The guy just finished the phone call easily, then he changed into a sports suit and started to go out for a run. In the upper right corner of his field of vision, he began to record the number of steps he ran and the number of calories he burned.

After running for a while, the young man seemed tired. He sat on a bench in the park again, and then slid his hands in the void again. The next moment, a virtual translucent operation interface appeared in front of him.

Next, the audience witnessed more uses for AR glasses.

They saw the guy use the AR glasses to swipe the scarf and Twitter, and they saw the guy open the coin station and YouTube, watch the videos, and even open a small game at the end, and operate it happily.

And the operation method is similar to that of a touch screen mobile phone. You only need to use both hands to slide on the interface, and the system will automatically recognize it!

The pictures of this scene made the netizens boiling, and they were itching to see it!!

No... As shown in this promotional video, this tmAR glasses can surf the Internet, watch videos, and play games, which is just like a mobile phone... It's really no different!

What a mobile phone can do, it can do, what a mobile phone can't do, it can do, and it is much more convenient than a mobile phone!

Soon, a short animated promotional video was played, and netizens couldn't recall it for a long time:

"I'm stumped, I've seen some clips in this promotional film, don't they often appear in various sci-fi movies depicting the future! 99

"Yeah, now this sci-fi scene seems to be brought to reality by the old thief!

"Nima, if it's really as awesome as the promotional video, I don't even have to think about it, I just pay for it! 35

"Well, how about selling it for 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, and I want to pay for the whole set in installments!"

"It's still an awesome old thief, everyone is releasing games at E3, but he's better, he just made a whole high-tech product out!"

"I have a hunch that after the thief's AR glasses are completely released, they can even directly replace mobile phones and become a popular communication tool for our new generation!"

Netizens are not stupid. As shown in the promotional video, they are completely cross-generational products. This is even more powerful than the previous Qiao Gang master. This technology is too fresh and too advanced!

Seeing the dazed and shocked faces of the audience, seeing their unbelievable eyes, Zhou Che on the stage smiled slightly, all of which were completely within his expectations, he said:

"As shown in the 343 promotional video, in order to enrich the Explorer 01 so that it can play more roles in the hands of buyers, we have added some additional small functions to the AR glasses, including After you have this device, you don't have to worry about forgetting your mobile phone when you go out."

There was another burst of laughter at the scene, and the netizens watching the live broadcast were already excited and mad!

"The old thief is pretending to be forceful again, you tm call this a small function?!

"It's so awesome, damn it, I didn't expect that this kind of sci-fi movie scene, our generation can still play in our lifetime, what's the matter with being moved by the old thief!!

"Old thief, don't tm introduce it, there is too much nonsense, just say when it will be on sale, just upload the link and you're done! 39

"Shut, up, and, take, my, money!

After such a careful publicity, there is only one thought in everyone's mind, that is, when will this Explorer 01 go on sale?!

They can't wait to try it out!

However, Zhou Che did not answer the question that most netizens wanted to know, but directly announced that his press conference was over.

Because Zhou Che is very clear, it is still a question whether the Explorer 01 he designed and developed can be officially released.

After the old thief, several large foreign game manufacturers came to the stage and spoke.

It's just that after the release of the old thief, everyone is not interested in the follow-up game manufacturers. There is no way, the bomb thrown by the old thief this time is too heavy, and all the attention is directly drawn. gone.

This conference, which lasted for about half a day, came to an end.

But for the entire E3 exhibition, it is just the beginning, because in the next few days, game manufacturers will set up booths in the hall for players to browse and experience their new games or new products.

"Okay, the press conference is over. Now please move to the banquet hall, where we have prepared a wealth of drinks and desserts for you to enjoy." The host announced again, as usual, after the press conference, A banquet will be held, and you can take this opportunity to let the various manufacturers and practitioners participating in this E3 have a communication, so as to promote the development of the entire industry.

So, Zhou Che and Sister Zhou got up together and walked towards the banquet hall.

"I'm going, I haven't been to such a big occasion before, I feel a little nervous! Sister Zhou couldn't help but muttered, holding Zhou Che's hand shivering (cibh).

"Calm down, it's my first time, you see, I'm not nervous at all." Zhou Che said leisurely.

"You're different, you are naturally thick-skinned." Sister Zhou complained. The reporters and the media first gathered around the aisle in front of the banquet hall, and then a lot of questions came. :

"Excuse me, old thief, can the AR glasses you released this time really achieve the effect as stated in the promotional video? Can it completely replace mobile phones and perfectly integrate virtual and reality?

"Of course, I can guarantee this." Zhou Che replied with a smile.

"Then when will this Explorer 01 be officially released, to be honest, I really can't wait!"

"Then you have to wait, because I haven't set a good date yet." Zhou Che explained: "There are still many procedures to be completed for this product.

"That old thief, is the "Yu-Gi-Oh" you released this time, as a chess and card game, the "Three Kingdoms Killing VR" version specially released by Penguin?

Zhou Che looked at the reporter, this guy is a Caucasian, and when he asked this question, it seemed that he wanted to start a war.

"This... of course not, it's purely a coincidence." Zhou Che replied: "I didn't expect Penguin to release a chess and card VR."

"Then, old thief, what do you think of Penguin Games' announcement of "Need for Speed ​​ol" this time?'

Obviously, the white-skinned reporter was not satisfied with Zhou Che's answer, and he threw a tricky question again.

"Ah this..."

He can see it, this white-skinned reporter really wants to lead the battle!

But he is not afraid of this, after thinking about it, he said, with a sincere expression: "Is there any need to ask, "Need for Speed" is definitely a very good game!

The white-skinned reporters were all stunned. What's the situation? Isn't it rumored that the old thief and Tenghua did not deal with each other? Now the old thief is still saying good things?

Just thinking about this, the white-skinned reporter came back quickly, no, the old thief said that "Need for Speed" is a very good game, but he didn't say that "Need for Speed ​​OL" is a very good game. !


Thinking of this, the white-skinned reporter suddenly smiled. Not only him, but also other reporters present smiled knowingly. Everyone present was smart, how could they not know Zhou Che's hint.

High EQ: "Need for Speed" is excellent!

Low EQ: "Need for Speed ​​ol" is not good!

It can only be said that it is worthy of being an old thief, this speech is also quite excellent.

Zhou Che's answer amused a large number of reporters, and more reporters came forward one after another, wanting to continue to ask Zhou Che, but at this time, the staff next to him stepped forward and drove the group of reporters away.

Because according to the rules of E3, media reporters are not allowed to enter the banquet hall. After all, at the exchange meeting, the exchanges between manufacturers and the cooperation reached are all commercial secrets, and they cannot be leaked immediately. out.

There is no way, although this group of media is very reluctant to the old thief, but still can only choose to leave reluctantly, but before leaving, they also took a slap at Zhou Che and Sister Zhou!

But as they patted and patted, the media reporters suddenly discovered that the game makers who had entered the banquet hall were actually blocking the door.

For this, the media reporters are not too surprised. After all, the old thief's achievements this year are really too dazzling, and now he has come up with such a powerful AR glasses... It is almost possible in the game circle It is not an exaggeration to say that it has made great achievements and even led an era!

In this case, other game manufacturers naturally want to communicate with him, but this picture of "all game manufacturers are looking forward to the old thief" is quite a good material!

Crack clap!

So the media pressed the shutters in their hands one after another to record this moment. Because of the arrival of the old thief, this press conference was really full of materials for them!

Sure enough, the first second Zhou Che stepped into the banquet hall, other game makers greeted him.

"Old thief, uh no, Mr. Zhou, I've been famous for a long time, I'm Yubi's game director Rainer!""

"Hello Mr. Zhou, I am the CEO of Konami...

"I'm from valve company..."

A group of people in suits and leather shoes immediately greeted Zhou Che. They are all bigwigs of major game manufacturers. For Zhou Che, a genius who has repeatedly created miracles, naturally everyone wants to make friends. Besides, this is where the big guys line up to shake hands with Zhou Che.

In this regard, Zhou Che also patiently greeted this group of big players in the game circle:

"Nice to meet you......"

Naturally, he is still willing to make friends with this group of bosses. After all, as the saying goes, more friends can lead to more paths, and the more friends there are, the easier it is to walk.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this exchange meeting, Zhou Che was the busiest one. Almost everyone who participated in the exchange meeting came to speak to him, and then exchanged contact information. , All sent him an olive branch of 'seeking cooperation'.

In this regard, Zhou Che's reply is always: there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future.

After spending too much time, Zhou Che finally got to know all the bigwigs here. Just when he felt that he could finally rest for a while, another bigwig came over.

Who is it? Tenghua!

Teng Hua raised his glass and came to Zhou Che with a smile on his face.

What is this old boy doing to himself, isn't he trying to avenge himself for teasing him on stage?

Just when Zhou Che felt that Tenghua was holding back some bad water, he heard Tenghua say:

"Then what, President Zhou, I'm almost a year older than you, so I'll call you brother, no problem?

"Of course." Zhou Che nodded, what's the situation, this Tenghua seems to want to get close to him?

So, Teng Hua continued: "Then brother, I want to say a sincere word to you right now. There were so many people outside just now that brother was wrong. Brother is here to apologize to you!"9

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Che was even more stunned: "Wait a minute, President Teng, what do you mean by this? 39

"Actually, I think you must have always been aware of it, brother. That's right, I have always regarded your [New World] as a strong enemy before, so I secretly made a lot of stumbling blocks for the development of your [New World]. Son, this is our fault! Teng Hua explained: "I also ask you to be generous, brother, don't care..."

This time Zhou Che became more and more puzzled. Teng Hua, who always liked to oppose him everywhere, suddenly admitted his mistake and relented?

He immediately waved his hand: "Mr. Teng, if you have something to say, just say it directly? Don't beat around the bush. 55

"Oh, that's fine!" Hearing this, Tenghua didn't give a shit anymore, he immediately said: "That's it, I think we can cooperate on the AR glasses project! You know, we Penguins, It is definitely one of the top companies in China, if our two companies cooperate on this project, the product of Explorer 01 will definitely be able to be developed and sold as soon as possible!”

Only then did Zhou Che realize, my dear, he was waiting for him here!

It seems that Tenghua is completely greedy for this device after experiencing the explorer, and Tenghua also sees the huge benefits, not to mention benefits, can cooperate to release the first mature AR device, That may be able to go down in history, like Edison, Newton, etc., this is no joke!

A person like Tenghua, after earning enough money, will naturally pursue some spiritual achievements, and now this is an opportunity.

But well...

Zhou Che shook his head: "I'm sorry, I don't have any idea of ​​cooperating with you for the time being, and Mr. Teng, I'll be honest, don't feel bad, you penguins... are not worthy of cooperating with me to develop this AR. Glasses.""

Hearing this, Teng Hua raised his brows subconsciously, Zhou Che is too arrogant to speak, so look down on him as a penguin?

Don't you know, stay as a person and see you in the future?!

Although Teng Hua felt that his self-cultivation had always been good, he still couldn't help being tempted to lose his temper, but at this moment, he saw Zhou Che stretch out a finger and point it upwards.

It was just such a hint that Tenghua understood immediately, what Zhou Che said... He really didn't belittle him!

Because after Zhou Che developed such a powerful AR device, the country will definitely come to the door, and maybe Zhou Che has already been found.

Therefore, Zhou Che has only one choice, and that is to cooperate with the government. Naturally, the state cannot let such technology fall into the hands of others.

Penguins and countries, that are naturally incomparable.

"Brother, there is nothing wrong with what you said." Teng Hua's anger disappeared immediately, there is no way, with the country ahead, they are indeed unworthy of penguins!

"Hehe, President Teng understands." Zhou Che also laughed: "But Mr. Teng, if you recover a little, I still like your rebellious look before.

Having said that, Zhou Che patted Tenghua on the shoulder and turned to leave, leaving Tenghua speechless.

There is no doubt that this press conference has caused huge waves all over the world!

Of course, other game manufacturers are foils, shocking people all over the world, naturally it is the Explorer 01AR glasses released by Zhou Che.

The short promotional video Zhou Che demonstrated at the press conference has directly reached hundreds of millions of views on foreign YouTube, domestic currency stations and other platforms!

After watching this promotional video, countless people began to look forward to the emergence of this cross-generational device while shouting that the old thief is awesome!

At that time, maybe the most common electronic device for human beings: mobile phones, will also become a product of the times!

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