Chapter 67 I want to condemn you from the perspective of poisoning the minds of young people!!

Smear each other is the usual routine of the goose factory.

In itself, the game is something that parents are absolutely opposed to.

On TikTok, a ‘turn off must be turned off’ video can get hundreds of thousands of likes, which is very telling.

In particular, the current games are basically played with the assistance of the somatosensory machine, and the fully immersive experience makes parents worry even more.

Not to mention a game where Call of Duty is a game where bullets fly around, severed limbs are strewn all over the ground, and players experience the pain of a nuclear explosion.

If parents don’t object, there will be ghosts.

Then, a very strange thing appeared, and even Ye Yu, the game maker, did not know about it.

Since the third day after the game’s release, that is, the day of the nuclear explosion in the game.

Game sales exploded, and Ye Yu’s income doubled, reaching a terrifying amount.

At the same time, the local education bureaus and the chief sergeant hotline have received a large number of complaints, and various game media have also released various related news one after another.

The major game chat groups are full of Call of Duty-related discussions.

“What kind of group are you?”

“You group is not shallow!”

“Our children were killed in your group!”

“Our child talks all day about what game he wants to play, and although he doesn’t spend money on any props, he has no time!”

“He doesn’t even write classwork!”


Similarly, letters and phone calls about parents complaining about game victims have been overwhelming.

The movement is too big for the official not to notice.

Then things went in a strange direction.

Three waves of camp, the words are divided into three.

First of all, the parent group is divided into two camps: male and female heads.

Fathers were initially extremely opposed to their children playing such completely real war games

Because it is so cruel and cruel, that visual impact cannot even be withstood by adults, let alone children.

But it didn’t take long for the male parents to find out.

But anyone who has played this game.

The little fart children who used to shout about going to the battlefield suddenly shut up one by one.

Not only began to hate war.

He even inexplicably talked to his parents about anti-war ideas.

That’s a lot of.

This extremely esoteric question makes male parents very confused.

What kind of war does the big doll know about what kind of war and what anti-war ideology? Even began to discuss such extremely profound problems between countries.

Do not abandon and do not give up, such words can come out of the mouth of a schoolboy?

This extremely profound remark made parents very confused.

You know, before that.

Most of the children discussed what kind of fire unicorn smoke head cannon, iron AK dared to confront Ye A big gun and other extremely mentally retarded words.

Now, in just a few days, the children seem to have grown overnight?

There are some questions like whether war is wrong”, which even parents cannot answer.

That’s weird.

Therefore, a considerable number of fathers have also become curious about this game.

Curious, they also entered the game to see what kind of demons and monsters can make children’s hearts change.

Later, I saw with my own eyes a doll with a big butt, who would rather withstand the pain of the shooting than cover the scene of the retreat of his comrades.

A considerable part of the father was silent.

They are just a bunch of little fart children, and the bastard years who have not hit the house for three days actually know the belief that they dare to sacrifice for their comrades?

Most of the male parents of this era came from the war years, and a considerable number of them retired from the battlefield.

At that time, the Dragon Kingdom was still a country with extremely strong forces and had just recovered from the war.

The murderous fog was simply terrifyingly thick, far less peaceful than it is now.

So when these parents find that their own painstaking education is far less than a game, it can make their children grow rapidly.

They fell silent, feeling that the game didn’t seem so harmful.

On the contrary, female parents, mothers are angry.

They are afraid of nightmares just by looking at those scenes, let alone letting their children put on VR headsets to experience them for themselves.

So most of the complaints are also voted by female parents.

The other side.

It is an established fact that this game will be the first phenomenal product ever, far more influential than CF and CS.

Moreover, when players found that this game was actually purely domestic, it was released on the domestic steam platform.

It’s even more crazy for players and gamers.

Crossfire is from the stick country next door, and the goose factory does not have that technology, but is only an agent distribution.

This makes domestic players unable to raise their heads, and the games they like to the point are actually sticks?

Coupled with the cynicism of baseball netizens, he can’t refute it yet, which makes domestic players even more angry.

Domestic game people, also holding a breath of anger in their hearts, vowed to make a game to take revenge.

So when they found out that Call of Duty turned out to be a purely domestic game, the player community boiled.

This is more exciting than a college student in the village.

It’s simply a poor old Wang family at the head of the village, rubbing a nuclear hand and popping it out, how can this not make players admire it?

Now, noticing a large number of complaints from parents, players who feared that the game would be removed from the shelves have used unprecedented strength to resist.

It is also a very helpless thing to say.

Most of the families who choose to complain are ordinary and poor families.

If the family is not rich, parents want their children to study well and get ahead

Although, a very cruel fact is that most children from ordinary families are also very ordinary in their lives.

Those who are admitted to top universities and really get ahead are not even one percent.

But that doesn’t stop parents from putting all the blame for the game on the game.

Therefore, the core of these family parents’ complaints is still a simple ‘game harm’, “children don’t learn” such unreasonable words.

On the contrary, the reasons why the players’ children resisted are sincere and well-founded.

A large number of players are deep into the game, from the war itself to the foothold of the home country to the relationship between the strong and the weak.

They portrayed the game as a high-ideology with anti-war ideas.

Then, this most intense collision in history naturally forced the official to come forward.

In fact, the angle of official consideration is more profound, and they consider things from the perspective of people’s livelihood and social stability.

Although the game does make many children forget to sleep and eat, resulting in a decline in academic performance.

But it has to be said that elementary school players are still a small part of the entire gamer group after all.

Most of the gamers who can afford to buy somatosensory devices are basically adults.

There is a considerable number of social idlers here, commonly known as street walkers.

Since there is such a fun game, these street skaters have all curled up at home to play games and don’t go out.

How much benefit can society as a whole be brought to these unstable factors staying at home and not going out?

This is something that parents may not be able to care about, but it is something that officials must consider.

Think about more than a decade ago, when there were no computers and no games, how rampant were street skaters who made trouble on the streets all day long?

And now? Isn’t it better to let these people hold the computer and tear up netizens across the network cable than to let them cut each other face to face?

And most importantly.

The huge economic profits brought by this game are circulated in the country.

In China alone, in less than a week, tens of millions of players, at least one-third of the game purchased.

Money from all over the country flows to the steam platform, which then transfers it to a personal account.

And this personal account is still ICBC’s.

So much money, as long as the account owner does not transfer funds abroad.

That’s a considerable amount of money!

Moreover, this is only a benefit generated in less than a week, and only a domestic benefit.

So, what if the influence of this game is spread around the world? What about watching it in a year’s time?

That large amount of money will pour in from players all over the world, and the benefits generated by this cultural industry are very weighty.

This is a potential industry that is completely beneficial to the economy, and the negative impact is actually very small.

Therefore, the official turned a blind eye to parents complaining about this matter

Otherwise, if you really want to care, it is nothing more than a matter of one word and one news, and the game industry will disappear overnight.

And all this.

In the end, they all gathered on Ye Yu alone.

Who can fucking make a billion a day?

People who make a fucking billion a day, in any province or city, are investment objects that must be wooed!

Because your parents complain, afraid that your children will burn so much money alive because they don’t study because of this?

A person with a brain can’t do that!

What’s more, then it’s just a fucking person, if you get his technology and apply it reasonably, with the size of a leading company like Goose Factory Pig Factory.

How can the economic profits generated be resisted by the opposition of the parents of the district?

So, on the night of September 12th in the real world.

There are big people coming from the goose factory, and Tenghua must be cautious about the big people.

No one knows what the big man and Tenghua said, and there is no specific record.

But since then, Goose Factory has still suppressed hostile takeovers against other small game companies.

But for Ye Yu, Tenghua completely accepted the idea of maliciously hacking him.

At the same time, Ye Yu’s side also received suggestions to cooperate with large domestic companies.

Of course, this is just advice.

If Ye Yu wants to set up a game culture company by himself, the official side can pass the procedures in minutes.

In addition, the official hopes that he can go out and spend money as soon as possible.

After all, so many accounts flow in every day, and storing it in the bank is dead money, and it must be spent as soon as possible to promote the economy.

As long as he spends money in the country, as long as it is not illegal and excessive, he can spend it however he wants to buy anything.

This is one of the reasons why those local tycoons are extremely luxurious and show off their wealth, causing the people to deepen their hatred of the rich, but the official does not care much.

Even if he wants to buy a house and buy a land, the official is still eager to give him preferential profits, for fear that he will not buy it if it is too expensive.

So, two weeks later.

Noon, Peng City.

Ye Yu stood in front of a building directly opposite the goose factory and was confused.

It’s like a dream, wake up, he has already spent forty-five billion to buy this building…

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