"The laws of mathematics.

Guan Yifan said.

Hearing this, all the audience were stunned.

"My God! Did I hear it right? Mathematical laws, this thing can be a weapon in space warfare? I can't even imagine it!"

"Even if I exhaust my own imagination, I don't know what kind of incredible scene it will be!"

"Indeed! This is too crazy! I thought the Three-Body World was scary enough, but for the universe, it's still just primitive people!"

"Looks like I have to study mathematics hard in the future, and I will use it to destroy the world in the future! 【狗头】"

Cheng Xin exhausted her imagination, but she still couldn't grasp this incredible scene, she couldn't even grasp a corner of it, "This is... too crazy!

Think here.

Dai Xiaomei looked at the bullet screen sent by the audience and asked a question: "Will the universe become a war ruin?"

Guan Yifan sighed softly: "It may already be. Scientists in the new world are trying to restore the natural laws before the war. That era is more than ten billion years away from now. It is called the pastoral age of the universe."

Ai AA exclaimed: "Then you mean..."

Guan Yifan suddenly woke up: "I didn't say anything, it was just a little guesswork, no one knows the truth of the universe."

Hearing this, the audience was stunned.

Many people are still thinking about that sentence, and have not reacted for a long time.

After the pastoral era, there must be war.

A dimension is imprisoned from macrocosm to microcosm, and the speed of light slowly decreases

Guan Yifan's voice continued: "It's all speculation, no one knows what will happen in the future, but one thing is certain."

"The universe is dying."


Guan Yifan paused here, no longer talking, he controlled the South Campus and Landing.

But then, he froze.

The little girl was surprised and asked, "What is that?"

In front of my eyes are five black wires, one end is connected to the surface of the gray planet, and the other end stretches into space, like five black hairs.

Guan Yifan said: "It's the dead line, that is, the trajectory driven by curvature, and the speed of light in trajectory C is pressure!"

During the conversation.

The spacecraft landed, about a few kilometers away from the dead line.

Dai Xiaomei couldn't help sighing: "It's so dark! I feel like I'm going to be sucked in!"

Guan Yifan explained: "This may be the darkest thing in the universe, and it is also the deadliest thing.

"Zero speed of light is death in the true sense, absolute death, 100% death!"

"There, even elementary particles and quarks cannot survive and cannot produce vibrations! It is a black hole, a zero-gravity black hole, and it is impossible to come out after entering!"

During the conversation.

He threw a stone, and the stone disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Guan Yifan continued: "These dead lines are usually made by those who return to zero.

"Return to Zero?"

Little Sister Du asked repeatedly.

At this time, the audience is also very interested.

They seem to have discovered a new alien civilization.

Guan Yifan explained: "They are also called restarters. They may be several civilizations. I don't know, but we have confirmed their existence!"

"This group of zeroers wants to restart the universe and return to the pastoral age."

"The specific method is to turn the hour hand to twelve o'clock, such as reducing the universe to zero dimension, and then continue to reduce the dimension, it is possible to return Baozhou to one dimension!"

Ten Dimensions?!

The audience in front of the live broadcast room gasped!

"Isn't this too ridiculous? If it can't be realized, then the universe will be over!"

"Haha, the universe will not be finished, only the creatures and civilizations in the universe will be finished!"

"Just looking at the four-dimensional world through the screen, I feel that my brain is not enough. If it is ten-dimensional, then we can't go crazy just by looking at it?"

"Is this theoretically possible? How come I don't think it's realistic??"

The audience kept talking.

At this moment.

Guan Yifan continued to explain: "In my opinion, this theory is impossible. For example, zero speed of light is an impenetrable wall. Zero speed of light is the absolute death of all existence, and there can be no movement"||. 12

"What the Zeros do is more like a performance art, a group of lunatics."

Ai AA on the side asked: "Then will this flight path spread?"

Guan Yifan was a little nervous: "This is what I want to say, we have to leave this galaxy as soon as possible, if this kind of dead line is disturbed, it will spread and spread to ten star systems.

Looking at the audience's questions, Dai Xiaomei asked: "Is the area that diffuses to zero speed of light?"

Guan Yifan shook his head: "The interior is not zero light speed, it should be a low light speed of more than ten kilometers per second. After the dead line spreads, this galaxy may become a low light speed black hole, which is the so-called Bett..."

"Let's go."

During the conversation.

The three left by shuttle.

At this time, Guan Yifan relaxed a bit: "The universe is rich and colorful, and there are all kinds of creatures, but the universe will end sooner or later."

AA asked: "Didn't it mean that the universe will expand forever and become colder and colder? Many stars, planets and so on are gone!"

Guan Yifan shook his head and said: "We have overthrown this cosmological theory long ago, the amount of dark matter is large, the universe will stop expanding, and then collapse under gravity, becoming a singularity

"Boom! Another big bang! Everything returns to zero."

During the conversation.

Guan Yifan has been programmed to fall into a forced sleep, and the screen in front of him is gradually blurring.

When the screen is clear again.

The audience can see that there are only Dai Xiaomei and Guan Yifan in the spaceship.

at the same time.

Ai AA's voice came from the communication channel.

Guan Yifan woke up and responded immediately: "This is the Hunter, what happened?"

Ai AA's voice was urgent: "Something has happened! Yun Tianming is here!"

Yun Tianming?!

Hearing this name, all the audience were stunned.

"Fuck, what's the situation? How did he appear here?!"

"Could it be that he escaped from the Trisolarans? Or is this civilization already extinct?"

"Anyway, let's ask Yun Tianming now!"

"I'm really looking forward to seeing him! He has completely transformed, he is no longer the licking dog before!"

At this moment.

Ai AA's voice was still as loud as a flash of thunder: "Yun Tianming is here! His spaceship landed three hours ago!"

"Besides, Cheng Xin, he also brought you a present, which is very big. He's gone out now, so I'll go find him!"

Guan Yifan said: "We will go down immediately!"

While talking, they decided to enter the shuttle and land as soon as possible.

Thinking of meeting Yun Tianming, not only Guan Yifan and Dai Xiaomei, but even the audience in the live broadcast room were all excited!

At this moment.

Guan Yifan calmed down and said: "Yun Tianming's appearance confirmed our guess, the Trisolaran Fleet has established a colony nearby, within a hundred light-years away from here, they must have received the gravitational waves from [Halo] Signal!"

During the conversation.

The shuttle separated from the spaceship and drifted away.

Guan Yifan smiled and said: "However, he said he brought you a gift. I'm a little interested. What gift can be bigger than a star system? Could it be another star?"

Dai Xiaomei shook her head, she couldn't imagine it either.

Hoo hoo...

The shuttle's engines were started, and deceleration began, entering the atmosphere.

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

There was a sharp scream!

The sound was like a sharp knife cutting through a shuttle, it was extremely ear-piercing!


There was a violent shaking.

The little girl was shaken so dizzy that she didn't know what happened.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of countless viewers couldn't help but tense.


Is there any accident?

Immediately afterwards, it seemed to test his idea.

A text appeared in front of the screen.

It was Cheng Xin's confession.

[I experienced a weird moment in which I had a sense of leap, feeling as if I was outside of time]

【Later, Guan Yifan told me that I experienced a "time vacuum" because time did not exist at that moment】

【I feel like I'm collapsing, like I'm about to become a singularity

[At this moment, my mass is infinitely large, and then instantly plunged into darkness, which makes me feel very scared]

【In the dark, Guan Yifan groped to find me, I felt great comfort】

【Guan Yifan said, don’t be afraid, listen to me, don’t move now, the hatch will light up soon】

Immediately afterwards.

A picture like this appears on the screen.

Guan Yifan held the light strip in his hand, opened the locker, and twisted the bottle.


Just when Little Sister Dai felt that she was about to suffocate, oxygen came and made her breathe heavily.

At this time, Guan Yifan said: "The oxygen won't last long, it will get cold here soon, we have to change into space suits quickly."

During the conversation.

He picked up a spacesuit and handed it to Little Sister Dai.

Little girl Dai felt chills all over her body, and quickly exposed herself.

Guan Yifan checked the surrounding environment, and said again: "There is no computer chip here, and all computers cannot be started."

Dai Xiaomei was stunned: "Why? The computer can't even start?"

Guan Yifan said: "Because the current speed of light may only be a dozen kilometers per second! In this case, the computer cannot run at all!"

Hearing this, all the audience was stunned for a moment!

Ten kilometers?

Is the speed of light too slow?

All of a sudden, countless barrages appeared!

"Fuck! How can there be such a speed of light? Impossible!"

"Upstairs, have you forgotten the black domain? In the black domain, this is the speed!"

"Oh my god, that is to say, they are trapped here and can't get out for the rest of their lives?"

". "It really seems to be... my God, you look at the space on the screen!"

The last barrage is sent out.

Dai Xiaomei looked out.

The two star clusters emit red and blue light, and their shapes change wildly, just like flames in a strong wind.

Surrounded by color blocks of different sizes.

Guan Yifan explained: "We are orbiting the planet at the speed of light, to be precise, it is a low speed of light.

"The unfortunate news is that the dead line has spread to the entire star system. We are stuck here, most likely because of the disturbance of Yun Tianming's spacecraft."

Hearing this, Dai Xiaomei was at a loss.

She didn't know much about it, and she didn't know what to say.

Instead, the screen in front of him kept sending out barrage.

"My God! I figured it out! No computer can run at the speed of light at more than ten kilometers per second. Now this space vehicle is useless!"

"Hey, it's just a metal can with no electricity or power!"

"It has completely become a dead ship, and it will be a problem for Dai Xiaomei and the others to get out!"

"Damn! They won't be trapped on the spaceship, right? I don't know if Guan Yifan can do anything?"

talked about


Dai Xiaomei asked: "Is there any other way for us now?"

Guan Yifan said: "We have already made preparations. At the low speed of light, it's time for us to activate the neurons."


Dai Xiaomei was puzzled.

Guan Yifan explained: "The neuron computer is a computer that can run at a low speed of light, but it starts very slowly."

"The key is its system mode, which is two or three meters per second, which is similar to the speed of human walking. It simulates the brain operation and processing of animals. The chip is specially designed for low light speed."

During the conversation.

He opened a metal panel, and then pressed the red switch, a bunch of text prompts appeared in front of him.

Guan Yifan said: "It takes a long time to start."


"This is...... twelve days?"

The little girl said in surprise.

Guan (Dede) Yifan nodded and said: "So, we have to hibernate, otherwise we won't be able to survive now."

Dai Xiaomei couldn't help asking: "What about the spaceship?"

Guan Yifan shook his head, he took out a small box from the locker, opened it, put it in front of Little Sister Dai and said.

"This is a short-term hibernation capsule, which can close the eyes for 15 days after eating.

Hearing this, under the suggestion of the audience, Dai Xiaomei ate this hibernation capsule.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Yifan said: "Looking at the graph outside, can you see the cycle in it?"

Dai Xiaomei shook her head: "It's too fast, I can't see it."

Feeling lost, Guan Yifan sighed: "Yeah, it's too fast, it can be repeated hundreds of times in a second.

Hearing this, Dai Xiaomei hadn't reacted yet.

But the audience has already been fried into a pot of porridge!

"I understand! Every cycle means that the shuttle goes around the planet at the speed of light! Now there are hundreds of cycles per second, my god..."

"What does that mean? The speed of light is only a dozen kilometers per second!"

"I'll go, I understand everything, don't you understand upstairs? At the speed of light, the special theory of relativity is valid!"

"That is to say, time is now flowing rapidly, almost tens of millions of times before? One second is equal to hundreds of years before?! They are going billions of years later??"

"True vicissitudes of life! In this way, they will never see Yun Tianming at all! No, maybe even humans and Trisolarans will be gone!"

The audience talked a lot.

Now, they finally understand!

Dai Xiaomei and Guan Yifan are heading towards the future!

During the conversation.

Time is running crazily, and the screen is gradually blurring!

Next, they will go hundreds of millions or even tens of billions of years later!

What kind of scene would that be?!

Thinking of this, the hearts of all the audience are very excited!.

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