
Game failed!

After being forcibly disconnected.

The horse monkey took off the VR glasses and kept panting.

"It hurts, it's scary..."

Thinking of Da Quinn's bloody appearance, his legs became a little weak.

Dog author!

Doesn't it mean that the follow-up plot is not scary!

Isn't that so scary? ?

A big living person who has been skinned, bloody, this kind of thing, if it is not a pervert, it can't be designed at all!

"I don't dare to play, I don't dare to play."

"Take a rest first... hoo!"

The big horse monkey sat on the ground with a limp, and didn't recover.

The scene just now.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also frightened.

Because Da Quinn looked so miserable and disgusting, his hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows were all glued to the rotten flesh, and he was panicking.

Take advantage of the horse monkey to rest.

The water friends discussed wildly:

"Why did Da Kui become like this?"

"I'm afraid there is a mechanism in that brick, right?"

"It's so scary, it made my heart skip a beat!!"

"Sulfuric acid is not so violent, is it?"

"No, high concentrations of sulfuric acid can also achieve this effect."

"Is this a trap? Do you understand that brother came out and said a few words?"

"Yes, isn't Mr. Wang Kun in the live broadcast room!?"

I saw myself being named by netizens.

Wang Kun is not good at diving anymore.

He sent the barrage with lingering fears to solve the doubts of the water friends:

"This should be a kind of anti-theft measure for ancient tombs. When I was excavating ancient tombs with archaeologists, I was fortunate enough to see some."

"In the brick wall just now, there should be an interlayer, and the interlayer is filled with this organic strong acid liquid. Once the tomb robbers destroy the stone bricks, the stone bricks will crush the interlayer, and then the strong acid in the interlayer will splash out. , attack the grave robbers."

"This kind of mechanism is usually arranged only for very important tombs."

"In addition to this, some agencies also have traps such as quicksand and dark crossbows. In ancient times, many tomb robbers died in the traps set up by these ancients..."

Through Wang Kun's professional explanation.

Netizens were stunned.

It turned out that Dakui was not careful and took the words of the owner of the tomb!

I have to say that the wisdom of the ancients is still very awesome!

Who would have thought that a mechanism that existed a thousand years ago could still function so perfectly!

So here comes the question.

This level before entering the tomb is so difficult, how should I pass it?


Horse monkey resting.

Many water friends left his live broadcast room and began to look for another fast-moving anchor in Dou Shark.

Looking for a round.

They poured into Sao Pig's live broadcast room one after another.

Because Sao Pig has passed the corpse accumulation ground at this moment, and just met the old man who escaped. Among the current anchors, his progress is the fastest!


"Big nephew, tie him up, or let him go?"

In the screen of Sao Pig's live broadcast room.

Wu Sansheng was looking at Sao Pig, asking what to do with the old man.

"Of course I can't let him go!"

Sao Pig didn't think much about it, and just followed his own feelings.

He pointed at the old man and scolded: "This old guy wanted to kill us in the water hole before, how could he just let him go? It must be tied up and let him lead us the way!"

"good very good!"

Wu Sansheng nodded approvingly: "My good nephew, quite the style of your three Uncles back then!"


The game beep sounds:

"Wu Sansheng's trust in you +2!"

"Zhang Qilin's trust in you +2!"

"Dakui's trust in you +2!"

"Pan Zi's trust in you +2!"


"I go!"

Sao Pig was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that my answer would actually increase all trust by 2 points!

Isn't it usually +1 point?

Does the answer they answer suit their appetite? ?


"Saucy pig is awesome!"

"I just like people like you who don't retaliate with virtue!"

"I hate the Virgin the most, but fortunately you don't!"

"Nice job! I won't let him go!"

"This old man wanted to kill all of you before. If you let him go and don't take advantage of it, you can't justify it!"

"To be honest, if you just chose to let him go, I would definitely quit!"

Looking at Sao Pig's answer is very correct.

His fans also cheered for a while!

Judging from the increased trust value, Sao Pig has completed this level very beautifully!


"Let's go! Be honest!"


Everyone tied up the old man and let him lead the way.


They entered the forest and saw an empty camp.

"Eldest nephew, go find some useful supplies. My brother and I have decided on the location of the tomb."

After arriving at the place, Wu Sansheng asked Sao Zhu to find something.

at the same time.

Like the horse monkey, Sao Pig also received a temporary task.

"Search for an item and bring it back to Wu Sansheng."

"The more critical the item is to the subsequent plot, the higher the character's trust value will be rewarded?"

Sao Pig looked at the task panel and scratched his head.


He rushed into the camp and searched the tent carefully.


He saw the generator, but he didn't get it.

Because he felt that such a heavy thing was definitely not the key prop for going to the tomb.

As for the military dagger, the revolver without bullets, and the bloody mobile phone, etc., he looked at it for a while, but did not pick it up.

at last.

Sao Zhujian went sideways and took something that he thought was awesome.

A tank of gasoline.

He thinks that under the tomb, if he encounters dangerous creatures such as zombies, pour a tank of gasoline, and then take a little fire...


take off!

For his bizarre idea.

Netizens feel that it is a bit unreliable.

"Who goes to the grave with gasoline?"

"I think that phone is the key, and there is likely to be key information in it!"

"It's a great loss, teacher whoring!"

"How do I think that revolver is critical, although there is no bullet..."

"It must be that phone! Get a tank of gas... what are you thinking!"

"No, no, gasoline is definitely wrong!"

The water friends kept complaining.

They all have their own opinions, but few people think that gasoline will be the key prop.


At this moment.

Sao Pig was immersed in the character and didn't watch the barrage too much.

After deciding to get petrol.

He carried the tank of gasoline and trot back to Wu Sanxing.

"Uncle Third, I found something useful!"


Wu Sansheng and others looked over curiously.

Pan Zi stretched out his hand to take the gasoline, opened the bottle cap and smelled it, nodded and said, "This gasoline is ok, there is no problem."


Wu Sanxing glanced at it, nodded and said, "Yes, it may be useful below, remember to bring it later."



The prompt sound of the game suddenly sounded, echoing in the ears of Sao Zhu and netizens:

"The task has been completed well, and the character's trust value is hereby awarded!"

"Wu Sansheng's trust in you +3!"

"Zhang Qilin's trust in you +3!"

"Dakui's trust in you +3!"

"Pan Zi's trust in you +3!"


this moment.

Live room, be quiet!



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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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