I'm coming!

Sister Zhou had a serious look on her face.

As long as this question is correct, plus hard work points.

You can get two points, which can offset the two points that were caught for peeking before!

Although it's still zero, at least he can't be a side effect.

Moreover, the previous examiner may not have recorded himself...


Ibixi stood on the podium: "Yes, before that..."

"About the last question, there is a small condition to be added."


Candidates are all numb.

Even if the question is so difficult.

Why are there so many rules and requirements?

At this time, Kankuro returned to the classroom from the toilet.

Ibixi looked at Kankuro: "You're lucky."

"Playing with dolls is not in vain."

Kankuro heard the cold sweat on his forehead.

Yibixi didn't say any more: "Okay, sit down."

Afterwards, Yibixi looked at the candidates and said, "Let me explain, this is..."

"Desperate rules!"

He was very satisfied with the reaction of the candidates in the audience.

"First of all, you have to choose whether you want to answer the tenth question or not.

Sister Zhou felt that there was something in Yibi's happy words.

Do you want to answer?

Is there a price to be paid for choosing to answer or not to answer?

At this time, Temari asked: "If we want to choose, what should we do if we choose not to answer the first question?"

"If you don't choose..." Yibixi looked at Temari, "The candidate will be judged as zero on the spot."

"That is..."


"Of course the two companions will also be eliminated together.

Hearing Yibixi's words, the classroom instantly boiled.

"This kind of thing, you must choose to answer!"

"The rule of being eliminated together is simply too messy!"

Yibixi ignored it and continued: "Then, there is another rule."

"If you choose to answer the question but don't get it right..."

"Then the respondent......."

"Will be permanently disqualified from taking the Chūnin exam!!"

Yibixi said with a stern expression.

"How can there be such a stupid rule!"

Fang stood up from his seat: "After all, here now, there are guys who have taken the Chūnin exam many times!"

Akamaru: "Wow!" 560

"huh huh huh huh

Yibixi laughed grimly: "Your luck is too bad."

Afterwards, he gloomyly swept over all the candidates in the classroom: "This year..."

"I am the rule!"

"And, didn't I give you a retreat?"

"Guys who don't have confidence will honestly choose not to answer."

"Let's take the exam next year or the year after."

Sister Zhou listened to Yibixi's words.

An idea came to mind.

This tenth question should not be a test, right?

Said it with a scary look, but in fact it was just talking?

Use this to weed out some weak-minded ninjas?

Then say to the rest of the people, that choice just now is the tenth question?

Are all the answers left?

Sister Zhou slowly affirmed this idea.

This point, I'm sure!

Yibixi's deep voice sounded: "Then..."

"let's start."

"This is the tenth question."

"Those who don't answer, get out.

"After confirming the number, please go out from here."

Most in the classroom are weighing the pros and cons.

And how confident you are that you can answer the tenth question correctly.

Sister Zhou now roughly understands Yibixi's routine.

So it's very easy now.

Seeing the candidates around look serious.

Sister Zhou couldn't help admiring.

From the appearance of Yibixi to the present.

He has been constantly putting pressure on the candidates.

It is estimated that it is to prepare for the tenth question.

It is also unknown how many people will opt out.

Sister Zhou looked left and looked expectantly.


An older youth raised his hand and stood up with a painful expression on his face: "I don't want to answer the tenth question!",

*No. 50, eliminated.

"No. 130 and No. 111 were implicated and eliminated at the same time."

An examiner read in a calm voice.

With one's withdrawal.

The candidates who were a little wavering in their hearts immediately made a decision.

Choose to go with the flow.

After all, if you fail the exam this year, you can still pass the exam next year.

But if you answer the wrong question, you will be Genin for the rest of your life!

"I quit!"

"I quit too.

The voices of the candidates sounded.

One hand was raised continuously.

Candidates kept walking out of the classroom.

Sister Zhou saw a steady stream of people leaving.

There is no feeling of ever-decreasing competitors in my heart.

Because usually this kind of weak-minded character is not too strong.

Even if you stay, you are not your opponent.

Even if it is, it will definitely not be able to defeat Naruto Sasuke!

Sister Zhou glanced at Teacher Ma and the others.

I found that they were just like me, bored and looking around.

It seems that they thought of it with themselves.

This should be a test.

With the departure of a large number of candidates.

Only about half of the people in the examination room remained.

But at this time, what Sister Zhou didn't expect was that.

Naruto raised his hand tremblingly.

Sister Zhou looked at Naruto unexpectedly.

This child…………….

Giving up should not be in Naruto's character.

After getting along for such a long time.

Sister Zhou thinks that Naruto is the kind who sees the south wall.

I also want to bump my head against it to see if the south wall is tough.

Seeing Naruto raise his hand.

Sister Zhou didn't say anything.

Not to blame him.

Ibixi really puts a lot of psychological pressure on people.

Naruto It's normal for a child to be overwhelmed.

Thinking about it, sister Zhou was about to stand up.

Go out with Naruto and Sasuke and comfort Naruto and Sasuke by the way.

After all, Sasuke's strength is very likely to be promoted to Chūnin.

But because of Naruto's relationship was linked.

Maybe there will be a gap between the two little guys.

You have to educate them yourself.


Naruto slapped the table hard.

He stared at Yibixi viciously and shouted, "Are you kidding me! I won't run away!"

"I want to participate! Even if I can only be a Genin for a lifetime!"

"I want to be Hokage in one go!"

With that said, Naruto stood up and shouted, "I'm not scared at all!!"


Sister Zhou looked at Naruto with a look of relief.

As expected, I was not mistaken.

No matter what the environment, Naruto is always so motivated.

And it can infect other people with emotions.

After Naruto said those words, people in the examination room looked hesitant and hesitant.

His expression now became firm.

After Naruto finished speaking, he folded his hands on his chest and sat down proudly.

After hearing Naruto's words, Yibixi looked at Naruto blankly: "I'll say it again."

"This is a choice that bets on your life. If you want to give up, take advantage of the present."

Naruto looked at Ibixi firmly: "To carry out what I said, this is my way of ninja!"

Seeing that no one quit, Yibi said: "Your determination is very good."

"Then, everyone who stays here."

"In the first exam..."

"I judge you qualified!"

"Damn it, it's this routine again!"

Sister Zhou was caught off guard.

At first she thought it was just a question. (dbdi) I didn't expect this question to be the real exam!

The judgment was right, but it was also wrong.

Sister Zhou was a little speechless looking at the densely packed text written in the answer area.

Naruto looked at Ibixi in a daze, with a confused expression on his face: "Huh?"

Temari stood up: "Wait a minute! What's the question for the tenth question? How did you pass it all of a sudden?"

Yibi smiled and looked at the candidates present: "Hahaha, there was no such thing as the tenth question from the beginning.

"If you really want to say it, the choice between the two just now is the tenth question!"

Temari frowned: "Then what are the nine questions before that?! Isn't it completely useless?"

Yibixi shook his head: "It's not completely useless."

"The first nine questions have completed the purpose of the exam."

"Just to test each of you's intelligence-gathering capabilities."

"Intelligence gathering capabilities?"

Sister Zhou was still a little puzzled.

Yibixi explained: "First of all, the key points of this exam have already been hinted at in the rules at the beginning.

"This is the way to decide on a team basis."

"You can exert unimaginable pressure on you that will affect your teammates."

Naruto had an understanding expression on his face: "Hmm, I think this is what this exam is all about.

Yibixi continued: "However, the questions in this exam are certainly not something you Genin can answer.

"It will naturally become like this, and most people in the examination room will think of this conclusion."

"In order to get points, you can only cheat."

"Therefore, the exam is premised on cheating."

Sister Zhou broke the defense.

As someone who grew up in normal school.

It is the normal thinking of all people not to cheat in exams.

Sister Zhou also brought realistic thinking into the game.

She never thought about it at all, this exam is to let everyone use various means to cheat, to test everyone's intelligence gathering ability!

"I couldn't answer any of the unexplainable questions. It turned out that those questions were not for us at all."

"Ninja, it really can't be judged by common sense."

Sister Zhou came to a conclusion.

Ibixi: "Therefore, as a target for cheating."

"I picked two Chūnin who knew all the answers.

"It's been lurking among you since the beginning."

Naruto's face was shocked: "Is there such a thing?"

Yibixi continued: "However, those who only know how to cheat will of course be eliminated.

Sister Zhou was afraid for a while.

It must be a stupid way to peek at other people's papers, right?

It seems that I was really named by the examiner.

But there is no way, apart from peeking, I have no other means of cheating.

"As for why........."

Yibixi removed the forehead protector on his forehead.

The top of the head full of wounds was exposed.

"Intelligence is sometimes more valuable than life."

"It is something that needs to be fought for with one's life on missions and battlefields!"

When the examinees saw the top of Yibixi's head, their pupils were shocked.

"Intelligence obtained by the enemy or discovered by a third party is not necessarily true and correct information."

Yibixi wears a forehead protector on her head:

Hope you keep this in mind.

"Holding wrong information in your hands will bring a fatal blow to your companions and the village!"

"In this sense, we will gather intelligence by letting you cheat."

"And then weed out the poor ones, that's it."

Candidates also generally understand.

Many people felt a little scared when they saw the various scars on Ibixi's head.

Temari understands it, but he is a little reluctant: "However, I always feel that the last question is a bit unacceptable."

Yibixi: "This tenth question is the real purpose of this first exam."


"what the hell is it?"

Yibixi explained to the candidates: "Let me explain, the first question is to choose to answer or not to answer.

"Needless to me, this is a choice that will make your hearts suffer."

"Those who don't answer will be eliminated along with their companions."

"And those who choose to answer and answer incorrectly will lose their right to take the test forever."

"This is actually a very dishonest test question."

"How about this alternative?"

"Suppose you become Chūnin, and the task is to capture secret documents."

"I don't know the number of enemy ninjas, their abilities, and whether they have other military forces."

"And the enemy may set a trap."

"Do you accept this kind of mission or not?"

"I spare my life and let my companions be exposed to danger.

"Can such a dangerous task be avoided forever?"

"The answer is: no."

"There will always be an assignment that cannot be turned down, no matter how dangerous it is."

"At this time, I can show courage to my peers and have the ability to break through difficulties."

"This is what Chūnin needs to be a troop captain!"

"The guy who doesn't even dare to gamble with his own life."

"Pin your hopes on next year or an uncertain future.

"The guy who shakes his heart and gives up his chances."

"I don't feel qualified to be a Chūnin for such a weak-willed waste!"

"And those of you who chose to stay can be said to be the correct answer to the tenth question.

"I will face up to the difficulties that may be encountered in the future."

Having said that, Ibixi announced: "You guys have broken through the entrance.

"The first exam of Chūnin's selection is over!"

"Wish everyone....……."

"The exam went well."

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