at the same time.

The picture in front of me changed.

Dai Xiaomei re-entered the game.

At this point, she felt that she was no longer in the spaceship.

The surrounding environment has been spinning and twisting.

Almost fainting.


"If I knew it earlier, I would have entered the game later!"

Dai Xiaomei looked bewildered.

The audience followed the perspective of Dai Xiaomei and kept spinning, feeling dizzy.

A viewer couldn't help but said: "Where is this? Let a physics guru explain it!"

【Ding! You have entered the four-dimensional space】

The sound of the system sounds.

Immediately afterwards, another line of subtitles appeared.

[Release a new task: enter the five-dimensional space, please communicate with Murphy from the perspective of a character]

"Hoo, hoo."

The little girl was panting heavily.

She grabbed a support point and looked around.

Several bullet screens floated by.

"Let me just say it, little girl "690" is in the five-dimensional space!"

"This seems to be behind the bookshelf? It's a bit strange!"

"I feel like a ventilation duct..."

"I would also like to say, ventilation ducts with louvers on all sides, lol!"

Dai Xiaomei panted heavily, what five-dimensional space, here is closed on all sides, she just wants to go out.

She shook something similar to a bookshelf in front of her, and a few books fell down.

Through the gap, Little Sister Dai saw the ten-year-old little Murphy.

The audience erupted.

"Fuck! Old men, what's going on?"

"Could it be playing a video? But it doesn't look like it! By the way, Murphy was really cute when he was young!"

"Plus one, like a doll!"

"By the way, is this a parallel universe?"

Dai Xiaomei remembered the system tasks.

Shaking the bookshelf, he called out.

"Murphy, sin."

Little Murphy didn't hear Little Sister Dai calling, but she found the bookshelf shaking.

He stood up and walked towards the bookshelf.

Little Sister Dai was pawing at the bookshelf excitedly.

But little Murphy didn't know why, he just picked up the thing on the ground that was shaken by the dull girl, turned and left.

"Murphy." Dai Xiaomei couldn't hold back and shouted loudly.

She wanted to tell Murphy that her father hadn't abandoned her.

Everyone has been tricked by Dr.

However, the two are in different time, space and time, and Murphy can't hear them at all!

Little girl Dai turned around, the same bookshelf, different time, that is the sin of adulthood!

God, where is she?

God's room?!

Murphy at each time is like a surveillance camera, presented one by one in front of Dai Xiaomei.

It's a pity that the Murphys couldn't hear Little Sister Dai's cry.

Dai Xiaomei is at one point in time in the five-dimensional space.

Standing on Murphy's time trajectory.

At this time, the adult Murphy stood in the room thinking.

She moved a chair and put the chair on the table, as if simulating something.

At the same time, the young Murphy sat on the bed and meditated, the scene where the hanger was shaking.

Little Sister Dai looked at Murphy of different ages on the left and right.

I don't know how to make them aware of my existence.

Little Murphy sat on the bed and said angrily, "If you want to leave, then let's go."

Little girl Dai knew what Murphy was talking about, she shook her head: "No, your father shouldn't have left."

"How should I communicate with her!"

Dai Xiaomei punched the bookshelf, feeling a little irritable.

The audience joined in the discussion.

"Shaking the bookshelf, isn't it possible to tap the steel pipe to generate the Morse code?"

"Then just use a book!"

"Yes, push the book, be more clear!"

"Can Murphy figure it out?"

"Trust her, look at Murphy when he grows up, the boy will not be bad!"

The little girl was puzzled: "I just know the name of the Morse code, so I don't know how to send it."

A bullet screen floated in front of Dai Xiaomei: "We will help you.

With the help of so many audience bosses, this task is absolutely stable.

Dai Xiaomei nodded happily: "Then thank you all."

"You're welcome, first of all S.

According to the instructions, Miss Dai found the book with the initials S from nearby [Push to.

"and then?"


Dai Xiaomei pushed to the book whose initials are TA.

"What does all this mean? What are we trying to convey to Murphy?"

Dai Xiaomei asked at the barrage.

At the same time, the grown-up Murphy relied on his memory to repeat the actions of the little girl.

Remove the corresponding book from the shelf.

five-dimensional space.

"Stay, of course, let her father stay.

A bullet screen appears.

Little Sister Dai nodded: "That's right, anyway, Plan A is just a lie. If Cooper knew the truth, he would definitely not have left Murphy."

Immediately afterwards, she shook the bookshelf again, and a few books fell down, which attracted Xiao's attention.

Little Murphy sensed something was wrong, took the book, and sat down facing the bookshelf.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

"Murphy, you can unlock the password.

"Quick, Murphy, think about what it means.........

"Very simple."

"Whether you can unlock the password will directly determine whether your future father will be by your side!"

The little girl also looked at Murphy expectantly, and whispered: "Stay!"

In another space, the adult Murphy picked up the notebook on the bed and flipped through it.

"Tell him, Murphy, to let him stay. Don't let him go." Miss Guo prayed.

Cooper back then sat by Murphy's bed with a sad face.

Little Murphy was also unhappy, threw out the things in his hand, and buried himself in the quilt.

Adult Murphy finally found the page marked with the Morse code "STAY" typed by the little girl.


Little Murphy was still angry with his father, and Little Sister Dai watched Cooper sit up and leave.

Thinking of the things that will happen later, it is a little difficult in my heart.

The audience was also excited.

"Let him stay."

"Let him stay, leave.

"She has unlocked the Morse code, so stay here."

"So don't let Cooper go!"

Little Sister Dai looked at Cooper who was about to leave, and said loudly: "Don't let him go, sin.

Unfortunately, little Murphy couldn't hear it.

She didn't know that she said goodbye to her father today, and when she saw her again, she was already dead.

The adult Murphy was looking at the notebook, and suddenly thought of something, he raised his head and looked at the bookshelf.

He murmured, "Could it be you?"

She walked to the bookshelf, held on to the books, tears rolled down her cheeks, but the corners of her mouth did rise.

"You are my ghost."

It's a pity that Murphy realized it too late, her father has been away for many years.

At this time, there was a whistling sound of electric current coming from the headset of the little girl.

Then, a familiar voice sounded.

"Please call back."

It's Tas! The little girl was surprised.

"Tas." She said cautiously.

"Tas received." Tas replied.

"You're still alive." Dai Xiaomei turned around, looking for Tas' figure.

"I'm somewhere in their fifth-dimensional space, and they saved us," Tass said.

Little girl Dai frowned, not understanding what Tas was talking about.

"Who are they? Why are they saving us."

"I don't know, but they built this three-dimensional space in their own five-dimensional world," Tass said.

"It's impossible." Dai Xiaomei said.

Are they gods? Can create the world?

Tass continued: "It's true, you see, here, time exists in a physical way."

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