While they were talking, the picture in front of them flashed.

Countless people panicked and began to march and demonstrate against the plan of wandering the earth.

At the same time, they clashed with the military and police.

In an instant, incendiary bottle mouth tear gas bombs flew around.

A line of subtitles appears.

【Let the earth fly out of the solar system to find a new home】

[Among the bustling cities, the big screens on the buildings are showing the popular science animation factory where the earth leaves the solar system

Seeing this scene, the audience was shocked.

"Damn it! It's outrageous! Humans used to explore other planets, but now the whole earth is fleeing!"

"I can't imagine, even in one body, there has never been such a plan!"

"It's fantastic to escape with the whole planet!"

"Is this kind of thing really possible? Why can't I believe it?"

"I feel that with such a rigorous attitude in this game, it will definitely tell us the principles! I really look forward to it!"

"Indeed, what a romantic thing it is to escape with the whole planet!"

"Romantic, hehe, when you really experience it, I'm afraid you won't be able to cry!"

At this time, it is even more difficult to say that it will appear again.

[10,000 planetary engines will be built in the northern hemisphere. Drive the earth to escape the solar system]

[The plan is about to start, and countries and regions will fully guarantee the construction of new engines]

After the line of subtitles disappeared, the picture appeared on the seashore, and the huge body of the engine loomed between the sea and garden.

Dense giraffes are migrating.

The streets of the city are crowded with people.

A line of subtitles appeared again.

[The seventy-two steering engines located around the equator have all been completed]

【Will drive the earth to completely stop its rotation within ten years】

[Geological disasters caused by the Earth's stoppage will also escalate accordingly]

【Earth stops rotating, the monstrous tsunami will submerge the entire Haikou City】

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked all the audience appeared in front of them.

Under the torrent of sea water, countless hands struggled to stick out of the water, and lifted countless children to the surface of the water.

At the same time, the people of the rescue team are passing their children in a tense relay.

Seeing this scene, all the audience stared blankly at everything in front of them, and it took a long time to react.

"Fuck! Isn't it, is it so serious?"

"It seems that the entire human race is indeed at a critical point of life and death. This will be a catastrophe sweeping the entire planet."

"By the way, aren't they going to transfer the entire planet? Then where are Liu Peiqiang and the others going? There is no need for astronauts now, right?"

"I don't think it should be, but now the problem is coming. Disasters are happening on the entire planet. Where will human beings survive?"

"There must be a way, there must be a way."

The audience kept talking.

at the same time.

Dai Xiaomei also looked at everything in front of her nervously.

At this moment, the picture in front of him flashed again.

A line of subtitles appears above.

【Press Conference Hall of Space Center】

Flashes come and go.

A row of astronauts stood in place in a heroic posture, and Liu Pei was standing in the middle.

The Wandering Earth Medal on his chest is shining.

A line of subtitles appeared in front of my eyes.

[Due to the drastic change of climate, human beings will leave the surface and migrate to the underground city forever

[In the next year, the surface temperature will drop to about minus 70°C, and the surface will be extremely unsuitable for human survival]

[Currently, underground cities around the world have been put into use. Due to the impact of the Earth Stopping Disaster and time constraints, the area of ​​underground cities is limited, and surface residents will be relocated in batches]

At this time, countless audiences suddenly realized.

"My God, I finally understand, they want to live in the dungeon, and then let the whole planet escape the solar system!"

"My God, there is no light in the ground, will their life be very hard?"

"That's for sure. Even plants can't survive underground, let alone human beings. They can only use artificial light sources!"

"Hey, I hope that mankind can survive this catastrophe safely!"

During the blizzard, the giant planetary engine started.

at the same time. Below the earth, crowds are surging.

The electronic display board on the top of the road shows: the positional relationship between the planetary engine and the dungeon.

And... the precautions for migrating people entering the dungeon.

The three-dimensional panorama shows that each underground city can accommodate 35 million people.

Sea launch platform.

The rocket ignited, and liquid nitrogen splashed everywhere.

Immediately, the rocket broke away from the base and rose from the ground.



Ten rockets lifted off gradually.

In the launch cabin, Liu Peiqiang watched the ground gradually shrink.

A large circular foundation looms alongside the shoreline, and people cheer as rockets lift off.

The flight of all mankind has begun.


At the same time, a broadcast sounded.

[The residence rights of dungeon residents will be obtained by lottery]

【The results of the lottery cannot be transferred, lent or given away】

at this time.

The separation mechanism of the rocket fuel compartment was disconnected, and the launch speed passed through the atmosphere.

The launch capsule flew towards a giant annular space station, and several fonts were sprayed on the outer wall of the space station.

Hundreds of launch capsules from the direction of the earth are docking with the space station one after another.

At this time, Liu Peiqiang entered the space station and slid past a square machine with a flashing red camera on it.

at the same time.


At the entrance of the underground passage, Han Ziang carried a big bag, and carried Liu Qi into the elevator.

At this time, Liu Qi murmured: "Grandpa, why do we live underground?"


Han Ziang hugged him tightly and remained silent.

When the elevator doors are closed.

Han Ziang said in a low voice: "We are getting farther and farther away from the sun, and it will be getting colder and colder outside, but we will be very warm hiding in the belly of the earth!"

"There is a big city below us, there are a lot of delicious food, and fun toys!"

Liu Qi cried: "I don't want to go to the belly of the earth, I want to find my father!"

Hearing this, everyone felt sour in their hearts.

At the juncture of human survival and extinction, separation seems to be nothing, and the fate of human beings seems so bad.

at the same time.

Liu Peiqiang walked into the dormant area with two other astronauts.

They began to check the emergency equipment in the dormant cabin. Liu Peiqiang installed the connecting wires on his body and took out a group photo of a family of three to see.

He gently stroked his son's face in the photo, then lay down in the dormant cabin,

The hatch closed slowly.

at the same time.

A low-frequency noise sounded.

In the darkness, a curved silver edge slowly appeared.

That is the silver edge that sunlight outlines for the earth.

The silver edge slowly expanded, and the moon gradually emerged from behind the shadow.


The fire burned over half of the moon, and the moon was quickly pushed away.

The whole continent is covered with little points of light,

That is the flame after the global planetary engine is started.

They are like two wings, pushing

See this scene.

The audience began to speculate.

"How will the plot develop after this? Why hasn't the other little girl been able to enter the game until now?"

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