I Developed The Seven Star Lu Palace To Scare Players Around The World

98. The gate of life becomes the gate of death, again and again

"Don't think about it now, let's hurry to the main tomb."

After thinking about it for a long time, Guma couldn't think of the third uncle's purpose, so he proposed to go to the main tomb.

After all, the main tomb was his goal!

Fatty quickly nodded in agreement and scolded: "I've wanted to go for a long time, there's nothing in the bottom of this shitty pool, it's a waste of Fatty's strength!

Guma looked at Zhang Qilin and asked, "Little brother, you just said that as long as you learn how a woman combs her hair in front of this stone tablet, you can see where the life gate is?"

Zhang Qilin nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, then I'll try. 35

Guma came to the stone tablet.

Facing the smooth jade stone tablet, using his hand as a comb, he slowly combed his hair.

But somehow.

Seeing what was reflected in the stone tablet, Guma always felt a little ghostly.

The environment here is already dark.

Squatting here and combing your hair, will you look a little perverted?

Netizens immediately expressed their opinions on the public screen:

"Nima, you just comb it, don't laugh so much!"

"It's so weird, please do something in the world! 99

"You remind me of "A Pair of Embroidered Shoes"""

"It's over, I'm going to have another nightmare tonight!"

"The owner of this tomb, no, it's Brother Zhang, such a perverted design, but I really like it...

"After reading the upstairs, I feel like a pervert! 99

in front of the stele.

Guma slowly combed her hair.

Fatty stood beside Zhang Qilin and looked at him quietly.

"Looks like there really is!

Guma screamed in surprise.

Because he combed for a while, and suddenly saw a fish connected end to end beside his temple.

This fish is very fuzzy.

As long as you move a little, the angle is wrong, and it will disappear on the stone tablet immediately.

Listen to Guma.

Zhang Qilin and Fatty squatted down behind him and looked at them from the same angle.


On the stone tablet, you can see a fish connected end to end, and the fish is actually turning slowly.

It seems.

There is also an exquisite mechanism in this stone tablet, which echoes the eight secret doors on the pool wall.

"I'm going to locate "~!"

The fat man took the flashlight and ran to the side of the pool.

He raised his flashlight and regarded himself as a light spot, and now he only needs Guma to stare at the stone tablet to see which secret door the fish will overlap with.

"Not this one....

"This is not...

Guma stared at the mark on the stone tablet very carefully.

When he saw the fourth secret door sliding past the stone tablet, Fatty's flashlight perfectly overlapped with the mark!!

"This is the door, the fourth door!!

Gu Ma stood up and hurriedly confirmed to Zhang Qilin who was beside him: "Little brother, am I right?"

"Hmm. 99

Zhang Qilin nodded in agreement.

"Very good, then let's go.

Gu Ma waved his fist, took the lead, and came to the fourth secret door beside the pool wall.

The inside of the secret door was pitch-dark, and the flashlight shone through it, so I couldn't see the whole picture. I only knew that it was a path that could accommodate two people walking side by side at the same time.

"Let's go, this should be the life door, right?"

The fat man glanced at Guma, then took the torch and walked in first.

Guma quickly followed.

The Queen of Zhang Qilin.

On both sides of this passage, there are very neat stone walls.

Almost all of them are made of large blocks of Qinggang stone, which is very neat.

And looking forward, the distance of this passage seems to be very long, and it is still an uphill.

"It's good to go uphill, it's good to go uphill!

The fat man walked in front and said happily: "Isn't our oxygen cylinder gone? Now we are going uphill to the top of the ancient tomb. When the tide is low, we will dig the top of the ancient tomb. Wear it, even if you don't need an oxygen tank, you can go out!""

"Really? 35

Guma thought as she walked.

When he went to the underwater tomb before, he deliberately saw the water pressure gauge once.

The location where they entered the seabed tomb was probably at a depth of about 30 meters underwater.

If they go all the way up to the top of the ancient tomb, and then add the low tide, then the treasured top of the ancient tomb is probably only a few meters away from the sea!

If that's the case, you can indeed escape directly from Baoding back to the sea!

Even without an oxygen tank!

"Fatty, you are so smart!"

Guma boasted behind him: "In this case, we don't have to go back to find the oxygen cylinder, and the probability of finding it is not high anyway.

"Comrade Xiao Wu, I still have a lot to learn from Fat Master, ha... I'll go, is there an end to this passage? 55

Fatty was just stammering when he suddenly realized that the three of them had been walking for almost three minutes.

But there seems to be no end in sight.

"Should it be soon? 35

Guma pointed to the front: "Look, the further you go, the narrower the passageway, which means that you are approaching the exit.

"Really? 35

"I said, how come it gets more and more uncomfortable.

The fat man muttered.

Because he found that the width that could accommodate two people walking side by side turned into the width of one person.

Fat people are already fat.

Walking in this passage, his shoulders would always bump against each other, which made him a little upset.

"Xiao Wu, don't you think it's a little strange to say that this sect?"

After a while.

Fatty said from the front: "How can the life door be designed to be so long, we have been walking for almost five minutes, right?

"." Who knows, maybe the location of the main tomb is designed to be at the top of the entire ancient tomb, so in terms of distance, it may be longer. "5

Guma followed the fat man, saying a word without a word.


The fat man in front suddenly shouted.

Gu Ma quickly looked forward, and it turned out that the fat man's two shoulders were against the stone walls on both sides and got stuck in the aisle.

He couldn't help laughing: "Fatty, after we go out from the underwater tomb this time, why do you have to put weight loss on the agenda..."

"Xiao Wu, this is not right.

The fat man didn't have a bad mouth.

His face was a little unsightly: "I just walked smoothly, how could I suddenly get stuck?

"Could it be that the closer to the end, the narrower the passage?"

Guma didn't dare to joke any more, and said: "Take two steps back and try to see if it will be wider. 99

The fat man nodded.

Then he moved his butt twice and took a few steps back.

The sweat on his head suddenly fell: "No, no, it's the same in the back!


After hearing Fatty's words, Zhang Qilin, who was at the back, directly stretched out his hand and placed his two fingers on the stone wall beside him.

Almost as soon as he put it on, his expression changed.

He looked at Guma and Fatty and said, "The stone walls on both sides are slowly closing..."

"What the hell? 35

Kumar was taken aback.

Netizens were even more surprised.

"Is he a birth door?"

"My God, if the stone walls on both sides are completely closed, you three can't be sandwiched into pancakes?

"It's straight into a meat bun!

"What you won't enter is the door of death? 35

"Even my husband's complexion has changed, this time you guys are probably going to be more fortunate!

"Why are you still stunned, hurry back and run back!


Look at the barrage on the public screen.

The feeling in Guma's heart is getting worse and worse.

at this time.

Zhang Qilin in the back turned around and said to the two of them, "Run!""


He switched from the rear of the car to the front of the car, took the lead, and ran back the same way!

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