The moment Da Shi came out, the live broadcast room was like a dynamite barrel being lit.

The audience exploded with enthusiasm.

Countless netizens were overjoyed. Seeing that Da Shi was fine, everyone's hearts hanging in the air finally fell down.

"It's out! Good guy, you don't have to worry about it at all."

"Hahaha, I knew, how could Da Shi, a rogue like Da Shi, die so easily? Didn't he come out well?"

"I didn't say it, it's really you, Da Shi, you see how comfortable the small cigarette is, it made us restless here."

"On pretend, it has to be a big history, no one will do."

When Dai Xiaomei saw Da Shi come out, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

She is the most touching.

After all, she is really in the three-body world of VR, and she has been in contact with Da Shi, and that moment is just like reality.

It's not that Dai Xiaomei has any feelings for Da Shi.

That's pure bullshit.

This kind of emotion is more like everyone watching a novel or a TV series and being deeply attracted by the characters they like in it.

The life and death of the characters will make you nervous and worried.

Da Shi is such a very charismatic person.

In the three-body game.

attracted countless audiences.

To say he is the protagonist is not an exaggeration at all.


With Da Shi coming out, the chaos in the chemical plant quickly subsided.

Members of Trisolaris have new names.

Three-body rebels.

Sometimes called Earth Rebels.

All the fighters among them were killed by the soldiers when they resisted, and more than 200 people were captured.

This time it can be said to be fruitful!

Except for Ivans' Adventists, the Salvationists in China belong to the same pot.

The key is.

Ye Wenjie, the spiritual leader of the Three-Body Rebel Army, was also captured alive.

in battle.

Da Shi suffered some minor injuries, but fortunately he was protected by a body armor, so he survived under the blasting iron sheets.

A piece of iron slashed across Da Shi's forehead.

Leaving a not deep wound.

After simple treatment of the injury, Da Shi jumped out of the ambulance with a smile, found the little girl and said:

"Haha, brother, you have made a great contribution. It is all thanks to you that you can find this place this time. Would you like to have a drink later?"

Dai Xiaomei rolled her eyes: "I don't know how to drink."

In addition to smoking, this great history knows drinking.

She thought of the chemical plant just now, and asked Da Shi, "Who was that girl just now? Do you know her?"

Being able to take down the chemical plant all depends on Da Shi's words - I found your mother.

Da Shi grinned: "How the hell do I know? Just guessing, most of the girls like this have never met their mother. I have been in this business for more than 20 years, and I have learned to read people."

These words made the little girl speechless for a while.

The audience in the live broadcast room were laughing and laughing, all made laugh by Da Shi.

be honest.

Da Shi is really a man of flesh and blood!

Very flattering.

Many viewers said that after the official release of the Three-Body Problem game, they must go in and have a good chat with Da Shi!

It is best to develop revolutionary friendship to the clubhouse.

When little girl Dai saw this kind of barrage, black lines appeared on her forehead. These water friends are really unspeakable.

Is this something that humans can do?

Don't ask Da Shi to give you a pair of silver bracelets directly.

That would be interesting.

Ha ha.

Dai Xiaomei snickered in her heart, and this operation came to a successful conclusion.

Next came the interrogation of Ye Wenjie.

All secrets and mists.

All have to be dissected.

Dai Xiaomei and the audience were slightly excited. This stage of the game is the most exciting part.

Uncover the mysteries of the world step by step.

It is a temptation that no one can bear.

"Phew... Brothers, it's finally about to start, I can't wait, the non-existence of physics, the ghost countdown, all the secrets are about to be revealed!"

"Hahaha, I guess everyone can't wait, let's start, anchor."

"Hurry up! We are really curious, what method the Trisolarans used to do these incredible things!"

"The fog persisted from the first act until now, and finally we will see the final answer!"

"So excited brothers, it feels like our feast!"

Dai Xiaomei smiled when she saw the barrage, isn't this a feast for all the audience?

The mist in my heart is about to dissipate.

Almost everyone is full of expectations.

[The interrogation will start soon because time is running out]

【I, Da Shi, Ding Yi and other scholars were invited to the combat center to watch the interrogation of Ye Wenjie on the projector in the living room】

【This interrogation almost turned her into a bottom-up question】

[We did get some useful information]

[For example, the leader of the Advent Faction of the Three-Body Rebels, Evans, he is a rich man who inherited an inheritance, but because of some things]

[Full of resentment towards human society, most members of the Three-Body Rebel Army were also organized by Evans]

[The real power is still in the hands of Evans, Ye Wenjie is only the spiritual leader]

[At the same time, Ivans established a second Red Coast base on the giant ship, known as the "Judgment Day", and successfully established contact with the Trisolarans, but Ye Wenjie did not know the information about their contact]

【Just vaguely know something】

[For the convenience of research, I recorded some of Ye Wenjie's original words]


【Interrogator: The first thing we want to know is, what is the part of the information that the Advent faction intercepted in the messages sent from the Trisolaran world to Earth? 】

[Ye Wenjie: I don’t know, their organization is very strict, I only know that they withheld information]

[Interrogator: Let's change the subject. After the communication with Trisolaran was monopolized by the Advent faction, did you establish the third Red Coast base? 】

【Ye Wenjie: There is a plan, but only the receiving part was completed, then the construction stopped, and the equipment and base were also dismantled】

[Interrogator: Why? 】

[Ye Wenjie: Because there is no information coming from the direction of the Centaur Samsung, there is no information on all frequency bands, I think you have already confirmed this]

[Interrogator: Yes, that means, at least four years ago, the Trisolaran world had ceased contact with the earth, which made the information intercepted by the Adventists even more important]


[Interrogator: You have a plan to eliminate the Adventists within the Trisolaran organization, and you have started to take action against the Adventists. But the "Judgment Day" is the core base and command center of the Advent faction, why don't you attack this giant ship first? 】

[Ye Wenjie: For the intercepted Lord’s information, those information are stored in the Second Red Coast Base, that is, on a certain computer on the “Judgment Day”. If they attack that ship, the Adventist faction will Delete all information at the moment, that information is too important, we can't lose it]


[Interrogator: The last two questions are also the most important. So far, have the Trisolarans sent only radio waves to the earth? 】

[Ye Wenjie: There are also microscopic particles. Six years ago, Trisolaris accelerated two hydrogen nuclei close to the speed of light and sent them toward the solar system. These two hydrogen nuclei, namely protons, reached the solar system two years ago, and then reached the earth. 】

【Interrogator: In the macrocosm, two protons are equal to nothing—even a single hair of a bacterium contains billions of protons. What's the point? 】

【Ye Wenjie: It's a lock】

[Interrogator: Lock? lock what? 】

【Ye Wenjie: Lock up human science. Four and a half centuries before the arrival of the Trisolaran Fleet, because of the existence of these two protons, human science will not be able to make any major progress. It is rumored that Evans said something like this: the day when two protons reach the earth, is the death of human science. 】

[Interrogator: This is too bizarre, how do you do it? 】

【Ye Wenjie: I don't know, I really don't know. In the eyes of the Trisolaran civilization, we may not even be considered barbarians, but just a bunch of bugs. 】


[Interrogator: Here is another question: If the Trisolaran fleet that has already set out travels at one-tenth of the speed of light, it should reach the solar system in forty years, but why do you say it will take four hundred years? 】


ps: Today is the last update, my waist is very sleepy, and I have been coding for two days on weekends! Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets! Thanks to Brother Pu Gongying for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!


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