Chapter 65 Lao Tzu wants to hack this dog thief to death!!

When this idea was spoken, the three of them immediately objected.

This is not just death, this is simply death!

125mm gun, hit the old BTR, that’s not as casual as playing to bomb into slag.

As long as he chooses to fire, Ye Yu will die one hundred percent, and there is no need to think about it at all.

But Ye Yu planned to gamble, after all, ordinary people would not come up with such a bad idea in their minds.

Negative negative positive, maybe it can work.


Just as Ye Yu was about to forcibly push away the three of Sister Zhou, his determination was already set.

The earphones of the four people remembered a very unpleasant sound.

Sheffield’s slightly hoarse voice coughed a few times and said, “Price, you guys have to hurry.” ”

“Arrive in ten minutes after evacuating the transport plane.”

“We’ve found more valuable targets, and you need to come back as soon as possible for new missions.”

“The window of time will soon run out, and we only have this one chance to end the war once and for all.”

With that, Sheffield hung up the communication.

Hearing this, the four of them were stunned.

To be reasonable, since the nuclear explosion was born, I learned that 30,000 people were all pushed up by him and then all died.

The little sisters subconsciously began to reject Sheffield.

Although he was the commander of the campaign, it seemed correct to do so for his reasons

But this practice of sitting in the office and sending soldiers to the front grinder is still very unpleasant.

Especially now, he said lightly, finish in ten minutes and then leave? Urging is not so urgent, it is better to directly suggest that they swallow the gun in place to be comfortable.

“Look, Sheffield gave the order.”

“In this way, we are more rushed in time, we don’t have time to think about other plans, move, what do you think that is?”

Saying that, Ye Yu pointed his hand into the distance and slammed the car door when the three looked back.

When the three turned around, Ye Yu was already in the driver’s seat ready to start.

“Uh… Let me see. ”

“Throttle, clutch, brake, power-plus lever, gears…”

“Groove, is armored car so complicated?”

“How did the pig drive the tank in the first place?”

In front of them, a row of red and green buttons are densely arranged on the center console.

There was no hint of this thing, and Ye Yu rubbed his hands and pondered for a long time and didn’t know where to put his mouth.

After a little hesitation, Ye Yu tentatively pressed a few special-looking buttons, the headlights of the armored car flashed off, and the machine gun observation hole on the side of the car closed.

“Oh, this is the headlights…”

Two more buttons were pressed, and the engine suddenly thundered to startle him.

With a light step on the accelerator, the car took a sharp step forward, and the frustration was very strong.

“Got it, this is braking.”

“Who the put the brake button in this position?”

In doubt, Ye Yu learned to drive like an ordinary car, lightly turning on the brake with one hand, and stepping on the accelerator at the same time.

At this time, this old antique armored car, which was older than Ye Yu, ran.

“Don’t be stunned and get in position, I’ll go in, can I achieve this time.”

The steering wheel was very hard, and Ye Yu needed a lot of strength to turn.

Twisting and pinching, let the car turn around, and when passing by the three people, Ye Yu lowered his head and looked at them from the observation hole: “What are you doing stunned, run!” ”

Saying that, Ye Yu exhaled a few times and drove the armored car towards the farm gate at a constant speed.

On the other side, the three of them were powerless to stop it, gritting their teeth and slipping in from near the fence on the edge of the farm.

Sure enough, as Ye Yu guessed.

As soon as the armored car entered, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

The tank muzzle was aimed at it, but it did not fire immediately.

The sniper on the second floor of the small barn took aim and asked what was going on with the walkie-talkie.

In the cabin, Ye Yu heard the question in the walkie-talkie, buttoned his eyebrows and thought about picking up the walkie-talkie, pinching his throat and shaking his throat.

“Squeak……… Wow…”

They will never have a secret password or the like, and if they say a wrong word, they will die

Unable to respond, Ye Yu pulled in with a walkie-talkie to make noise, trying to make the other party think that it was a communication obstacle.

While Ye Yu stopped at the door to play horse monkey play, the three of them sneaked into the small barn on the left with a nervous trot.

Downstairs, the little sister was posted at the door, asking Sister Zhou to be on guard, she had a silencer rifle in her hand that could quietly kill the sniper.

“Let’s go in.”

Hearing the report, Ye Yu breathed a sigh of relief, took the walkie-talkie and shouted blindly, while lightly stepping on the accelerator and approaching the barn.

Five seconds later.

The little girl was not as bold as Ye Yu and dared to blade the enemy, so she squatted at the entrance of the stairs, steadied her breath and fired four shots in a row.

Two shots killed the enemy lying on a blanket in the barn attic.

Two shots hit the sniper in the back, killing him instantly.

“Sure, are you sure you can knock out the tank?”

“I have a ghost.”

The Demon King put down the chainsaw light machine gun, took out a rocket from behind and carried it on his shoulder, crouched near the window and poked his head out, aiming the barrel at the tank.

But after waiting a few seconds, she didn’t press the trigger.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing her hesitation, Du Xiaomei asked.

The demon king frowned, put down the rocket and squatted on the ground in discouragement: “I’m not sure.” ”

“Usually I dare to fight, but Brother Ye is on the opposite side, what if I can’t burst the tank with one shot?”

This question is also difficult for the little sister, to be honest, she is also very intimidated.

“Otherwise, I’ll knock out the tank barrel.”

“If the barrel is wasted, he should not be able to fire?”


The two looked at each other, took a breath and nodded: “Just fight like this!” ”

Saying that, the demon king puffed up a breath and picked up the rocket again, this time moving the barrel slightly to the right, aiming at the gun mount and pulling the trigger.


The second floor of the small barn was more than 20 meters away from the tank, and the rocket hit the target in less than a second.

The AT4 man-made bazooka is very powerful, and with a stroke of luck, it can even take down Abrams.

So it is also used to hit T72 one by one.

With one shot, the gun mount of the tank was cut off a large piece, and a huge opening was torn open at the root of the barrel.

At least now it is impossible for him to fire.

But, right after.

The tank was not scrapped on the spot, the light machine gun mounted on one side quickly turned around, and at the same time the sniper from the small barn opposite quickly turned his muzzle and fired.


In an instant, the farm was bustling, and the gunfire quickly tore through the silent night.

At the same time, seeing that they had succeeded, Ye Yu roared and slammed on the accelerator to watch the armored car rush towards the big barn.

But then.

The small barn was made of pure wood, and the 12.7mm machine gun bullet was so long that the arm-thick stake could not stop the damage.

The demon king had good luck and reaction, and as soon as the shot was fired, he threw away the barrel and ran away.

She subconsciously thought that the little sister would also run and did not look back.

Then, when the demon king rushed to the staircase, Ten Painting Tou found that Sister A had been killed………

“I… A sister! ”

The demon king’s scalp was numb, and she wanted to rush to save people, but was blocked by the heavy machine gun fire of the tank.

Downstairs, Sister Zhou was also targeted by snipers from the barn opposite, and bullets ran over her heels.

“Don’t save, I’m already dead, I’ve seen the famous saying.”

Du Xiaomei’s voice appeared in the ears of the demon king, and she waved her hand: “Forget it, it’s okay to reopen, anyway, if you die, our mission will fail 0 In this level, the role played by Du Xiaomei is a member of 141, not an important role such as Soap Ghost or Gates.” ”

So even if she died, the mission didn’t seem to end right away.

On the contrary, Du Xiaomei strangely found that her perspective can now be projected back and forth on other people.

It’s strange, there hasn’t been this setting before.


Ye Yu drove the armored car and slammed into the small barn on the other side, causing the barn to collapse with a bang.

When the unlucky sniper climbed out of the ruins, Ye Yu was already standing on the machine gun position, pulling the trigger and giving him three bullets.

Then Ye Yu drove the armored car and slammed into the tank and blocked the tank machine gun with the armored vehicle.

The bullet hit the wagon and burst into sparks, Ye Yu escaped from the back door, jumped on the tank with a grenade, opened the lid and threw it in, blowing up the crew members who were not deceived.

“I’m done, what about you?”

Jumping off the tank, Ye Yu pulled out his machete and ran towards the door of the big barn.

“The two of us are fine, sister A is dead! But her death doesn’t seem to affect the progress of the mission…”


Hearing this, Ye Yu braked on the spot and looked at the small barn, and then remembered something: “It’s okay, it’s not a big problem.” ”

“No need to open it, Alassad is in this barn, after Sister Zhou blocked it.”

“The Demon King mounts the machine gun, watch out for being swept to death by Alassad.”

“Lao Tzu will hack him alive.”

Saying that, the three of them rounded at the door of the barn, and Sister Zhou walked around the big barn and did not find a back door, so she walked back to the main entrance.

At this time, just as the three of them threw all the flash grenades on their bodies one after another to prepare to break the door.

The three unexpectedly found that they suddenly couldn’t control the role.

Price moved on his own, put the machete back to his chest, and kicked the door with his rifle in hand.

Gates stood guard by the door, and Soap followed Price into the door.

Three gunshots rang out, and enemies ambushed all over the barn were killed by headshots.

Alassad, wearing a red beret and trying to run, was shot in the ankle by soap and screamed in pain.

“Pull him up.”

Price squinted as the soap tied Alassad to a chair and asked him condescendingly: “I’ll just ask once, where did you get the nuclear warhead.” ”

Alassad squeaked something, and Price listened with a frown.

At this time, the satellite phone that Alassad had dropped on the ground rang, Soap picked it up and handed it to Price: “No caller ID.” ”

Price did not speak, connected the phone and listened for a few seconds, and then a cold light flashed in Price’s eyes and hung up.

“Kill him, let’s go.”

Soap obeyed, took out the Uzi submachine gun from his waist, and said against Alassad’s terrified head: “This shot was fired for the Marines.” ”

With a gunshot, Alassad immediately fell to the ground, and a huge opening was opened in the back of his head and died on the spot.

Going out, Soap put away the gun and asked, “Sir, who is on the phone?” ”

Price let out a long breath: “Zakhaev.” ”

“Imran Zakhaev.”

This scene, the four of them watched it without being able to control the characters.

But then, the transport helicopter sent by Sheffield landed, and the three carried the bodies of their dead teammates on board.

When the helicopters are flying away, the mission is not over.

I saw that the picture in front of the four people suddenly flashed.

The perspective of the silly little sister is cast on the captain of the poisonous rat that she has always despised.

“,! Whoops!! ”

“Leave me alone! Snatch the book back, and snatch it back when you die!! ”

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