Teacher Ma first glanced at the introduction of the Wudang Sect.

For this top sect that is on par with Shaolin, the audience has been curious for a long time.

Wudang Sect: Taoist sect, honoring the Emperor Zhenwu, no marriage and vegetarian taboo, one of the six major sects of the Daming Righteous Way, known as “North Chongshaolin, South Respect Wudang” saying.

“Northern Chongshaolin, Southern Zun Wudang, sure enough, this Wudang Sect is still very powerful.”

Teacher Ma suddenly smiled even happier, this Wudang faction was obviously a notch higher than the Emei faction of the sooty pig.

“Little brothers see it, this wave of advantages is in me, after a while, I will definitely easily burst the teacher of prostitution!”

“What? You guys say Shaolin, oh, it’s good to keep this in mind, and when it becomes more powerful in the future, it will definitely go to Shaolin for a stroll, and then it will be in and out of the Tibetan scripture pavilion, just play, he! ”

Entering Wudang is indeed a good start.

Teacher Ma is already beginning to imagine the future.

“Let’s take a look at Wudang’s martial arts again, needless to say, it must be more powerful than that of the prostitute.”

“After all, this Wudang faction is just a notch higher than that Emei faction, right?”

Teacher Ma’s eyebrows fluttered, his face was full of pride, and he was completely judgmental in Shaolin before when he was in the Five Poisons Sect.

At this time, everyone had already opened the detailed content about these martial arts of the Wudang Sect.

First of all, it is still the most basic Wudang heart method.

Wudang Heart Method (not started): Huang Ji Shangpin Internal Gong, Wudang School’s basic internal Gong Heart Method, Zhongzheng and peace, no shortcomings, but no advantages.

[Note: This mental method can be obtained by all disciples who join the Wudang Sect, and they need to have a basic understanding of meridian acupuncture points before they can cultivate and get started. 】

However, this Wudang Heart Method is no different from the introduction of the Emei Heart Method on the Shao Pig side, and Teacher Ma also skips it directly.

Wudang Changquan (not beginner): Huang Ji Zhongpin martial arts, one of the Wudang School of beginner kung fu, characterized by rapid hair and feet, hands and feet together. Once you’ve got guidance or practice, you’re ready to get started.

Shiduan Jin (not initiated): Huang Rank Middle Grade Martial Arts, one of the Wudang School of Beginner Kung Fu, often used by new Wudang disciples to cultivate strength. Once you’ve got guidance or practice, you’re ready to get started.

“Hehe, little brothers, see it, these two martial arts can be used without endorsement, these ten dan jin can also practice strength, it’s really good!”

Teacher Ma smiled more and more happily.

This Wudang faction is also worthy of being a gate faction, not to mention martial arts, it is still easy to use!

Tiger Claw Hand (not beginner): Yellow step upper grade martial arts, a very strong grappling technique, and can also hold the pulse gate so that people cannot use internal force.

[Note: This mental method can be obtained by all disciples who join the Wudang Sect, and they need to have a basic understanding of meridian acupuncture points before they can cultivate and get started. 】

“Yo, although this has to be endorsed, but looking at this introduction is also very powerful, and it can also make people unable to use internal force!”

“Such a powerful martial art, how can it be the Yellow Order, at least it should be the Heaven Rank!”

For the importance of internal strength, Fang Cai has already told Teacher Ma by a water friend from the small group live broadcast room, and now when he sees this tiger claw hand, he is immediately even more proud!

Producer of quacks: “…”

Still don’t know what to say, just send a few points.

Gu Lin is also a little speechless, although the tiger claw hand looks at the introduction, but the actual effect is still very chicken.

Let the other party not be able to use internal force, the premise is that you must first hold the opponent’s pulse door!

If you can’t be stronger than the other party, how can this be held?

Since they are all already stronger than each other, isn’t that point more fragrant than this?

However, Teacher Ma obviously didn’t think so much at all, and at this time, Meizhi was already looking at the last martial art.

“I remember that this is a sword technique, and it can be used without endorsement, little brothers, I am too vain!”

Bagua Sword (not beginner): Huang Rank Shangpin Sword Technique, Wudang Unique Sword Technique, containing the true meaning of Bagua.

[Note: This sword technique requires an understanding of Bagua Yili before you can get started.] 】


“2333333 this game is really getting more and more hardcore, this gossip sword is outrageous!”

“Outrageous open the door to outrageous, outrageous home!”

“Do you still need to know something about gossip and Yili?”

“I have endured studying Chinese medicine, this is really unbearable!”

“In order to play games, I have to learn the I Ching first?”

“Teacher Ma: It can be used without endorsement!”

“Teacher Ma: This is too vain!”

“Hahahaha, Mr. Hama, are you still vain?”

This gossip sword even has to understand gossip Yili first.

Isn’t this embarrassing Teacher Ma!

Seeing that Teacher Ma, who was still smiling just now, was taken aback, the water friends were happy.

“Little brothers, this martial art is not good, let’s put it aside first.”

Teacher Ma chose to give up this gossip sword first, anyway, looking at the introduction, it was only the yellow order, not a powerful martial art.

If it were the same as the small tuantuan, the back meridian acupoint map or something, Teacher Ma would still be able to take some time.

But this gossip is easy to reason, there is no way!

This is also not something that you can understand by reading a book for a while.

“Okay, little brothers, let’s first take a look at how this Wudang Long Fist and Ten Duan Jin are available.”

Teacher Ma chose to quickly change the topic, and when he said that, he had already opened the martial arts guidance mode first.

Unlike the small group of prostitutes, Teacher Ma does not have the habit of shouting before using it.

In the martial arts guidance mode, his body is already moving with the guidance.

Kicks, punches.

Shifting around, various postures are constantly changing.

It’s not pretty, but it’s also good-looking.

“This martial art, how does it feel a little wrong.”

“I feel too!”

“It doesn’t seem to be powerful.”

“It’s kind of like radio gymnastics.”

“It’s about the same as the punch you watch on TV.”


Teacher Ma didn’t watch the barrage at this time, and after the Wudang long fist fight, he only felt hearty.

Immediately, he couldn’t wait to try eight dan jin lai.

Starting style, sitting on a horse and four flats, golden rooster independent, turning back and hurrying… Sitting on the mountain!

“Why don’t I feel a little wrong with these ten dan jin?”

“It feels like the body nourishing boxing practiced by the grandfather in the park.”

“Upstairs is solved!”

“I suddenly realized!”

“So, Teacher Ma’s two martial arts that can be used are both physically fit?”

“Against the enemy, it should also be possible … Right? ”

Teacher Ma finished playing the eight dan jin again, and he also felt a little strange in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, I looked at the barrage, and I wanted to see how these little brothers praised themselves.


Teacher Ma was dumbfounded.

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