"And I really have feedback from stepping on things! What game is this tm, how can I feel that everything around me seems to be real!"

When Sister Zhou stepped on the cockroach, she could clearly feel a foreign body sensation under her feet, which not only surprised her.

The eyes of the masses are also sharp, and they can see clearly:

"This game seems to be a bit awesome, this picture is too real!"

"Yeah, it feels like watching a movie!"

"And this interactive scene is so well done, cockroaches can be trampled to death!"

"Not only can they be trampled to death, other cockroaches also know that they are frightened and run away!"

"Sister Zhou, try stepping on a few more."


The audience's barrage can be broadcast by voice, so Zhou Yi can interact with the audience even if he is playing games.

Zhou Yi has never played such a realistic and interactive game.

On the spot, he became very excited, chasing the cockroaches in this room and stepping on it.

Just when Zhou Yi was happily stepping on the cockroach, there was an old grinding tooth:


Zhou Yi's heart throbbed instantly, and she looked up suddenly,

Only then did I realize that the wooden door that was originally closed in this room... was actually half-closed, and I don't know when it was opened...

"The door opens automatically!"

"It didn't open automatically. Someone opened it. When Sister Zhou looked up, I saw something flashing through the crack of the door!"

"Fuck, it's true!"

"It's true, I saw it too, it seems to be a woman, but it was too fast to see clearly!"


The audience was talking frantically, and Zhou Yi realized that, yes, she was playing a horror game!

She didn't know if the woman in the doorway that the water friends said was true or not, because she went to step on the cockroaches and didn't notice at all......

However, the graphics and interaction of this game.... was beyond her imagination.

This is another horror game.....

Zhou Yi instantly had the urge to quit the game.

"This Nima is a bit scary..."

"Sister Zhou, don't be stunned, go and have a look!"

"Yes, yes, I'm interested, this game is so good!"


"Can't you go?" Zhou Yi cried with a face,

Before the game officially started, she had already retreated.

"Don't be afraid, it's not true, go and see!"

"Yes, Sister Zhou, we are with you!"

"Sister Zhou, don't stop, I'll give you a gift, go ahead!!"


The audience was much more excited than Zhou Yi,

After a while, Zhou Yi heard the prompt sound of an endless stream of gifts, both rockets and planes.

Not so lively.

"Okay then." Zhou Yi gritted her teeth, and a large number of gifts brought her courage,

For a small amount of money, how can I continue to play.

She moved slowly and finally approached the wooden door...

"Haha!!!" At the next moment, Zhou Yi shouted, venting her inner fear at the same time,

With a bang, the wooden door was kicked open.


"Can you make a little noise when you open the door!"

"I wasn't frightened by the game, I was frightened by Sister Zhou first!"

"I was almost taken away by Sister Zhou's voice!"


The audience complained, but Zhou Yi's nerves were still tense.

Behind the wooden door is a dim corridor.

This corridor looks like the corridor of ordinary households.

The walls are painted white, and there are various paintings hanging on the walls.

But the strange thing is that this corridor is very narrow, it is estimated that it is only more than one meter wide, and it happens that only one person can pass through.

The chandelier hanging on the ceiling is weak, making the whole hallway not look bright.

The narrow corridor means that once there is danger, there is no way to escape, only to face it.

The dim light means that even if there are terrifying things dormant in front of you, I am afraid that you will not be able to see clearly......

The combination of the two creates a claustrophobic, oppressive feeling.

"Hu..." Zhou Yi's eyes widened, and she subconsciously took a breath:

"Damn, this environment is too intimidating..."

I have to say that the environment and atmosphere of this game is really good. Even before anything appears, her legs are already weak.

The water friends watching couldn't help but hold their breath. There was no way, the rendering was too realistic, and it was easy to sink into it.

In a long and narrow corridor, everyone would feel nervous.

"Let's go, let's go." Zhou Yi encouraged herself and started walking forward.

Before she took a few steps, she noticed the clock hanging on the wall.

The hour and minute hands are exactly at 11:59, and the second hand is constantly beating back and forth.

It seems that the truth of 12 o'clock will never be reached.

"11:59, so it's early morning?"

"Look at the window, it's dark, it's the early morning, that's right."

"At this time, tsk tsk, it's the time for ghosts to haunt..."


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