
Start the next second of the game.

The screen of the live broadcast room was suddenly dark.

Dui Xiaomei and countless netizens are very excited!

Because they know.

This sign means that the opening CG of "Sand in the Furious Sea" is coming!!!


in the dark.

Drums sounded.


A string of ancient and melodious Tibetan rang out.

"Hey, so-"


"Pray for Sangdulu-"


It's like a sacrificial incantation, and it's like a slogan of a certain ceremony.

Although the picture is still dark, the atmosphere has been pulled into a very mysterious-world by these strange tones.


The screen slowly unfolds.


Stormy winds, stormy waves.

The magnificent natural scenery stimulates everyone's attention!

The endless black sea and the turbulent waves make people feel short of breath!

【Tianzhen: The third uncle is missing. 】

Accompanied by the sound of waves.

The familiar voice-over sounded.

【Tianzhen: The woman said that the third uncle disappeared under this sea. 】

Stormy black sea.

A strange ghost ship is slowly heading towards the camera.

This ship is very large, and it is covered with various shells and marine attachments. It looks absolutely abandoned for more than ten years, like a ship that came up from the bottom of the sea.

[Tianzhen: The life and death of the third uncle is unknown, I can't sit back and watch. 】

woo one by one

on the sea.

The black ghost ship gets closer and closer, and the terrifying and depressing atmosphere fills up directly!

Just as the ghost ship was about to hit the camera...


The picture entered the water and came to the sea.

The camera sank rapidly until there was little light in the sea!


Several white, white lotus-like flowers appeared in the gloomy sea water.

Zoom in.

I saw that these things floating in the sea like jellyfish are not flowers, but dozens of ancient corpses in white gauze!!!

They show various postures, some are like trays, some are like flute, some are like playing the qin and drums, although the posture is beautiful and unparalleled, but how can there be a chill that is piercing the heart and lungs!!

[Tianzhen: Although I swore that I would never fight again after the Lu Palace, all this is beyond my control. 】

【Naive: This is my second expedition. 】

The picture turned and came to the bottom of the sea.

In the dark seabed, a huge black silhouette appeared.

The black shadow is so big that it almost fills the entire lens, which is very shocking!

All netizens were shocked.

How can there be such a huge monster in such a deep seabed!?

【Tianzhen: Under the stormy sea, what will be waiting for me?】


under thunder.

The picture came to a dark secret room.

On the wall of the secret room, a few large characters smeared with blood appeared!

"Wu Sansheng harmed me, desperate, and died because of injustice, heaven and earth as a lesson - solve the chain!"5

【Tianzhen: Third Uncle.....Did he really kill someone?】

The screen turns again.

At the bottom of the eerily dark pool, smoke swirled around.

Wu Sansheng squatted in front of a wordless stele, managing his hair with orchid fingers like a woman.

He turned his face, like a girl who hasn't left the boudoir, with a half-smile, she looks ghostly and has an indescribably weird feeling!

It just makes my scalp tingle!

【Tianzhen: How many things is he hiding from me?】

The picture returned to the sea again.

The visibility of the gloomy sea water was very low, and in front of the screen, a white figure was dancing in the water.

The camera slowly moved closer to the figure.

Netizens saw this man's hair!

The black rash is very long, almost two meters long, and it is very thick. Netizens feel that these hairs can even wrap a person tightly!


The lens gets closer and closer.

A woman's face gradually emerged from the layers of insanely long hair.

This is definitely a face that can give you nightmares just by looking at it!

The face was horribly pale.

Grim-faced, with no white eyes.

The whole face seemed to have been soaked in blisters for a long time, swollen into a transparent color.

She doesn't look like a person at all, but like a hideous carrion whose eyes have been gouged out and soaked in water for thousands of years!!


The strong visual impact makes the little girl scream!

Even if he has honed his courage in the Lu Palace, this scene... is really unacceptable!

The black-haired woman just now was a devil from the bottom of the sea!

More terrifying than the bloody corpse in the Royal Palace!


Amid the screams of Little Sister Stay, the picture is put away.

in the dark.

Familiar lines of subtitles jump out:

【Tip: Minors under the age of 18 are recommended to play with a parent or guardian!】

【Tip: Patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, panic, asthma are prohibited from playing, and pregnant women are prohibited from playing!】

The subtitles remained for five seconds before slowly disappearing.


Another line of subtitles popped up:

【Sand of the Wrath of Pirates of the Pen】

【Click to start】(Trial version)

At the end of the opening CG of the explosion, netizens were very frightened by the scene just now!

"Wow! I'm scared to pee again!"

"Brother Zhang is really getting more and more perverted, how did he design this thing??

"Torrential waves, lightning and thunder, and scenes that are closely related to the sea are everywhere. This is called "Sand in the Furious Sea"! What kind of thing is "The Stormy Waves"?!!"

"The quality of this trailer, a proper Hollywood blockbuster!!35

"Brother Zhang really didn't let us down!!

"Such a large amount of seawater, each grain is so real, even if you zoom in, you can't see any flaws at all, is this the strength of Brother Zhang!?

"Feng Shen, Feng Shen!!

"I'm scared to cry, Brother Zhang is still perverted as always!"


in front of the camera.

The little girl took a long breath.

"It seems that the content of "Dive in the Furious Sea"... seems to be a bit hazy.

Little Sister Stay looked at the camera and smiled bitterly: "Brothers, I'm a little panicked, what should I do?

"Fuck with a hammer, brother will give you super fire!"

"It's right to panic, that's why I let you test the water in the advanced game!

"Give you a gift, and quickly enter the game for your grandfather!"

"Who doesn't panic after watching this opening trailer, but fortunately we are separated from the screen, hehe! 35

"Being an anchor is not easy!"

"This anchor, this game was developed by your husband, right? I'm the director of a mental hospital in the capital city. I think your husband is very problematic. Take him over to see it another day."5

"Hahaha, die laughing!"

"The dean is right, someone with no mental problems can design this game??"

The live broadcast room is full of gifts.

All kinds of emperors are open, all kinds of super fires and carnivals are like no money.

Just a few minutes.

The gift income of Dui Xiaomei's live broadcast room exceeded one million!!

This scene also made all the other anchors of Dousha instantly jealous!!!

"With your support, I feel so much better!"

Look at the sky full of gifts.

The little girl's eyes are about to look like money.

She stopped hanging her appetite, and directly clicked [Start Game].


next second.

The little sister stay found herself in a hotel.

The style of the hotel is more business-oriented, and there is no shortage of TV and air conditioning. She is sitting on the big bed in the room at the moment.

"Uh, where is this?"

She stood up and looked at it.

Think about it.

Little Sister Dui walked to the window, looked out, and saw a lot of tall buildings, and there were vehicles coming and going on the wide road.


Your location is in a city.

"You're still playing Wu Tianzhen this time!

"You won't have to wait for female netizens here, hehe!"

"Open a room when you come up? So exciting! 35

"Dive into the Sand in the Furious Sea" is still "Dive in the Sand in the Furious Sea". The level of fidelity of this scene is completely indistinguishable from reality! 35

"Yes, even the greenery, pedestrians, and vehicles downstairs are so real! 39

66 How dare you touch the porcelain with something like "The Stormy Waves", and ask Mr. Ma from the Goose Factory to come and see it, doesn't your face hurt!?"

"I also saw a small card on the table, old woman, hurry up and try it! 95


The first scene into the game was so gentle, netizens breathed a sigh of relief.

So they joked about it, just like watching a TV show.

"What shall I do next?

The little girl was standing by the window with a confused look on her face.

Go down for a walk?

Or turn on the TV?


What about Wu Sanxing and the others?

Just when the little sister stayed in doubt.

In the air, a few lines of subtitles jumped out.

[Wu Tianzhen: This is half a month after I escaped from the Lu Palace. 】

[Wu Tianzhen: Pan Zi's injury was not serious, and he has been hospitalized for recuperation. My third uncle and I hired a nurse to take care of him, and then we found a hotel near the hospital and stayed there. 】

[Wu Tianzhen: Just now I took the snake-eye copper fish that I brought out from the palace of King Lu and asked the third uncle what it was. The expression of the third uncle changed obviously. He seemed to know something. 】

[Wu Tianzhen: But unfortunately, just when I was stalking him to tell him, this old guy actually found an excuse to go out to buy food and slip away. 】

【Wu Tianzhen: When he comes back, I must use all means to let him tell what he knows! 】

The subtitles stayed for a minute, then slowly disappeared.

"Oh! 35

"I see!

The little girl suddenly nodded her head.

Although these subtitles are not many, they clearly explain the current situation.

It turns out that it has been half a month since he left the Palace of Lu!

"What is the third uncle hiding from me?"

"It has something to do with this snake-browed copper fish??"

Little Sister Dui looked down at the snake-browed copper fish in her hand. She was familiar with this thing, and it was the thing she brought out from the Lu Palace.

She glanced at the public screen and said with a smile: "Brothers, do you think Wu Sanxing will come back later, what method should I use to force him to tell the story? 35

Netizens immediately came up with various ideas:

"Tie him up and torture him to make a confession!"

"Haha, give him a Kuixing kick and he will naturally say it! 35

"When he comes back, press him directly on the bed, and cut your fingers without saying a word!

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Wu Sansheng should eat soft and not hard, you kneel down and kowtow a few times, maybe he will say it!

"Listening to your suggestions, I'm starting to look forward to the next session!

"Okay, if he doesn't say anything later, I'll tie him up."

"I have Kuixing to fight, I believe he can't beat me, hehe."

The little sister stayed up and lifted her leg, feeling full of strength.

Just think about it.

Kuixing kick can be fired immediately!

If Wu Sanxing didn't tell what he knew, he would have to give him two feet more or less.

"By the way, have you inherited the attributes of the Lu Palace?

thought here.

The little girl hurriedly called out the character attributes.

【Character】: Wu Tianzhen

[Strength]: 12 (base value is 10)

[Physical Strength]: 12 (the base value is 10)

[Observation power]: 13 (basic value is 10)

[Skill]: Kuixing Kick

"Everyone is here, so I can rest assured."

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief.


When I was about to lie down for a while.

As soon as the door of the room opened, a familiar figure walked in.

"Come on, come on, authentic sweet and sour pork ribs, let's cook! 35

Wu Sansheng walked in with a large bag of food.

Putting the food on the table, he moved the stool over, took the tableware and chopsticks, looked at the little girl and said, "What are you doing, hurry up and eat! 39


The little sister looked at him and sneered.

This is something Wu Sansheng did not expect.

Little Sister Stay moved over the stool and sat across from him.

"Third Uncle, if I don't understand some things, I can't eat... Little Sister Dai put the snake-eye copper fish in her hand on the table and looked straight at Wu Sanxing.


Wu Sansheng smiled and said mysteriously: "There are some things that I don't know are good for you.

Little Sister Dui grabbed his chopsticks and looked like she would never give up: "How do you know if it's good or bad for me if you don't tell me, I'm an adult, what else can't you know?

"Okay, I won't eat it!

Wu Sanxing spread his hands, with an expression like you love it.


The little girl gritted her teeth.

She is just a player, although she is playing the role of this person's nephew, but she herself has nothing to do with this Wu Sansheng.



Little Sister Dian grabbed Wu Sanxing's hand to the back with one hand, and pressed the other hand on the back of his neck, pressing his face on the table.


Wu Sansheng was startled, and he scolded: "You kid is going to rebel? I'm your uncle!"

"Are you going to tell me?!" Little Sister Dui's expression was cold.

After experiencing the Lu Palace, she has become agile, and she is not a mother-in-law at all.

"Do not say!

Wu Sansheng scolded loudly: "You little bastard, see if I don't call your dad later! You'll have some good fruits to eat then!!

"Hurry up and say, when did you say when I let go.

Staying little sister doesn't matter.

The most important thing now is to get the secret about the 'snake eyebrow copper fish' out of Wu Sansheng's mouth!

This is how the game can continue smoothly!

"OK, OK, I say!

"You let go first!"


Wu Sansheng compromised.

The little girl smiled and let go of her hand and said, "You can teach me..."

"You little bastard!"

Before Xiaomei could finish her words, Wu Sansheng suddenly turned around and kicked Xiaomei in the abdomen.

Wu Sansheng has a lot of strength.

Being kicked by this, Little Sister Dui directly fell back and slammed into the TV cabinet.

"It's really against you!

Wu Sanxing was extremely angry, he pointed at the little sister and cursed: "I'm your uncle, don't you understand that you don't know how to respect the old and love the young? 35

"Who told you to hide from me!"

"You don't treat me like a family member at all!"

The little sister stayed up and wanted to fight him.

But Wu San Province was tall and tall, and the little sister was kicked down by him before she stood up.

"You forced me, Third Uncle..."

The little sister stayed clutching her stomach and muttered softly.

Wu Sanxing: "I'm teaching you a lesson for your father, so that you can learn the etiquette of the younger generation!

"Kui Xing kicks!!

It's too late.


The little sister instantly activated her skills.


She leaped into the air, her right leg crossed the river like a raptor, and swept towards Wu Sansheng's chest!


This kick hit Wu Sanxing's chest firmly!


The huge force made Wu Sansheng fly back more than two meters and directly hit the wall behind the big bed!


Wu Sansheng vomited blood, and the whole person slowly slipped down from the wall.

"It's over!"

Seeing him vomit blood, Little Sister Dui realized that her hand was heavy.

She hurried over and asked, "Are you alright, Third Uncle?

"You kid... ruthless."


Wu Sanxing rolled his eyes and gasped.


The game screen gradually darkened.

Two lines of subtitles jump out in the middle:

【game over!】

【Please make persistent efforts!】On.

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