I Developed The Ninja Village Game, And The Whole World Is Crazy About It

070 Pdd Rage: If You Don't Let Go, I'll Kill You All!

PDD live room.

Outside Sunagakure.

Baki was standing in front of eighteen Genin and was explaining the rules of the trial.

"A team of three, enter~ into the sand cave maze."

"Each team has three tasks to complete -."

"There is a gray flag in the middle of the sand cave."

"The team that completes the task and takes the flag out of the sand cave is deemed the winner."

"In this trial, there are no rules. You can use any means to defeat your opponent."

"Entering the sand cave means that the trial has begun.

"Now, choose an entrance."

Baki pointed to the sand cave behind the Genins.

This labyrinth of sand caves is underground, the entrance of the cave is dark and bottomless.

There are six entrances in total.

Several teams observed each other.

PDD analyzed: "We wait for them to enter first, and then pick a hole where no one enters."

"If you go in first, you may get your ass stolen, and you will be turned over directly.

"But if you go in later, you may be ambushed."


"If the enemy doesn't move, I don't move.

"When the enemy moves, I will move."

Mustard Liang and Li Xiang thought so too.

Other teams thought so too.

Ever since, none of the teams chose to advance to the hole.

Until, a team couldn't bear it anymore, or maybe it was thinking that its strength was superb.

Choose to enter the hole.

One team moved, and the rest of the teams chose to act one after another. ,

"Let's go in too!"

PDD saw that each team chose the entrance where no one entered.

An unmanned entrance was also chosen.

In this trial, Huiji distributed two props to each team.

One is a simple map of Sand Cave, which is used to find mission locations and props.

The other is a to-do list.

There are three tasks in total.

"Look at our mission first, don't be a headless chicken."

PDD seems to have become the command of the team.

Crazy calling the shots.

"Mission 1, there is an underground secret door at the easternmost end of the sand cave, open the door and take out the key."

Task 2: Use the key obtained from Task 1 to open the box in the center of the sand cave and under the flag, and bring out the items in it. "

"Mission 3, grab a task list from other teams."

"Okay, let's find death first."

"Jiaoliang, you lead the way, Lixiang, you are in charge of guarding at the end.

In terms of sense of direction, PDD has no sense at all.

Arrived in this somewhat dim underground desert.

PDD can't even tell the difference between southeast and north.

Mustard looked at him with a displeased face: "Then what are you doing?"

PDD slapped his chest: "I am in charge of the central army, and stabilize the morale of the army!"

Mustard gave him a speechless look.

Li Xiang covered her mouth with a chuckle and walked to the end of the line.

The three began to march towards the mission goal.

This sand cave is very large, and it may be the remains of an ancient city.

The walls all give a very old feel.

There are similar corridors and buildings everywhere.

As we walked, PDD waved his hand: "Wait a minute!"

Then I looked around: "Did we walk here once?"

Mustard Liang scratched his head in doubt: "Is there? I always follow the direction of the map?"

PDD walked up to Musta Liang and pointed to the ground: "You are walking on my back, our footprints are all ahead!"


PDD and Mustard looked at each other.


PDD said something to Li Xiang.

Afterwards, the three of them took out their kunai and moved forward slowly.

"Hey, you are so smart, you have discovered such a small detail?"

A voice suddenly came from the front of the wide corridor.

PDD Kunai pointed to the dimly lit corridor ahead: "Who? Come out and speak!"

Three Sand Shinobi stepped out of the shadows.

One had a gray cloth tied on his head, one wore sunglasses, and the other was a girl.

PDD looked at the man in sunglasses who was talking: "Fuck, brother, you are still wearing sunglasses in here, can you see things clearly?"

The man in sunglasses looked at PDD angrily: "Stop talking nonsense! Hand over your mission scrolls, or..."

PDD sneered: "The mission scroll is impossible, my chrysanthemum, do you want to think about it?"

Mustard looked at PDD in shock.

Even the three people on the opposite side looked at PDD with pervert eyes.

"Fuck, I'm just kidding!"

PDD said to Jieliang and Lixiang: "Fuck them directly!"

"Lixiang, go beat that girl, and leave the two men to us.

PDD is now very confident in its own strength.

After two consecutive days of training, his attributes are now much higher than when he first entered the game.

And there are many ninjutsu for fighting.

However, although this corridor is relatively spacious, it is still surrounded by sand walls.

If ninjutsu is used, it may cause local landslides.

So PDD didn't intend to use ninjutsu.

PDD took Kunai and rushed directly to the man in sunglasses.

Mustard Liang and Lixiang also fought with the other two when PDD rushed up.

Kunai, a man in sunglasses, blocked Kunai from PDD, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"You don't think Lou is the weakest of the three of us, do you?"

"Who is Lou?" PDD looked puzzled, and then saw Li Xiang and the girl following the line of sight of the man in the sunglasses.

"You mean that girl?"

The man in sunglasses withdrew his gaze: "Hehe, Lou will surprise you."

Can this guy see clearly in such a dark environment with sunglasses on?

PDD looked at the sunglasses of the man with sunglasses, and suddenly said: "You six, the sunglasses you are wearing can't be a night vision device?"

The man in the sunglasses didn't speak any more, and moved over with his other hand.

PDD grabbed the sunglasses man's fist with one hand, and slowly pushed upwards.

"What the hell am I..."

"Bear Power!"

With a roar of PDD.

The man in the sunglasses was thrown away with one hand.

The Kunai in his hand threw it at the man in sunglasses.


The man in sunglasses who was thrown into the air blocked Kunai from PDD.

When I looked at the ground, I couldn't help being surprised: "It's gone?"

"Where are you looking?"

PDD appeared behind the man in sunglasses.

In the past two days, PDD has also watched a lot of wonderful videos of ninja fighting.

Learned to pretend, and Jōnin often used slamming.

PDD hit the back of the neck of the man in sunglasses with an elbow.


The man in the sunglasses who was hit turned into a puddle of broken sand.

"I saw you sealed."

The corner of PDD's mouth raised, and when he turned around, he swept his legs.


To PDD's surprise, the leg sweep was empty.

Looking down, the man in sunglasses was already standing on the ground.

"Fuck, you don't play cards according to the routine!"

PDD made a swooping motion in the air.

"Mount Tai overwhelms!"

Seeing the PDD rushing towards him, the man in sunglasses stabbed with Kunai in his hand.


PDD smiled and performed a gorgeous turn in the air.

While avoiding Kunai, the man in sunglasses, he turned around and bent his elbow.

He hit the man in the sunglasses hard on the face.


The man in the sunglasses was hit hard on the face and flew upside down.

He hit the sand wall and fell to the ground.


PDD yelled.

The PDD fighting this fight is heartwarming.

The opponent's speed and strength are far inferior to their own.

The feeling when the opponent's every move is in your own eyes.

It was so cool.

PDD looks to the battle at the other two.

Mustard also defeated the opponent's suppression.

Victory is only a matter of time.


PDD looked away.

Li Xiang was being held around his neck by Lou's handle of Kun Wu.

"Damn it, don't you think so, Miss Sister, we all belong to the same village, so you won't kill yourself, will you?"

PDD looked at Lou with a frown.

The other party was obviously threatening him with Li Xiang.

Li Xiang lowered her head and said weakly, "I'm sorry, Shen Meng."

Jie Liang at the side directly knocked his opponent to the ground, held him down with one hand, and put his hand on his head with Ku Wu.

Seeing this, PDD also pulls up the man in sunglasses who has lost his combat effectiveness [use Kunai to hold him up.

"Let go of them both!"

Lou gritted his teeth and looked at his two teammates who were not up to snuff.

PDD opened his mouth and said: "One for one, you let go of Lixiang, and I let go of this man in sunglasses.

"I said... let go of the two of them!!"

Lou shouted loudly, and the Kunai in his eyes stuck to Li Dun's neck.

...asking for flowers...

Facing the excited Lou, PDD compromised: "okokok! Big sister, don't get excited, it's okay to exchange one for two.

"Tell me, how to change."

Lou looked at PDD with a cold face, and threatened: "Hand over your mission scrolls."

PDD's face darkened: "Impossible."

Hearing this, Lou Yong Kuwu drew a small gash on Lixiang's neck.

Blood slowly flowed down Lixiang's neck.


PDD's anger was instantly aroused.

He directly grabbed the man in the sunglasses by the neck.

"Is it really him when Laozi is made of mud?"

The man in sunglasses clamped his neck, and his face instantly turned purple.

PDD looked at Lou seriously: "I'll give you three seconds to release him, hand over the mission scroll, and then you guys get out."

"Otherwise Laozi will kill you all."



Li Xiang tightly closed her eyes.

Mustard also looked at PDD anxiously.


PDD looked at the building, gritted his teeth, and showed a fierce look on his face.

The arms also started to work hard.


The man in sunglasses grabbed PDD's hand with his weak hands.

"Mustard, kill that idiot!"


"Kill Laozi!"

Mustang held Kunai's hand tremblingly and raised it.


Lou threw down Kun Wu: "I hope you keep your word."

After speaking, he took out a scroll from his arms.

Li Xiang saw that the threat on her neck was gone.

Taking a cautious look at PDD, he ran to his side.

PDD threw the man with sunglasses in his hand to the floor.

"Cough cough cough——"

The man in sunglasses who was caught by Lou breathed in the fresh air.

"Mustard, let him go."

A mustard let go of the gauze man.

Lixiang was in the opponent's hand, and the Kunai he raised couldn't stab it at all.

It's all just pretend.

After the two sides exchanged hostages, PDD picked up the other party's mission scroll.

Then he looked at the other three with smiles all over his face: "That... I was joking with you just now.

"Everyone is from the same village, how could it be possible to really kill people.

"We don't know each other if we don't fight. If we have time, let's have a meal together."

"Now, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, PDD waved to Li Xiang and Jie Liang, signaling them to leave.

Lou didn't believe PDD's words at all.

Just now, she really saw the fierceness and killing intent in the eyes of PDD.

This is not the look a child should have at all.

That expression made Lou feel terrified just thinking about it.

PDD has traveled a long way with mustard and lixiang.

Jie Liang finally asked, "Are you really going to kill that guy just now regardless of Lixiang?"

Mustang also saw PDD's eyes of choosing and devouring just now.

He was very afraid that PDD would really kill him.

Li Xiang, who was walking behind the two, lowered his head sadly.

PDD said helplessly: "How is it possible, don't say that they are from the same village as us."

"Lixiang is still in their hands."

Mustard Liang: "I looked at your eyes, and I thought you were serious."

PDD said with a smile: "I was scaring her.

"I was ready to let go after counting."

"It's a good thing she let go first."

PDD was going to wait for the moment when the mustard bitter go down.

Compromise with the other side.

After all, he couldn't really kill the ninja from the same village, and watched the girls in the team be murdered.

Mustard laughed and hugged PDD's shoulders: "Sure enough, I didn't misread you, but luckily you have a way.

"I'm scared of you."

PDD: "I'm fucking panicking myself!"

After hearing what they said, Lixiang blushed a little and looked at the PDD in front of her.

"By the way, is Li Xiang's injury okay?"

Mustard turned around and asked.

"Ah?" Lixiang was taken aback, and then touched the wound on her neck.

"It's just scratched a little, it's fine."

"That's good."

The PDD trio marched toward the mission goal. .

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