I Developed Gta 5 And Was Hunted Down By Global Anchors

Chapter 61 Never Mind The Plot, Let's Go For A Drive!

Chapter 61 Never mind the plot, let's go for a drive!

[Player Sister Zhou exits the game]

[Connection interrupted]

Before Su Yan could take another look, Sister Zhou, who came back to her senses, quit the game decisively.

Facing the darkness in front of him, what can Su Yan say? As expected of a great anchor, the reaction is fast! If this delays for a while, it is estimated that the title will be dealt with directly.

But Su Yan is not worried about Sister Zhou. The last time PDD and Eggplant went to prostitutes, the live broadcast room was completely white. Both of them were fine. Sister Zhou and PDD are big anchors of the same level. seal layer.

Su Yan quit the game, and then opened Softgame.

Sister Zhou is more or less a well-known anchor in the live broadcast industry. Su Yan couldn't believe that there was no movement in the soft game when this happened.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered, the headline was the incident in the live broadcast room of Sister Zhou.

Click on this headline, and the content in it tells all about sister Zhou's live broadcast, enters the game, starts to follow, and then finds that Tracy is working as a pole dancer.

To Su Yan's satisfaction, the person who made the headlines did not mention anything else, and the photos from the live broadcast angle were still very good.

In the photo, Su Yan has tough brows and deep eyes. This is a perfect male god! It’s hard not to be dissatisfied with this situation!!

After seeing her handsome photos, Su Yan began to read the comments below.

"So Trish, Mike's daughter, went off to be a pole dancer somewhere..."

"This action, um, is very good, it is simply breathtaking!"

"Speaking of which, Mike is so miserable, he is simply the hero in a tragic TV series..."

"By the way, isn't Max still digging to hide the plot? Could it be that he found a very embarrassing scene as soon as he came out? The hidden content he dug has been discovered...

"No, the development of each plot world is different, it seems to depend on what the player does when controlling."

"Upstairs, how do you know? You understand the free mode that was only released this morning?"

"Let me answer on behalf of that brother. He is probably doing game evaluations, because I am also...... When we evaluate games, we will watch many anchors at once, and then in order to prevent any mistakes and omissions, we will make a few A main character does a special thing, the content and speech are unified, and then the plot develops differently.”

"This shit, it's amazing, you can play it all freely, isn't it different for every story world?"

"It can't be said that they are different, as far as the protagonist's character and plot should be the same, but some processes may be different, just like a player beat up Jimmy, someone invited Jimmy to a meal, the final attitude must be different .”

"Actually, it's normal to think about it like this, but because the previous games didn't have this change, so now we feel strange, speaking of giving him love 5 is to bring my game aesthetics back to normal... ..”

"Well, I don't have anything to say, anyway, just give him 5 loves! Give him 5 loves to be number one in the world!!"

Looking at the content of the comments, Su Yan nodded. It seems that his status as the godfather of the game industry has become more stable.

"Ding Ding Ding!!"

Suddenly, the phone in Su Yan's hand rang.

Sister Zhou: "Hurry up, Boss Su, let's continue to dig out the hidden content!"

Su Yan: "Your broadcast room should be considered pornography just now, right? You're just like this and everything is fine?"

Sister Zhou: "Of course something happened, I was warned..."

This nima, who was put on the small anchor and was banned every minute, now it is just a warning to become a big anchor?

Shaking his head, Su Yan stopped worrying about this problem and directly entered the game.

[Player Sister Zhou invites you to enter the plot world yes/no to enter]

The place where Su Yan appeared was still in the car next to the building.

Sister Zhou opened her eyes, looked around vigilantly, and then said with a sigh of relief: "Turn on the live broadcast."

Before Su Yan could say anything, Sister Zhou had already started complaining: "I already know how PDD feels. This bitch starts to take off her clothes at the first word. Who can stand it? If I just reacted a little slower , I feel that my designation is to deal with the title."

"Speaking of which, Boss Su, what are you doing, you made this game, and there are things that shouldn't be seen everywhere.

Looking at Sister Zhou's resentful eyes, Su Yan shrugged: "I just built Luo Shengdu according to a normal city, and I didn't do these things on purpose. As long as I honestly don't touch it, then a People will definitely not encounter these contents.

"When we entered this building, we should have known that, judging by the appearance and the name, it is not a serious building.

Hearing this impeccable reason, Sister Zhou sighed, and no longer entangled in this topic.

Then Sister Zhou suddenly asked another question: "During the period when we were offline, how did the characters in the game behave? How come Mike's character is already outside as soon as we come in?"

Su Yan thought for a while, and then said: "It is done from a neutral point of view. If we manipulate the character to have a friendship with someone, then the character will maintain this friendship. If we do nothing, then the game character I don’t know how to do anything, I just do things according to my own character.”

"For example, Franklin may work out or go for a walk. If Mike, he should stay at home and drink."

Sister Zhou nodded a little ignorantly when she heard this, but she was not entangled.

"Then what shall we do next? Continue to explore Trish's hidden content?"

Su Yan shook her head: "She didn't just dance for a while and then left. She has to dance for at least a few hours now. Could it be that we wait here for her to finish dancing?"

Speaking of this, Su Yan's tone was slightly teasing: "Should we go in and watch her dance for a while?"

Sister Zhou's face darkened, and then she paid keen attention to a question: "Why do you know that she will dance for a long time? Could it be, have you seen it?"

Su Yan rolled his eyes: "Did you forget that I made this game?"

"Hahahahahaha, thank you, I got laughed!"

"Why did Sister Zhou suddenly become stupid? It's like this. I'm afraid I can't make up for two boxes of six walnuts..."

"My wife is so cute, come here and let me mua one!!"

"Upstairs, eat labor knife!!"

"I think Brother Su's suggestion is good. How about Sister Zhou, go in and have a look?? Give the brothers some insight?"

"I have a friend who is about to die. Before he dies, he has only one wish, which is to go in and watch the pole dance. Sister Zhou, do you understand me?"

"Have a friend? What a great friend out of thin air!"

"I thought of a strange question, if Trish is dancing pole dance, is it possible for Jimmy... Why don't Sister Zhou dig out Jimmy's hidden story?"

"Upstairs, your thoughts are dangerous!"

Looking at the group of bullet screens in the live broadcast room, and thinking about Su Yan's teasing tone, Sister Zhou was anxious at first, and then she couldn't love her: "What did I do to get you sand sculpture fans?"

Seeing Sister Zhou like this, Su Yan chuckled and didn't continue to tease, but said to herself: "I think we should give the content of today's plot first."

Sister Zhou waved her hand weakly when she heard this: "Okay, okay, anyway, you made this game, you are the boss, you can say whatever you want."

Don't worry about what Sister Zhou said, see that he agrees, and then drive directly to the plot point of the next chapter.

The content of the last chapter is that Mike destroyed the gangster’s villa, but he didn’t have the money to compensate and decided to return to his old business, and let Frank Lin come to see him tomorrow

After entering the plot, the content of the plot began to appear in front of Su Yan and Zhou Jie.

Mike and Franklin were waiting in a park. They seemed to be preparing to do something. The next moment, Mike took out the phone and dialed a number called Lester

Mike didn't say anything on the phone, but just asked about Lester's location, and then agreed that the two would meet at his home.

"Who is he?"

"My former intelligence officer, without his information, I wouldn't be able to do those robberies myself.

After the words fell, Mike's psychiatrist suddenly called.

"Mike, you haven't come to my place for a long time, I think you still need to come once in a while."

"Okay, Doctor 367, I'll come when I'm free.

Listening to the conversation between Mike and the psychiatrist, Sister Zhou was a little puzzled: "Speaking of which, Mike was at the home of a psychiatrist in the second chapter, which means that Mike is sick... But there are so many chapters. See what's wrong with Mike? So what's wrong with Mike?"

Su Yan shook his head: "You don't need to think about this question, you will know it when the plot progresses, of course, if you can't wait, you can also manipulate Mike to talk to that psychiatrist, I believe he will give you an answer .”

When Sister Zhou heard this, she thought about it, anyway, as long as Mike is not sick now.

Without continuing to think about what is wrong with Mike, the two turned their attention to Mike in the plot.

After answering the phone, Mike didn't stop, and took Franklin into the car directly, and then Su Yan and Sister Zhou entered the plot mode.

Looking at the steering wheel in her hand, Sister Zhou was just about to drive.

Suddenly thought of something, turned to Su Yan and said, "Now our goal is to go to that place on the map, right?"

Su Yan didn't know what sister Zhou meant by asking, but she nodded anyway.

Seeing that Su Yan nodded, Sister Zhou smiled excitedly: "Then if we don't go to this mission location, will it affect the plot?"

If sister Zhou asked this question before the restriction, it would not affect her ability to answer decisively.

But now that all the restrictions have been lifted, if his family members were shot, it would be too blunt if the plot didn't change at all.

So Suji thought for a while, and nodded slowly: "It should be affected a little, but the main plot will not be affected too much."

Hearing Su Yan's confirmation, Ms. Zhou became even more excited: "Okay, then let's not go to this task site, let's go for a drive!"

ps: Begging for an automatic subscription and a tip, as long as there is one, the author will continue to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!!.

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