinging to the wall, shouting into the earphones:

“Gunner! Anti-aircraft guns of the first floor in the direction of three points. ”

“Blast him through the wall!”

Inside the car, Wang Jing and Wang Yun father and son drove tanks.

When Wang Yun heard the order, he put his eyes on the observation mirror and turned the muzzle wildly.

“Calibrate the muzzle … Lock! ”



A depleted uranium shell-piercing shell erupted from the muzzle, and even the air around the shell was burning.

The building’s reinforced concrete walls were as fragile as pieces of paper in front of armor-piercing bullets.

Through four walls in a row, the members of the anti-aircraft artillery battery shrunk in the dead corner of the building were directly blown up into a pile of scrap iron wreckage.

“Target clearing! Standby! ”

Wang Yun hit and was hammered by his father: “Nice job!” ”

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yu and Du Xiaomei ran wildly and ran behind the building on the other side to take a look.

“Gunner! First floor in the direction of five o’clock, anti-aircraft artillery group! ”

“Give him a 125 smoothbore cannon!”

“Calibrate the muzzle … Lock! ”



The T72 blocked the firing of shells in front of Emrams, buzzing in the ears of the pig.

I managed to survive and saw the others crush the surrounding enemy forces.

The pig almost didn’t come up in one breath, and his blood pressure suddenly rushed to his brain, making him almost dizzy.

The porcupine captain also took a long breath, slammed a console, and his cursing lips were trembling.

In less than five minutes, all the surrounding enemy forces were cleared.

The anti-aircraft battery was successfully solved, and the tank survived.

“Received, well done.”

“Please stay put, the sandstorm will end in an hour.”

“After that, you will regroup with the large army.”

Hearing the news that the headquarters was standing by in place, everyone finally relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

In this level, the war pig, hound, python falcon, and porcupine crew have all completed their respective tasks.

Now you can complete the mission with other scattered squads.

This level is over.

“It’s finally over, Lie Groove, I’m fucking.”

Lifted out of the tank by several people working together, the pig’s legs were unstable on its feet.

Others celebrated each other over the shoulders of their respective hammer teammates, thinking about exchanging contact information and then going online.

After such a battle, strange netizens who had never known each other have now become good brothers who live and die together.

This is far more conducive to deeper friendships than games like CrossFire.

Seeing them chatting happily, Ye Yu shook his head.

He sat on the tank with a smile on his lips, took off his helmet and looked at the excitement.

What satisfied him the most was actually Wang Jing’s father and son.

The two now have a lot of rapport.

Wang Yun still held his breath, and didn’t want to pay attention to his old son with a straight face.

But he couldn’t stand Wang Jing, and he also put down his father’s stubborn face, and hugged his son and giggled.

Amused by Lao Tzu, Wang Yun couldn’t hold back, sneered and broke his defense, even cried and laughed to give his father a hammer, and then hugged together.

More than ten minutes later.

Background music sounded in everyone’s ears.

A long, gentle, but heavy ending note sounded slowly.

As a result, the game screen gradually blurs and turns black.

A few seconds later, a long list of names quickly swiped across the center of the screen.

These names are the names of the characters that the players themselves play.

Finally, a family photo appears, with a hundred players taking a group photo before they set off.

See, a kind of players hurry to save screenshots.

The meaning contained in this photo is too rich for them to remember for a long time.

By the end of the chapter, everyone was tired.

The level lasted for hours, and the beaters felt tired from the inside out.

The little girl took off her helmet, sat back in front of the computer with a long breath, and cherished the family photo as the desktop.

PDD was helped by his daughter-in-law to do it on the sofa, and took a blood pressure medicine by the way.

Eggplant Yinzi and others were full of energy, and after quitting the game, they cursed and asked the water friends to hurry up and buy the game.

Ye Yu, on the other hand, walked to the corner of the living room.

It will be dawn, looking at the white of the fish belly and a touch of sunlight in the distance.

He let out a long sigh and shook his head.

The third level, the real big scene is coming… Hopefully, players can withstand it.


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