"Damn it! Isn't it!? The three-body problem won't really bring the space fleet over?"

"Grandma, from Wang Miao's tone, I have a bad feeling!"

"It's the last scene of the Three-Body Problem game. Woohoo, my Three-Body Problem, I suddenly feel a little reluctant when I think of those spectacular scenes."

"I'm a little bit wrong when you say that, but I want to know more, if the Trisolarans will really come to the fleet, then how to fight?"

Base: "I really want to contact some things again, brothers, it's very bad, I'll talk about it later."



Base: "The three-body fleet may really be coming, please watch the live broadcast first, and I will talk about it in detail later."

Wang Miaohuai's voice fell with the ultimate question.

Everyone seems to understand.

The most critical time has come.

The appeal of the Big Rip was suddenly not so great.

The audience's attention was focused on the world of the three-body game, the last scene.

The darkness gradually dissipated.

Dai Xiaomei once again set foot on the land of the three-body world.

The land in the cold dawn was empty, no pyramids, no tall buildings.

Only the dark Gobi desert stretches to the sky.

"This is the last scene?"

Little girl Dai has doubts in her eyes. Could it be that the civilization of the Three-Body World has regressed?

She looked around.

Suddenly my eyelids twitched!


The little girl's eyes suddenly widened.

The densely packed small rocks on the Gobi Desert are all human heads!

It turned out that the ground was full of people!

Dai Xiaomei stood on a slightly higher hill and looked down. This dense sea of ​​people stretched as far as the eye could see. She roughly estimated the number, and there may be hundreds of millions of people within the range of her eyesight!


It's scary to say!

Thirty million people is already a sea of ​​people.

The scale of this crowd gathering.

Seems to be worldwide!

Dai Xiaomei felt that everyone in Trisolaris might have gathered here.

The audience was also shocked by this scene!

Hundreds of millions of people!

Standing densely on the ground.

Far beyond the horizon!

As far as the eye can see!

All are heads!

"Damn it, I've got trypophobia, they're holding a group gathering, won't they be arrested?"

"Don't you wonder what they are going to do?"

"I said, why don't you zoom in on the torn CG, there are more shocking ones waiting for us, I apologize to Three Body, I admit that I was abrupt."

"Look! They are all looking at the sky!"

"Really, old woman, quickly look up at the sky, is there a fleet, I'm so stupid, it really feels like it!"

Silence enveloped everything, and the silence created by these hundreds of millions of people had a suffocating weirdness.

The sea of ​​people at dawn is waiting for something.

"it is good!"

Dai Xiaomei saw the barrage and looked around.

It was found that all the people were really looking up at the sky.

She hurriedly looked up and found that the starry sky had undergone incredible changes!

The stars actually lined up in a neat square array!

The star sea of ​​the Milky Way becomes a dark background behind.

This picture is magnificent!

Waiting for the little girl to hold her breath and look carefully.

The square array where the stars gather has a clear trajectory relative to the cosmic sea of ​​stars in the background!

Why is it running! ?

This is absolutely not right!

In the array of stars, the star closest to the earth has the highest brightness, and the silver light emitted can cast a shadow on the ground.

The brightness gradually decreases towards the rear.

Dai Xiaomei counted, there are more than 30 stars on one side of the array, so the stars in the array.

The total is about a thousand.

This is obviously an array composed of man-made objects moving slowly as a whole on the background of the cosmic starry sky.

It looks full of majestic power.

At this time, a man standing next to him gently pushed him, and said in a low voice: "Ah, why did you come so late? Three rounds of civilization have passed, what a great cause you have missed!"

"what is that?"

Dai Xiaomei pointed to the sky and asked this person with a bad feeling.

The person in front of him raised his hands high and praised: "That is the great Trisolaran star fleet, and it is about to set sail for an expedition."


The heart of Dai Xiaomei and the countless viewers in the live broadcast room twitched violently!

Murphy's Law!

The bad thing I was most worried about happened!

Trisolarans really formed the fleet.

I want to drive to the universe and starry sky, and the biggest possibility is - the earth!

The little girl was in a daze, the Three-Body Problem game made by her husband finally revealed its Xinghai sci-fi vibe.

Endless cosmic starry sky, continuous interstellar fleet.

This is the fantasy of all sci-fi fans!

But at this moment, this extreme sci-fi atmosphere brings no romance to everyone!

But fear!

The three-body VR with such a strong sense of substitution has already subconsciously integrated the audience into the world in the game.


The bullet screen was already crazy at this time, and all the audience anxiously reminded Little Girl Dai.

Base: "Just now I said that there is a conjecture associated with it, that is, the physics of the host world does not exist, and this must be caused by the Trisolarans, so I was sure at the time that the fleet was coming, and I will not talk about it now. "

Base: "Quickly inquire about the speed of their fleet, whether they have the ability to travel between stars, and then ask what their energy source is, hurry up!"

Orion wanderer: "Yes, let's ask their fleet's target again, whether it is really the earth, forget it, don't ask, it must be! Let's ask their technology level and weapons!"

"Old woman, quickly ask, the life and death of the earth depends on whether you can dig up this information. This is the most important information!"

"Anchor, it's all up to you. We know that the pressure may be great. I want to say don't have pressure, just do your best."

"Quickly ask, quickly ask!"

"Quickly ask, don't forget to ask them how many people came on this voyage!"

Seeing the barrage, Dai Xiaomei quickly came to her senses and asked quickly: "So, the Trisolaran civilization already has the ability to travel between stars?"

"Yes, those magnificent spacecraft can reach a tenth of the speed of light."

"One tenth of the speed of light?" Dai Xiaomei was a little shocked, this speed is already very fast.

One tenth of the speed of light!

But she didn't show surprise on her face, but continued to ask: "Is this too slow for space travel? Don't we have other means?"

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." The man shook his head and said, "The key is to find the right target."

"Where is the destination of the fleet?"

"A star with planets four light-years away, the closest star to Trisolaris."

Four light years! ?

This distance, Dai Xiaomei felt that there seemed to be a sense of familiarity.

She looked at the barrage.


The audience is fried!

"Fuck, the closest star to us is four light-years away!"

"It's over! This can't be a coincidence. The goal of the Trisolarans is the earth. It's a stone hammer. What should I do, brothers?"

"Is this really just a game? Why does the more I look at it, the more I feel that everything is so real? Brothers, I'm getting scared."

"It's really scary. I can only say that the game author has made this game so well that it can be completely fake."

"Don't wait until the end, our world will also come out like this, I'm really scared."


Dai Xiaomei was lucky enough to hold back her panic and asked, "Why is it four light years?"

"Oh, there is nothing surprising about this. In a large area of ​​the Milky Way, the density of stars is very uniform. This is the result of the long-term adjustment of the gravitational force of the star cluster. The distance between the stars that account for a considerable proportion is between three and six light-years between."

Don't wait for the little girl to ask any more questions.

Huge cheers erupted from the crowd.

The sound drowned out everything.

There was nothing she could do in a hurry.

Little girl Dai looked up, and in the square star array in space, the brightness of each star was increasing sharply.

This is obviously their own light.

This light quickly overwhelmed Zhan Xi in the sky, and a thousand stars quickly turned into a thousand little suns.

Three-body world ushered in a glorious day.

People on the land raised their hands to the sky, forming an endless grassland of arms.

The Trisolaran fleet began to speed up, moving majestically across the sky, skimming the top of the giant moon that had just risen, casting a blue halo on the mountains and plains on the moon's surface.

The people of Trisolaran watched silently as their hopes faded away in the western space.

They can't see the end in this life, but after four or five hundred years, their descendants will get news from the new world.

That will be the new birth of the Trisolaran civilization!

Dai Xiaomei was also silent, watching silently until the square formation of a thousand stars shrank into a single star, until the star disappeared in the western night sky.

She knew that the next time she saw the fleet, it might be in the solar system.

It's too late.

No one can change it.

With the fleet's long voyage, the carnival of the Trisolaran world gradually came to an end, and the noise gradually subsided.

Dai Xiaomei was about to seize this opportunity and ask for some more information.


The subtitles for the end of the game appeared.

Obviously, the enemy will not reveal key information so simply.

[Three-body civilization's expedition to the new world has begun, and the fleet is on the way... Looking forward to meeting you next time]

These words obviously imply that Trisolaran's fleet will come to Earth.

There was only one thought in Xiaomei's mind right now.

"Don't look forward to it."

"I don't want to meet you at all."

[The "Three-Body" game is over, when you return to reality, if you stay true to the promise you made]

[Please press the address in the email that will be sent to you later to join the meeting of the Trisolaris Organization]

The party is here again!

Little girl Dai's heart trembled, and the mood that had been silent just now gradually cheered up again.


ps: 3,000-word chapter, a lot has been updated today. Without flowers and tickets, the author has no motivation! Let's update it tomorrow, today's data is terrible, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets!


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