Under the command of the Fleet Headquarters, [Gravity] started to set sail, and quickly chased [Blue Space].

This battleship was built after the Battle of Doom.

It looks like a white cylinder.

Even more striking is its entire hull, which acts as a gravitational wave antenna.

Equivalent to a gravitational wave transmitter capable of interstellar travel.

As long as there is this battleship, the ephemeral information can be broadcast to all directions of the universe at any time.

It has a large enough deterrent effect on the Three-Body World.

See this scene.

The audience couldn't help but get nervous.

"I'll go, with this warship chasing after me, plus those two water droplet formations, I'm afraid the [Blue Space] will be in danger!"

"I don't understand, we are all human beings, why bother making things difficult for each other?"

"Upstairs, don't you still understand? Ever since humans boarded the fleet, they are no longer the same civilization as the humans on Blue Star!"

"That's true! Maybe we can call it... a starship civilization!"

Along with the audience's discussion, the data on the computer screen also appeared.

[[Universal Gravity] battleship is not advanced, except for the function of gravitational wave emission, there is not much advanced technology]

[In terms of propulsion capability, it is only slightly better than the [Blue Space], and it is completely dependent on the advantage of fuel

[Based on the current speed of the two battleships, it will take at least fifty years for the [Gravity] to catch up to the [Blue Space]]

fifty years?

The audience was stunned.

In the vast universe, time is measured in light-years.

Fifty years is but a journey!

Accompanied by the discussion of the audience.

The battleship [Gravity] in front of me chased the distant Blue Space together with the water droplet formation.

at the same time.

The picture in front of me freezes until it finally disappears into darkness.

Another era has begun.

[61 Years of Deterrence Era]

[Because the solar system fleet wants to take back the ownership of the stars, but according to the law, this can only be achieved with the consent of the owner, therefore, you who have hibernated for 264 years have been awakened]

Dai Xiaomei found herself gradually waking up.

With the help of the medical staff, she slowly stood up in a burst of air-conditioning, and what she saw was a girl who was as light as a bird.

Ai AA.

"you're very lucky."

Ai AA told Dai Xiaomei about this history.

"The DX3906 planet you have is a terrestrial planet, which is very likely to be habitable by humans! Now its value has skyrocketed!"

"In other words, you're already a billionaire!"

"No! Perhaps it should be said that it is incomparably rich!" 947

Dai Xiaomei was surprised: "Is there so many?"

Not only Dai Xiaomei, even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't believe it when they heard this.

"Oh my god! The star Yun Tianming actually has such a high use value?"

"I thought it was just a simple gift, but as time went by, it turned out to be priceless?!"

"Fuck! This Yun Tianming is a fucking investment genius!"

"It's a pity that people are gone, and I don't know what is going on in this era? Did they survive?"

See these popups.

The little girl Dai quickly asked, "What about Yun Tianming? How is Yun Tianming doing now?"

"Yun Tianming?"

Aa Aa looked very dazed.

At this time, several words appeared in front of everyone.

[There is no news about the ladder aircraft, and the Trisolaran fleet has not observed its existence, let alone intercepted it]

[The ladder plan has been completely forgotten by history]

【Yun Tianming's brain disappeared into the vast universe, leaving only his beloved a world composed of stars and two planets】

See this line of subtitles.

Countless people fell silent.

This is Yun Tianming.

He could give his own life and die in the most miserable way, but before he died, he left Cheng Xin the most precious gift.

a world.

This kind of infatuation has to be moving.

Countless viewers may not like Cheng Xin.

But now, Yun Tianming's infatuation can still move people.

In a way.

It has nothing to do with Cheng Xin.

At this moment, Ai AA was beside Cheng Xin, smiling like an elf [introducing himself.

"I am very familiar with AD people, and my mentor is a physicist in the AD century!"

"So after I graduated, the first job I got was to be your liaison with the Space Development Agency!"

The voice fell.

Two options appeared in front of Dai Xiaomei.

Give up ownership of DX3906, or choose to own it alone.

Before Dai Xiaomei could make a choice, the Fleet Command responded.

Ownership of the two planets can be relinquished, but the star must be retained.

At the same time, ensure that humans can use the energy produced by this star for free.

This is already a great effort.

But if Cheng Xin followed, she would rather give up the ownership of DX3906 for free. Keep only one certificate as a souvenir.

After a lot of work.

Dai Xiaomei has acquired a huge amount of property, enough to be worth (bhej) the income of the entire human world for decades.

She became the richest man in the human world.

With so much wealth, there is no doubt that a company needs to be established to operate it.

After AA obtained the consent of Dai Xiaomei, she became the company's agent.

Seeing this scene, countless audiences were amazed.

did not expect.

After an era of change.

The ownership of planets that Vader thought was a piece of waste paper turned into massive wealth.

For a time, everyone talked about it.

"I don't know, after so many years, will there be some strange changes in Blue Star?"

"Haven't you noticed? Humans in this world are still very happy! Let me tell you, the lives of humans on Blue Star should have improved!"

"But haven't you noticed? This is the era of deterrence! It stands to reason that the situation should be very tense, but I don't see any signs of it at all!"

"Dai Xiaomei, go out and have a look. I also want to know, what kind of changes will happen to the human beings in the future world?"

See these popups.

Not only the audience, but even the little girl Dai was a little curious.

She couldn't help but said: "Ai AA, let's go out and have a look?"

After obtaining the consent of Ai AA, the two completed the formalities and walked out of the hospital.

There are many people around.

Many girls, Yingying and Yanyan, dressed in glittering clothes, looked like elves, very beautiful.


"Why is there no man here? The yin flourishes and the yang declines?"

Dai Xiaomei asked strangely.

AA laughed loudly: "There are men everywhere! Look at those walking in the park, and those dancing!"

The little girl looked up.

Good guy.

The face is white and tender, the figure is slender, and the soft-spoken, soft and beautiful.

You tell me this is a man?!

At this time, a paragraph of text appeared again.

[The 20th century AD was the last era of advocating masculinity, after that, society tended to be feminine

[At the beginning of the 21st century, the age of masculinity is coming]

[After the era of deterrence, half a century of peace has been brought, and the feminization of men has accelerated]

See this text.

All audiences are dumbfounded!

"What the hell? You tell me these are men? Are you kidding me?"

"Damn it, I don't want to become such a strange thing!"

"There is no pure man, no wonder the world is so peaceful!"

"Indeed! Tell me, if aliens invade, who can stop these cute girls?"

"There is one more thing. Ai AA next to him is also a man, right?"

See the last sentence.

Dai Xiaomei froze for a moment, then looked at Ai AA vigilantly.

AA said angrily, "What are you thinking? I'm a woman! What's so good about a man back then? It's dirty and smelly, must be very rude?"

"How is it like we are now?"

Little Sister Dai sighed and stopped talking.

While walking, I was thinking about one thing.

Such an era of women without men...  

And why should they deter the Trisolaran world?

During the conversation.

Next to the road in front of him, several moving information windows suddenly appeared.

In this window, a man appeared, with a haggard complexion and messy hair, standing beside the tombstone.

But what is noticeable is that his eyes are very bright and reflect a bright light.

this is..………

Luo Ji?!

How did he appear here?

While Xiaomei was thinking, a subtitle appeared in front of her eyes.

【In his time, murder was punishable by death】

[But those who kill millions seem to be called heroes]

【Furthermore, if a person wants to destroy the world and kill all life in it, then he is the savior】

"this is...…….…"

Dai Xiaomei stood there hesitantly.

It doesn't sound like a good thing to say!

Ai AA on the side explained: "They are talking about Luo Ji and want to try him and convict him.


The little girl was stunned.

condemning the savior?

Ai AA continued: "It was he who broadcast the coordinates to the universe, thus destroying a world."

"If there is life in that world, it is equivalent to killing the creatures of a world, so he is accused of committing the crime of world extinction!"

Hearing this, the audience was outraged.

"Are you sick? If it wasn't for Luo Ji, even their ancestors would have been wiped out by the Trisolarans, and it would be their turn to convict Luo Ji? It's such a waste of time!"

"Ridiculous indeed! No wonder they're all pussies!"

"Now I finally know why this world is called the era of deterrence! Only Luo Ji is deterrent!"

"The only pure man in the world!"

At this moment, Ai AA suddenly opened his fluttering eyes, stared at the little girl and asked.

"Cheng Xin, if it were you, when the enemy invaded, would you choose to press the button and destroy the two worlds?"

Dai Xiaomei smiled: "This is too meaningless, I don't think I can reach that position.

Ai AA then asked: "Really not?"

Dai Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, and after careful consideration, she said: "If you are really in that situation, one action will determine the life and death of the two worlds."

"I remember, it's quite scary for this person, probably worse than death!"

Ai AA nodded, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

At this time, Dai Xiaomei followed the system prompts and received a message from Ai AA the next day after returning to the hospital to recuperate.

"Come to the roof, I'll take you to a good place!"

It was AA's voice.

Ai AA is an important figure in the current world, and Dai Xiaomei did not hesitate to choose the past directly.

Sit on the flying car on the roof, travel through the city, and soon come to a forest.

Half an hour later, the flying car landed.

Dai Xiaomei got out of the car and saw abandoned buildings all around her.

But how close to reality.

Unlike being in the city, it always made her feel unreal.

"Ai AA [Where are you?"

The little girl shouted.

At this time, a masculine man's voice came from behind.


Hearing this voice, not only Dai Xiaomei, but even the audience in the live broadcast room were startled.

"Fuck! Isn't this horse riding Vader? Why is this ruthless person here?"

"I tremble when I see him! My God, this guy won't send Cheng Xin's brain into space, will he?"

"Mom! Brother, don't scare me!"

"But speaking of it, Vader seems to have aged a lot!"

"Maybe he hibernated many years after Cheng Xin hibernated? Or maybe he woke up early!"

When countless audiences discussed.

But little girl Dumb felt keenly that Vader was holding a pistol in his hand.

Afterwards, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Little Sister Dai.

Even if you know it's just a game.

But this game is too real, Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Dai Xiaomei still feels a little scared.

"This gun is specially designed for underwater shooting. It is said that it can be preserved for many years. Now I don't know if it can still be used?"

Vader smiled.


Dai Xiaomei still wants to explain.



The gun went off.

Everyone is stunned!

This Vader is really a ruthless man!

Say shoot, shoot!

No fucking ambiguity at all!

Little girl Dai was hit on the shoulder and fell backwards, she asked with difficulty.

"Why did you kill me?"

Vader looked indifferent: "In order to become a sword bearer.

"To be honest, I have no ill intentions towards you, but if you want to compete with me for the sword holder, I can only kill you."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "You killed Vadim at that time?"

Vader gave her a surprised look.

Then he said: "Yes, the ladder plan needs him, but my new plan doesn't need you!"

"Pawns in the way need to be cleared!"

"I just need to move forward, and move forward by any means!"


After a gunshot.

The little girl was shot.

But a police car rushed out, and the police directly blasted Vader's arm and held him tightly.


Dai Xiaomei couldn't help asking that sentence.

"What is a sword bearer?"

Sword bearer?

It's not just the little girl who is dumb, this is also a question in the minds of many viewers!

"Crazy! What a lunatic! This Vader dared to kill someone just to become an official!"

"In order to kill Cheng Xin, he would rather use a gun more than 200 years ago and take such a big risk. Why?"

"There must be something important in this position!"

"It is true, and I am also thinking, will it be related to the survival of human beings?"

"I'm also curious, can anyone explain it to me?"

The voice just fell.

Words appeared in front of everyone.

【Luo Ji's deterrent to the dark forest Lin established in the Three-Body World has a huge effect】

[After Luo Ji handed over the deterrence control at the beginning, humans believed that the Wallfacer project was over]

[However, after human research, if the consequence of deterrence is that the deterrent and the deterred die together, it is called the ultimate deterrence]

[The ultimate deterrence continues to be effective deterrence]

[At the same time, humans have also discovered that if the Dark Forest Lin Wei is in the hands of a group, the degree of deterrence will be almost

【And Luo Ji's deterrence degree is between 91.9% and 98.4%, so he is very deterrent】

【Therefore, the wall-facing project has not ended】

【Luo Ji once again took over the power of deterrence, mastered the radio switch, and became a ghost wallfacer】

[Ultimate deterrence is a sharp knife hanging over the heads of the two worlds, deciding the survival of the two worlds]

【And Luo Ji is the one who decides, he is called

【Sword Holder】.

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