Real men never look back at the explosion!

An armored car was solved like this, watching Ye Yu Tianshen stand in front of him like a mortal.

The little girl got up and looked at him, looking a little shy.

However, this scene became very strange from Ye Yu’s point of view.

Because the role played by the silly little girl is soap!

This tall man of one meter and eight meters has a coquettish mohican hairstyle and a beard around his chin.

In particular, their faces are painted with black-green camouflage camouflage.

So the slightly shy and liking look of the little sister is projected on the soapy face, which is very…

“yue~ I can’t stand it.”

“Soap!! You ruined my soap ahhh ”

“What are you doing, wife! Are you embarrassed to look at your own face now!! ”

“Nightmare! Incubus! O devil!! ”

“The ghost animal area UP is coming to stock, and I have already figured out how to edit it!”

It’s not just the audience who can’t stand it.

Ye Yu himself was a little overwhelmed.

He liked soaping them more than anyone, but this expression really accepted that incompetence belonged.

With a disguised cough, Ye Yu picked up the gun from the ground: “Let’s fight, be serious.” ”

The little girl also realized that she had gaffed, and her old face blushed and avoided Ye Yu’s sight.

“Old man… Ah no, captain, we solved armored vehicles. ”

“Not bad, continue along the detour, enemy tanks one hundred and forty meters ahead, red hats in the car.”

“At least fifteen enemy troops in the perimeter set up machine-gun positions and try to capture the target alive.”

“We provide sniper cover, watch out for does patrolling overhead.”


Hearing Price’s instructions, Sister A subconsciously agreed.

But then she frowned: “We? ”

“Brother, the captain cooperated with Kamalov again?”

Saying that, the little girl shook her head: “I don’t like him very much, he was accidentally injured by us, right?” ”

When Ye Yu heard this, he looked up at the top of the mountain, and the corners of his mouth inexplicably curved: “It’s not Kamalov.” ”

Seeing that Sister A was still curious, Ye Yu shook his head: “You’ll know later, move forward.” ”

She obeyed Ye Yuyan, and his words had more commanding effects than Price.

Since Ye Yu said don’t ask, then she obediently continued the task.

More than a minute later.

The two stooped along the corner of the wall, then came to a stop more than forty meters away from the tank.

In front of it is a slope with three forks in the road, all three roads leading to the tank.

Du Xiaomei plans to go to the left, which is relatively narrow and has a two-story building on the side of the road, which is convenient for hiding in the dark.

Ye Yu shook his head and said confidently

“It doesn’t take that much effort, he can provide us with good sniper cover.”

This seemed to be the first time Ye Yu was so confident in determining something.

In the past, he was always cautious when leading battles, and he was hardly completely sure of any tactics.

So looking at his expression, the little sister blinked: “You said he is Price?” ”

Ye Yu shook his head and smiled: “It’s not.” ”

Saying that, Ye Yu motioned for Du Xiaomei to follow, and the two walked uphill on the right side of the road.

Then, sure enough.

Just like Ye Yu said confidently.

The little girl was surprised to find that the enemy they encountered in front of them was suddenly killed by a sniper from the top of the mountain just after they met.

It’s a little scary.

Because the mountain is three or four hundred meters away.

Especially now that it is dark, the shooting line of sight is very unclear.

The enemy was also killed by one shot in the back of the head.

The little girl thought it was Price’s action, but Ye Yu insisted that it was not the old guy.

This made the little girl curious in her heart.

And when she saw Ye Yu’s expression when she looked up at the top of the mountain, she was even more curious.

The feeling of Ye Yu’s expression… How to say it.

It was a faint smile, and then his eyes were very gentle.

It’s like meeting an old friend who hasn’t seen each other for years.

If she hadn’t heard Ye Yu say that she used a gun as a wife, she would have thought that Ye Yu should not like men…

At the same time, the audience who saw Ye Yu’s expression through the perspective of sister A also became interested in the mysterious sniper.

You know, Brother Ye has never shown this kind of expression.

Everyone speculated, which made the dumb little sister more and more curious.

But Ye Yu just didn’t open his mouth, just said that you would know later.

At this time, wait until the two touched the hillside less than ten meters away from the tank.

Ye Yu signaled the little sister to lie down, and the two climbed quietly towards the edge of the hillside in the grass.

Below, the enemy used diesel generators to generate electricity to searchlights shortly after the blackout.

The two took off their night vision devices and observed and discussed the plan.

With a glowing dot overhead, the enemy can plunge into darkness for at least a minute by bursting the light bulb.

The machine gunners split up on both sides of the road with their backs to them, and one person could solve it with one shot.

Solve them, and the two can jump down and capture the red hat alive.

Just as the two whispered, you sat on my right to divide the head of the enemy soldiers.


There was a shattering sound, and the surrounding area suddenly fell into darkness.

The two were stunned and hurriedly brought a night vision device, and then saw the enemy machine gunner who was hit in the back of the head and collapsed and crawled on the machine gun.

Just a second later, the second machine gunner was also killed.


This damn marksmanship made the two of them deeply surprised, and even for a moment, Ye Yu’s heart panicked.

If he wasn’t sure the gunman was his own, he wanted to lie down and find cover.

In the next second, the red hat half sitting on the tank commander’s seat noticed something strange.

But before he could sound the alarm.

Just listen to a fluttering sound from the top of the mountain.

This is not the sound of any kind of rifle at all, more like the feeling of hammering nails into the wall.


With a nail sound, the red hat looked at the ground where the sound came from, and the two of Ye Yu ten meters away next to him also felt strange.

Immediately, the two saw through the night vision device that from the top of the mountain, there was a thin steel rope tightened at both ends.

“This is…”

Before the little girl finished speaking, she suddenly turned her head.

She heard the steel rope whizzing and sliding while a dark shadow was rapidly sliding downwards.

Two seconds later, I saw the black shadow quickly descend to the ground.

Immediately after a giant superhero-style landing action, the black shadow quickly broke away from the rope and rolled over to hide on the side of the tank.

The red hat was shocked when he saw this, and shouted that he was going to hide in the tank.

Seeing that this was not good, Ye Yu was about to get up and shoot, when he heard a faint gunshot faster than him.

The hand of the red hat holding the top cover was hit, and he let go of his hand and fell into the cabin with a pain.

With one shot, the black shadow rolled over again and jumped into the tank cabin.

Ten seconds though.

The red hat was pushed out from the roof of the car, and he seemed to have been punched in the nose, and nosebleeds were running all over his chin.

The other party’s set of actions just now was simply fluid, ten times smoother than Ye Yu’s prying armored car.

In this way, Ye Yu and Du Xiaomei were stunned.

If nothing else, the elderly guy definitely does not have this kind of speed.

Until this time, the curiosity of the little girl was completely aroused.

She couldn’t wait to find out who this mysterious figure was!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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