I Developed The Ninja Village Game, And The Whole World Is Crazy About It

020 No Matter How You Look At It, It Doesn't Look Like A Serious Book (Asking For Flowers And T

"Fuck? What kind of rule is this? If you can't grab the bell, you have to go back and repair it?"

"It's outrageous. Other villages wish there were more graduates. Konoha has so many graduates and they want to drive people back to rebuild?"

"It seems to be true, sister Zhou won't want to rebuild it?"

"Sister Zhou, fight hard! I don't know when I will be able to graduate when I go back to re-study, I must pass!"

"I feel that there should be no big problem with Zhou Jie. After all, there is a crane at the end. If it needs to be repaired, he will be the first to repair it."

"Didn't you listen to Kakashi? At least one, at most three, it is possible to rebuild them all."

"This Jōnin shouldn't be much stronger than a blackboard eraser."

"Yeah, and even Samui gave up one hand to the three students, and added a condition for shooting down. Kakashi didn't give up anything, just grabbed the bell like that."

"There is a chance, Miss Zhou! Go for the duck!"

At this moment, the atmosphere of the scene was a little depressing.

Naruto reluctantly laughed and said, "You shouldn't use Kunai, sir, you can't even hide the blackboard eraser."

Kakashi remained expressionless: "The less capable people are in this world, the more clamorous they are."

"If it's just the tail of the crane, don't worry about it."

"When I say preparations to start, the exercise will officially begin."

Naruto's face was full of anger after hearing Kakashi say "no ability" and "crane tail".


Immediately afterwards, the more he wanted to be out of breath, he took out a kunai from the ninja bag on his leg, twirled it on his index finger a few times, and rushed towards Kakashi aggressively.

Sister Zhou just wanted to say wait a minute.

A gust of wind blew in front of him, and Kakashi was already standing behind Naruto, pressing Naruto's head with one hand, and clasped his hand holding Kunai with the other.

"I haven't even started yet."

"But you seem to have the mentality to kill me, and I'm slowly starting to like you."

Kakashi let go of Naruto.

Miss Zhou frowned.

Just now she didn't see Kakashi's movement at all, only felt a gust of wind blowing by.

Can't even see the action, is this an opponent that my team can beat?

And my team seems to be a normal person, even the teacher named Kakashi is somewhat involved...



Hearing Kakashi announce the start, sister Zhou quickly backed away and hid in the woods.

Because she had seen the battle between Xiaoyin and Samyi before, and she knew that "ninjas are lurking first when facing invincible opponents".

"Sasuke is also hiding, Naruto..."

Sister Zhou looked at the center of the open space. Naruto crossed his arms and confronted Kakashi confidently.

"It's a good thing that someone confronts the teacher. At least we can find the teacher's flaws when they are fighting."

"However, what's the situation with your confident look?"

"He doesn't really think he's Jōnin's match, does he?"

Sister Zhou looked at her body, she didn't even have a ninja bag, and she didn't learn any offensive ninjutsu.

Now there is not even an effective means of attack.


A handle of bitterness flew towards Sister Zhou at an unpleasant speed.

Sister Zhou saw it with her naked eyes, and immediately lay down on the ground a little nervously.


Ku Wu was nailed to a tree in front of Sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou got up from the ground in embarrassment. She learned this trick of "quick lying down" from Xiaoyin.

Who knew that the target of this Kunai didn't seem to be himself?

Sister Zhou looked in the direction of Kunai Fei, but found no one.

Looking at the open space again, one big and one small are still staring at each other.

"Is this kunai thrown to me by Sasuke?"

Sister Zhou thought for a while, and then decided that it should be Sasuke who found out that he didn't have a weapon, so he threw one for himself.

"This brother is pretty reliable in battle." Sister Zhou nodded approvingly.

"Next, it's time to wait."

"How about I grab the sand and hold it in my hand?"

Then Sister Zhou denied her own idea. Without restrictions and restraints, it is impossible for the sand to hit a Jōnin.

Sister Zhou doesn't think that a crane tail can fight back and forth with a Jōnin.

"Okay! Let's say the victory!" Naruto looked at Kakashi confidently.

"Ah?" Kakashi was full of doubts: "I said, is there something wrong with you?"

Those two kids behaved well, they knew about lurking, but this guy in front of him...

"It's you, the guy, who has a problem with the aesthetics of hair!"

After Naruto finished speaking, he rushed towards Kakashi with his bare hands.

"I'm... awesome!"

Sister Zhou doesn't know how to describe Naruto's behavior.

At this moment, Kakashi reached into the ninja bag.

"Are you going to get a weapon? It's not enough, is it?"

Sister Zhou's eyes widened.

A Jōnin, to deal with three Genin who just graduated, even if he doesn't set limits on himself, he still needs to use a weapon?

Naruto was also startled by Kakashi's movement and stopped sprinting.

Kakashi: "One of the ninja tactical experience, Taijutsu, let me teach you."

After speaking, Kakashi pulled out a book from the ninja bag.

"Intimate heaven? It doesn't look like a serious book, no matter how you look at it."

Sister Zhou frowned, looking at the book in Kakashi's hand with strange eyes.

"Take out a book in battle? What do you mean?"

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