"Hahahaha, I'm Nima, I beg grandpa to tell grandma to persuade Naruto."

"I'm so laughing, why is sister Zhou so good at playing this game?"

"Teammates are playing loudly in front, Naruto: Don't worry, I'll have a meal first."

"By the way, the illusion seems to be very powerful, it can make a person lose their fighting power in an instant."

"Look at what you said, sister Zhou doesn't have much fighting power without illusion."

"That's why Sister Zhou wanted to save Naruto. She couldn't help Sasuke by herself."

"Sister Zhou's brains, Naruto's skills, can be called Konoha Village crouching dragon and phoenix chick, whoever gets one can win the world, and get both, I dare not think about it later."

"Your boy should publish a book."


Sister Zhou and Naruto rushed to the battle scene quickly.


All they saw was a charred land...and Sasuke's head.

"This..." Sister Zhou felt like she couldn't think anymore.

"This guy Sasuke was killed!"

Naruto pointed at Sasuke on the ground in shock.

Looking at the eyes of the two, Sasuke couldn't help but burst out: "Idiot, I was just buried in the soil!"


Sister Zhou and Naruto rushed to rescue Sasuke from the soil.

After rescuing Sasuke from the dirt, Naruto asked, "How is it, Sasuke, did you get the bell?"

Sasuke looked heavy: "No, that guy is too powerful!"

Thinking of his ninjutsu being completely suppressed by Kakashi, Sasuke punched the ground angrily: "Damn it!"

"Jingle Bell----"

With the sound of the alarm, the survival exercise of the three also failed.

"Oops, time is up!"

Sasuke came back to his senses, his face full of unwillingness.

"Yes, it's time."

Kakashi walked towards the three of them from the shadows.

"You guys, come with me."

The three of them followed Kakashi to a stele, and there were two lunch boxes under the stele.

"Through the battle just now, I don't think you need to go back to the ninja school to continue your studies."

Kakashi said lightly.

"Huh?" Naruto looked excited: "Does that mean the three of us...?"

Kakashi looked at the smiling three people with a smile: "That's right, the three of you..."

"Stop being a ninja!"


Following Kakashi's angry voice, the three stayed in place.

"I know it's not that simple." Sister Zhou lowered her head, like a primary school student being reprimanded.

Naruto was still unwilling to defend: "Although we didn't grab the bell, there is no need to say let us give up being ninjas?"

Sister Zhou thought so too.

Kakashi crossed his arms and said nonchalantly, "The three of you are all brats who are not qualified to be ninjas."


Sasuke heard this and rushed straight to Kakashi.


Sister Zhou only had time to say a word, Sasuke was already under Kakashi's body, with one foot on Sasuke's head.

"That's why I said you are little ghosts."


Sister Zhou and Naruto stayed on the spot.

"Are you... are you underestimating ninjas? Ah——"

Kakashi looked at Sister Zhou and Naruto with a gloomy expression.

"Why do you think the drills are divided into classes?"

"You guys don't understand the answer to this test at all."

"Answer?" Naruto had a question mark on his face.

Miss Zhou frowned.

"Yes." Kakashi said: "It is the answer to judge whether you are qualified."

"Could it be...teamwork?" Sister Zhou asked tentatively.

"Teamwork?" Naruto and Sasuke were startled and looked at Sister Zhou.

Kakashi glanced at Sister Zhou appreciatively: "That's right, it's teamwork."

"But you realize now that it's too late."

"If the three of you go up together, maybe you can get the bell."

"But, what a pity."

Sister Zhou raised her hand: "But teacher, there are only two bells. If we work together as a team, one of us will not be able to get the bell in the end, and there will be internal strife in the end."

Kakashi nodded: "That's right, then, under such a premise, why did you choose to save Naruto, and then help Sasuke with Naruto?"

Sister Zhou was stunned: "Huh? I... I didn't think so much at the time..."

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Kakashi's forehead.

"This is a test designed to make you fight among yourself. It is to select people who can prioritize teamwork regardless of their own interests even if they know this premise."

"This is the purpose of testing you."

"Naruto! You're on a rampage all by yourself."

"And you!" Kakashi stomped Sasuke under his feet: "Just treat them as a stumbling block lone ranger!"

"Shumei, in terms of teamwork, you did a good job. When your companions fell into attacks and difficulties, you took action."

"If you really want to say, you are barely qualified."

Sister Zhou still lowered her head, listening to Kakashi's teaching.

Seeing that Sister Zhou didn't look any complacent, Kakashi nodded.

"It's true that ninjas need Penultimate's individual skills, but teamwork is more important."

"A lone ranger who destroys teamwork will put his companions in danger, and even die because of it!"

"Give me an example."

Kakashi took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag, put it on Sasuke's neck and said viciously: "Sukei, kill Naruto! Otherwise, I will kill Sasuke!"

Looking at Sister Zhou with a blank face and Naruto with a terrified face, Kakashi knew that the effect he wanted had been achieved.

"like this."

After speaking, Kakashi put away the kunai.

Naruto has an expression of the survivors.

"Your companion was taken hostage, forcing you to make a choice and killing your companion."

Kakashi moved his feet off Sasuke's head and stood up.

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