Chapter 98: The game and dinosaurs are completely out of the circle!

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For the next few days.

【Jurassic Park】Bring the dinosaurs out of the circle completely. The Internet of Things is very lively.

Is the bib platform able to be occupied by terms such as [Jurassic Park] and a vicious dinosaur. Not only gamers, but also elementary school students and children can tell you a few dinosaur names. Although some of them dare not play, they dare to watch!

As soon as it is passed down from one to ten, the curiosity and desire for knowledge of children suddenly come up. To say that the hottest thing now is definitely not any star in the entertainment industry.

It’s all kinds of dinosaurs in the Jurassic. Of course, if there is a demand, there will be people who pay attention. After Xiaotuanzi cleared the game, within two days, a large number of players began to clear the game. However, players beat the level quickly for nothing else. It’s just to unlock the viewing mode.

Then immediately start the second week.

In the second week, players began to frantically look for dinosaurs in [Jurassic Park]. Whenever a new dinosaur is found.

Make a video and send a guide to show players how to find and unlock this dinosaur. It’s easy to get a lot of attention.

In the post bar of [Jurassic Park].

There are also massive strategy videos and side plot analysis. Many netizens were surprised to find out.

It turns out that the plot of the straight line is richer than the main line.

And all kinds of details in it were also picked up by players. For example, some players are in the second week of purpose.

Instead of choosing to flee Jurassic Park immediately, they took Marco and them to the laboratory where they studied incubating dinosaurs. Where they found that all artificially hatched dinosaur eggs were female.

Recorded sources show that this was for the purpose of artificially controlling the number of dinosaurs.

Because once left unchecked, dinosaurs give birth to dinosaurs, which is likely to cause unpredictable consequences. However, at this time, as a chaotic, mathematician Marco said: “Life will always find its own way out!” ”

This passage has made many players a little puzzled.

However, a player later found a dinosaur egg in a forest in Jurassic Park. This discovery left all players confused.

Didn’t it say that dinosaurs were all female, how could they lay eggs? Just when everyone is speculating if this is a bug in the game. Soon there were brand new posts from players.

“Finding dinosaur eggs in Jurassic Park is not a bug, I have unlocked the relevant plot!”

“I first took Mal 250 to the laboratory where the dinosaurs were hatched.”

“Unlock the relevant story.”

“In the lab, Dr. Green found that when the staff here extracted the DNA of the dinosaurs in the blood, the DNA of these dinosaurs was missing.”

“So they used frog DNA to fill in the missing DNA.”

“Then find the place where the dinosaurs were found, and that’s when Dr. Green will explain.”

“Because dinosaurs have some of the DNA of frogs, and frogs can be denatured.”

“If the whole group is full of male frogs, then there will be frogs that will become female frogs to ensure the continuation of the race.”

“So the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park also partially degendered, from female to male, so there are eggs we see.”

“This also confirms Dr. Marko’s sentence: 9898 life will always find a way out!”

Listen to this player’s explanation.

Netizens suddenly realized.

Life will always find a way out, and at first hearing I don’t know the meaning of this sentence. Now I finally understand what this means.

Just when the discussion among netizens was hot.

A player named Spirit Spirit made a post. It instantly aroused heated discussions among players, and the response was very hot.

In a short period of time, there were nearly 100,000 comments below this post.

[Spirit Spirit] is an avid dinosaur lover.

Also a high-end player.

When [Jurassic Park] was released, the game was purchased as soon as possible. And with knowledge of dinosaurs.

After the first clearance.

In the next few weeks, the game’s plot completion was soon unlocked to 53%, and he became the first person in the whole network to unlock the number of dinosaurs.

He is more famous for discovering a southern behemoth that is completely comparable to the Tyrannosaurus rex and spinosaurus. The shadow of a person, the name of a tree.

Many players who came to admire him couldn’t wait to open his latest post.

The title of the post is “I found an absolute water overlord!” 】

The name is enough to appeal to the vast majority of gamers.

Because since the small group cleared the game and unlocked the viewing mode.

Players know that there are still dinosaurs living in the water in Jurassic Park. They remember this all the time.

However, for several days, no one has found any trace of the so-called dinosaurs in the water. This has led some players to wonder if there are actually dinosaurs in the water.

The appearance of the title of this post indicates that someone has found a dinosaur living in the water. The content of the post is a gameplay video recorded by the player [Spirit Spirit].

The video is accompanied by a quote from the player.

“Brothers, after several days of hard work, I finally found the dinosaur in the water!”

“The place where I found the dinosaurs was by the sea on the island in Jurassic Park, which was completely opposite to our clearance route.”

“Our clearance location is on the southernmost side of the island, and the dinosaur discovery location is on the northernmost side of the island, so it’s hard to find”

“If you find the location, I will post it in the post, everyone needs to pick it up!”

“I found several man-made huge lakes on the surface of the sea.”

“The lake is connected to the sea, but there are huge gates that separate the lake from the sea.”

“The video is happening here, I won’t say more about the superfluous.”

“Let’s watch the video!”

“But watching the video is worth money, and I hope everyone has good medicine, because the next scene may be too exciting, and some people can’t stand it.”

Click on the video.

Sure enough, from the perspective of the game, the player is on a coast. There are some human buildings on the coast.

But there should be no one inside.

The most striking are the several lakes that connect the seaside to the sea.

One of the largest lakes has a huge hole in the middle of the gate. Just when the player wants to get closer and see better.

In the distance, a pterosaur spotted the player. Flap your wings and soar from the trees and fly straight to the player’s side.

Netizens who watched the video instantly became nervous. Is it GG in the beginning.

Shouldn’t it?


In the first view, it can be seen that the player wants to escape. But there is still time to turn around.

A behemoth jumped out of the lake and swallowed the pterosaur that flew over the lake in one gulp. Although it only came out for a moment, netizens could see it clearly.

It looked very similar to a crocodile, but it was more than ten times larger.

“Sleeping, is that a crocodile, how can there be such a big crocodile!”

“This thing scared me to death when it jumped out of the lake just now!”

“The pterosaur with a height of more than two meters and a wingspan of more than 8 meters was smothered in one bite!”

“I know what this thing is, in order to play games these days, I have specially made up some related ancient creatures, this should be the largest crocodile emperor crocodile that has ever lived on the blue star, that is, the emperor of the crocodile.”

“The emperor crocodile is a mighty and domineering name, but big is really big, not to mention prehistoric creatures.”

“The sense of oppression is so strong.”

“This should be the dinosaur in the water stadium in Jurassic Park!”

“This body size is similar to Nanjudu, and it is not a loss to be the overlord of the sea.”

“No, this is also too handsome, I also have to quickly unlock the emperor crocodile, and then put it in my park for me to see.”


Just when everyone thought the video was coming to an end. At the gate of the lake where the emperor crocodile was located, there was a violent impact.

“Could it be that the emperor crocodile wants to rush out?”

The player curiously looks closer.

At this time, it was discovered that the impact did not come from inside the lake. It’s from outside the ocean.

After only two or three strokes, a large crater was knocked out of the gate.

“What is that thing?”

The player was taken aback.

“It looks like something is coming in.”

But at this time, the sound of the impact suddenly stopped for a moment.


Splashes flew in the sky.

The gate was instantly punched out of a large hole.

A huge figure like an aircraft carrier rushed through the water.

The thing attacked from underwater, jumping up and biting the emperor crocodile in the lake. And the emperor crocodile who was a colossus in the eyes of everyone just now.

In front of this monster, he instantly became petite.

And the fierce emperor crocodile can be said to have no power to fight back in front of this monster.

Shake it twice, and netizens heard the sound of the emperor crocodile’s neck shattering from the first perspective. This monster has a huge head and strong jaws that are much longer than that of the emperor crocodile.

Sharp teeth were inserted deep into the crocodile’s neck.

Some of them resemble crocodiles, but they do not have crocodile claws, and some have fin-like limbs. This scene stunned all netizens.

“Ahhhh! Scared to death, what kind of monster is this. ”

“God, the emperor crocodile is already so big, this creature is actually much bigger than the emperor crocodile!”

“Looking at the size of five more emperor crocodiles, it is not necessarily as heavy as this thing.”

“This size, even if the Tyrannosaurus rex comes here, it is a matter of seconds.”

“This is the real overlord of the oceans, the top predator, the top creature in the food chain.”

“Can anyone tell me what kind of dragon this is, it’s amazing!”


At this moment, all netizens were excited.

I thought that the Tyrannosaurus rex and Spinosaurus were the peak. I didn’t expect that the overlord in the sea was the real hegemon.

In this comparison, the Tyrannosaurus rex is all younger brothers. Was there really such a creature in prehistory?

Seeing this, netizens were extremely curious.

What kind of species is this, it can be so big.

Much larger than the largest creature on the blue star today, the blue whale. The movements of netizens are very sharp.

It quickly found out what kind of creature it was.

“Brothers, I just found out, the name of this dinosaur is called Canglong!”

“It is a prehistoric creature that lives near the sea, one of the absolute overlords of the sea.”

“Canglong, a dragon in the sea, the name is quite figurative!”

“It’s over, what should I do if I feel that Canglong is particularly handsome now!”

“I have to say that prehistoric creatures are really fiercer than one.”

“That is to say, fortunately, they were extinct at that time, otherwise it would be difficult for humans to survive a day in that environment!”

“yes, it’s terrifying!”

“Don’t talk, I’m going to go and unlock the dragon quickly!”

“By the way, since [Spirit Spirit] has already seen the dragon, is there already a dragon in the viewing mode.”

“There must be, can you let us see, just now there was only a moment, I can’t see it clearly!”

“Kneel and beg!”

“Kneel and beg!”

Watch the discussion of water friends.

As a party, [Spirit Spirit] smiled, laughing very happily. After all, he was the first to discover the Emperor Crocodile and the Dragon.

And as netizens said, the dragon has indeed been unlocked. It’s in that huge lake in viewing mode.

The first time he unlocked the dragon, he went to see the dragon, which was really handsome.

As an avid dinosaur lover, you can include such dinosaurs in your own park. With this sense of accomplishment, he almost went to heaven.

Of course, if this sense of accomplishment is not shared, it will definitely be greatly reduced. So when I saw the video of netizens kneeling and begging the dragon.

He urgently recorded a video of the dragon in viewing mode. The video was quickly posted.

Many netizens who were thinking about their hearts received the news as soon as possible. Smell the wind.

Although this video is sent more urgently.

But it can be seen that [Spirit Spirit] is put into thought. in the game screen.

All perspectives of the dragon, above and below the water, looking down and looking up.

[Spirit is not spiritual] is shown for water friends one by one.

It’s an enjoyable thing to watch water friends. However, after the addiction, they all ran away.

Such dinosaurs also have to enter their parks. The players’ terrifying collector’s fetish begins again.


Soon the whole network set off a vigorous storm of collecting dinosaurs. In the past, in the game circle, players talked about everything.

And now in the game circle, many players meet to ask a word first.

“How many dinosaurs are in your Jurassic Park?”

“It’s only more than thirty, scum, I’m more than fifty, and the Canglong and the Emperor Crocodile have been unlocked!”

“What’s so great about fifty, I just discovered a heterosaurus, and no one else has ever found it!”

“Sleeping, big god, big brother, where did you find it, tell me about it!”

The speed of attitude change is staggering.

This happens all the time around the world. Jurassic Park is completely out of the circle.

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