This dialogue reveals a huge amount of information to the audience!

There will always be a hundred thousand hunters shooting there!

Countless viewers looked at the screen and thought deeply.

Reminds me of Dark War!

Now, some people are gradually linking the cosmic civilization with the dark battle, because the relationship between the hunter and the prey is best reflected there!

Is it the same in the universe!?

Everyone is tense, once they know that there is life, someone will always shoot that place!

And bullets are particles of light!

A weapon capable of destroying stars!


The audience who thought of this gasped in unison!


It's just too dark!

They can only speculate so far, and then contact the theory of Dai Xiaomei's score of 66, in fact, everyone basically understands it in their hearts!

Just waiting to get into the game for the final reveal!

"Now, what about the Trisolarans? The law of the dark forest doesn't dare to speak out to deter the Trisolarans!"

"Before, I couldn't cast the spell, but now I can't even say it. What should I do next?"

"Yeah, I guess I said it, the end of the host is the same as those two Wallfacers, they will be stoned to death!"

"Almost, other people don't care if you are doing it for the good of mankind, as long as it persecutes your own life, that's not okay!"

The Trisolaran galaxy is too close to the solar system, and the civilization of the Milky Way has long known that there are two civilizations 4 light years away in this area!

You can't cast a spell on the Trisolaran world at all!

The earth will be worse than that!

Now the spell can't be cast, and I can't even threaten it!

what to do

"It seems that there is no solution, brothers, there is no way at all!"

"Water droplets block the sun, that is to block all back roads, it's over

"Hey, human beings are only one step too late, otherwise there is still a chance to die together!"

As game time passes.

Da Shi had a hearty drink with Dai Xiaomei.

to the next day.

The voice of self-reporting sounded.

It seems that "Zero Nine Three" has come to an end, Dai Xiaomei and the audience are watching very seriously!

[I participated in the Wallfacer video conference again]

【But I know that when the sun is blocked, I can't do anything】

[Can't even speak the spell]

[Nine water droplets will reach the solar system in three years]

【I can only drink away my worries every day】

【This state lasted for half a month. At the second meeting of Wallfacers, everyone was very worried about me】

【In order to restore my mental state】

[Also be a spiritual model for all mankind]

【They found me something to do, which is snow engineering

[Create a cloud of space dust with stellar hydrogen bombs and Neptune's oil film, so that water droplets can show their tracks when they pass through]

【I put my heart and soul into the snow project】

【But the more I devote myself, the more disappointed the world is with me. People know that this project is meaningless and just a waste of resources】

【In this way, a year and a half has passed..】

The audience were all taken aback.


"A year and a half has passed?"

"Looks like it's really coming to an end, I'm a bit sad to let go of my brothers!"

"Yeah, looking forward to Three-Body 3, I don't know if there will be."

[The snow project was stranded, because the resources were far from enough, but the international team found something for me to do

【And people have been waiting in anxiety for a year and a half, and they have lost confidence and patience with me as a Wallfacer】

[The International Astronomical Organization also held a meeting, thinking that the explosion of the cursed star was just an accidental time and has nothing to do with me]

[My status as a wallfacer is rapidly declining]

【The image in the eyes of the public has changed from a savior to a liar】

['s raining, I think that's it

【I'm so tired】

The voice fell, and the cg high-definition picture appeared!

Instantly attracted everyone's attention.


There were bursts of thunder, and from time to time, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, shining on a large group of people in the square.

The rain poured down.

The audience is excited!

"Get out! Get out!"

"Get out! He has seriously affected our lives!"

"He must be kicked out!"

The cold rain falling head-on couldn't conceal the anger of the crowd, and they all shouted loudly!

Dai Xiaomei and the audience were stunned!

I have some bad premonitions in my heart!

"No way, who are they going to drive away? This place is a bit familiar, it seems to be New Hope Community!"

"Fuck, the others, it can't be Luo?"

"Grandma, don't talk nonsense upstairs, how did Luo Ji affect their lives?"

"Isn't the atmosphere in the New Hope Community very good? Why is it like this? Isn't it true that you want to drive away Luo Ji?"

The current atmosphere can be described as arousing public anger!

Perhaps under the shroud of the doomsday, no matter how good the atmosphere is, people will be tortured into inhumans by the tense nerves!

Finally, New Hope Community made a decision!

Get out!

Dai Xiaomei and the audience watched the owner of the neighborhood committee hold an umbrella and came to a familiar house!

Everyone's mood gradually fell silent.

It's really Luo Ji!


Several people actually gathered outside the house at this time.

From the smashed glass windows, stones, rotten beer bottles, everything was thrown into it, and there were people yelling.

"Liar! You are a liar!"

"Hehe, it's just an accidental situation to be the savior. Why don't people like you die!"

"It's so hateful, taking human resources and doing something meaningless, you should be punished!"

Those who jeered at Luo Ji and threw stones at his window.

They are all from the underground city.

The news media were also very interested in this scene. Many people braved the rain and carried their cameras, mockingly filming this scene.

Little girl Dai and the audience choked when they saw this scene.


Very angry!

"How can these people do this!?"

"Damn it, it's disgusting, why are they, a bunch of trash, what do dogs call here!"

"That's right, who are these guys!"

Everyone in the audience knows Luo Ji's difficulties!

He is alone too!

He has no choice!

The sun is blocked by water droplets, and it is useless for anyone to come!

what can i do

Countless viewers felt unfair for Luo Ji's treatment, and felt that he shouldn't be treated like this!

But this is also the ugliness of human nature!

Once again, the game has been severely revealed!

Keep the audience silent!

The director of the neighborhood committee knocked on the door, but she rang the doorbell several times but there was no response, so she realized that the door was ajar.

She pushed open the ajar door, and the air in the room was suffocating with the smell of alcohol, smoke and smell.

She saw that the walls in the house were transformed into information walls in the city.

Everywhere you can click out the information interface.

Chaotic pictures covered all the walls, and most of these pictures displayed complex data and curves.

One of the largest images shows a sphere suspended in space, which is a stellar hydrogen bomb that has been wrapped in an oil film.

Everyone outside leaned their heads towards the door.

These are useless snow projects on the wall, and there are mocking smiles and curses on the corners of everyone's mouths.

The room was very dark. After the director of the neighborhood committee got used to it, he saw that it looked like a drug addict's basement.

Liquor bottles and cigarette butts were scattered all over the ground, and piles of dirty clothes were covered with soot, like a garbage dump.

It was with great difficulty that she found Luo Ji among the rubbish, and he was curled up in a corner.

It looks dark on the background of the picture, like a dead tree king abandoned there.

At first the director thought he was asleep.

But he soon discovered that his eyes were staring at the ground full of garbage, but he didn't see anything.

His eyes were bloodshot, his face was haggard, and his body was too thin to support his own weight.

"Is it Luo Ji?"

Hearing the director's greeting, he turned his face slowly, and nodded to her also slowly.

This convinced her that he was still alive.

But the trials of two centuries had now gathered upon him.

Completely crushed him.

Facing this man who has exhausted everything.

The Director showed no mercy.

Like others in that era, she always felt that no matter how dark the world was, there was always ultimate justice somewhere in the dark.

Luo Ji first confirmed her feeling.

And then ruthlessly smashed it, the disappointment in him had made her angry.

She coldly announced the meeting decision.

"After the unanimous decision of the New Hope community, you were kicked out because your family didn't want to see you here again.

Luo Ji nodded slowly again, and then said in a hoarse voice due to throat inflammation:

"I'm leaving tomorrow, I should be leaving, if I do something wrong... please forgive me.

Two days later, the director and the audience understood the true meaning of his last words.

Luo Ji, who was squatting in the corner, once again made the hearts of the little girl and the audience twitch!

He is the man who deduced the law of the dark forest!

To be tortured by life into such a person!

"Whoa, Luo Ji, cheer up, Da Shi, Brother Da Shi, come and help him!"

"Hey, I feel sorry for Luo Ji, he shouldn't be treated like this!"

"It's so sad. Of the four Wallfacers, one committed suicide, one was stoned to death, and the one who broke the Wall was his wife. Now it's Luo Ji. What mistakes did they make?"

It wasn't the Wallfacers' fault.

But this desperate time.

No one can do anything!

Everyone could only look at Luo Ji in the corner with distressed eyes!

After sending away the director of the neighborhood committee.

Little girl Dai and the audience saw Luo Ji slowly standing up along the wall.

Luo Ji could be seen finding a travel bag in the bedroom and stuffing a few things into it, including a short-handled shovel found in the storage room.

Then, he picked up a dirty coat from the floor and put it on.

Pick up the travel bag and go out the door.

The people outside the door gave way to Luo Ji and watched him walk into the rain with cold eyes, gloating on their faces.

what is he going to do

do you want to go now?

The audience seemed to have a heavy stone in their hearts, and it was still raining heavily outside!

Luo Ji didn't look at anyone.

Carrying the bag, he walked outside New Hope Oasis Village.

Everyone in the community stared at him with complicated eyes.

But no one said to stop Luo Ji.

Xiaoyu Wang's face was caressing like a pair of icy little hands.

The desert and the sky are blurred in the twilight......

He carried the bag and walked further and further alone.

Leave New Hope Community.

Luo Ji walked onto the expressway, waited for a few minutes and stopped a car with a family of three inside.

They kindly gave him a lift.

This family is returning to the old

A hibernator in the city, the child is still young, and the mother is also very young, the three of them huddled in the front seat and whispered.

The atmosphere is very cozy.

Luo Ji liked this feeling very much, it reminded him of the five years with Zhuang Yan.

Dai Xiaomei and the audience just felt it.

The family of three seemed okay, but what happened next made everyone silent.

The headlights of an oncoming car illuminate the back seat.

The child glanced back inadvertently, then turned to stare at Luo Ji and shouted, "Ah, he seems to be a Wallfacer!"

The child's mother turned her head, and Luo Ji said silently, "I am."

At this time, "Hawthorn Tree" sounded in the car.

The car stopped: "Get down."

The child's father said coldly, and the mother and child looked at him as coldly as the autumn rain outside.

Luo Ji didn't move, and said softly, "Can I finish listening to this song?"

"Please go down." The man said again, and Luo Ji read the words in their eyes:

Not being able to save the world is not your fault, but giving the world hope and then smashing it is an unforgivable sin.

He had to get up and get out of the car.

The travel bag was thrown out, and he ran a few steps when it started.

I want to listen to that song again, but I still have no choice but to listen to "The Hawthorn Tree" and disappear into the cold rainy night.

Luo Ji was left alone on the long road.

Dark as the universe.

What happened to Luo Ji made Dai Xiaomei and the audience resentful, but there was nothing they could do!

Everyone can only stare at the screen tightly.

Looking forward to someone giving Luo Ji a gift!

cg is still going on.

Luo Ji's position was already on the edge of the old city, and the high-rise buildings of the past appeared in the distance, standing black in the night rain.

There are only a few lights on each building sporadically, like lonely eyes.

They were all looking at Luo Ji.

He found a bus stop and waited in the rain shelter for nearly an hour before he waited for a driverless bus heading in the direction he was going.

The car was half empty, and there were six or seven people in it, all of whom seemed to be hibernators from the old city.

The people in the car did not speak, silently feeling the gloom of the autumn night.

The journey went smoothly, but after more than an hour, someone still recognized Luo Ji, and everyone in the car unanimously asked him to get out of the car.

Luo Ji argued that he had entered the credit points to buy the ticket, so of course he had the right to take the bus.

A gray-haired old man gave him two cash metal coins, which are now very uncommon, and threw them at him, but he was still driven out of the car.

"Wallfacer, what are you doing with your shovel on your back?" someone asked while the car was driving.

"Dig your own grave."

Luo Ji didn't turn his head back, causing a burst of laughter in the car.

No one knew he was telling the truth.

When Little Sister Dai and the audience heard this, it seemed that a big hand was tightly clutching their hearts!

Everyone is nervous and impatient.

Didn't Luo Ji really want to dig his own grave?

He did carry a shovel!

Everyone's hearts suddenly hung high!

They all shouted in their hearts: No!


It is still raining, and it is impossible to have a car now, but fortunately, it is not far from the destination here.

Luo Ji picked up his backpack and walked forward.

After walking for about half an hour, he turned off the road and walked onto a small road.

Far away from the street lights, the surroundings became very dark. He took out a flashlight from his backpack to illuminate the road under his feet.

The road became more and more difficult to walk, and the wet shoes clucked on the ground.

He slipped and fell in the mud several times, and his body was covered with mud.

I had to take out the shovel in my backpack and use it as a walking stick.

His appearance made the audience feel very distressed.

It was full of mud, and everyone couldn't stand it, and there were some tears in their eyes.

After walking for an hour in the rainy night, Luo Ji came to a cemetery.

This is a cemetery familiar to the audience.

Everyone's hearts are hanging in their throats!

"No, Luo Ji! Why are you digging your own grave, cheer up!"

"Where is Da Shi! I'm sorry, why isn't my brother Da Shi coming? It's time for you to play, Brother Da Shi!"

"Whoever has Da Shi's phone number, call him quickly!"

"Damn it, don't dig the grave!"

The overall pessimistic tone of Three-Body 2 made Dai Xiaomei and the audience very worried and apprehensive, so many familiar characters died!

Luo Ji walked for a while, then stopped quickly, and raised his head slightly.

Perhaps because of the rain washing, the tombstones do not show any traces of time.

Both Dai Xiaomei and the audience can see it.

The words "Tomb of Yang Dong" on it seem to have been engraved only yesterday.

Ye Wenjie's tomb is next to her daughter's.

Two tombstones stood quietly in the night rain.

It was as if he had been waiting for Luo Ji's arrival.

The hearts of all viewers sank to the bottom!

Luo Ji really didn't know how to dig a grave and bury himself, did he?

What happened to him this year!

It is really possible!


ps: There is another chapter, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a custom order, thank you for your support!.

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