I Developed The Three-Body Game And Shocked Players All Over The World!

084: Water Droplet Attack, Frying Pot In The Live Broadcasting Room!

The choice Cheng Xin made far exceeded the expectations of the audience.

No one thought she could really be a sword bearer.

In other words, she is not suitable for this career.

The decisiveness, intimidation, and even cruelty that a swordsman should have were not reflected in Cheng Xin.

Some viewers guess.

If Luo Ji's deterrence rate is above 90%, then Cheng Xin's deterrence rate may be less than 50%, or even lower.

A woman known as the Virgin, seems unable to use love to influence Trisolaris.

Of course, some people held objections, thinking that Cheng Xin might be able to do well.

Most importantly, the human world has not yet made a final decision.

The picture on the screen flips.

The next moment, a scene of starry sky appeared again in front of Xiaomei Dai and the audience.

[62 Years of Deterrence Era]

The pursuit that lasted for half a century seems to be coming to an end.

The distance between [Gravity] and [Blue Space] is now only three astronomical units.

Compared with the previous distance of 1.5 light years, it can be said to be close at hand.

The lens zooms in.

From the water droplets, the mirror image of [Gravity] can also be seen.

Even when zoomed in enough times, the crew of the [Gravity] can be seen from the water droplets.

The screen changed.

More than a hundred soldiers of the [Gravity] are sleeping.

In hibernation, they spent most of these five thousand years.

During the voyage of the spacecraft, there are only three to five people on duty, and the duty time is between three and five years.

In front of the screen, the scene of half a century is just a flash.


Words appeared in front of the audience, letting them understand the current pursuit situation.

[[Blue Space] is limited by fuel, and it is impossible to accelerate without limit. At the same time, the problem of returning to the voyage must be considered, so the fuel used for pursuit and acceleration accounts for a quarter of the total prince.

[But [Gravity] has an intelligence advantage of "980", so it has maintained a relatively fast speed. It was not until after 25 years of pursuit that [Blue Space] stopped accelerating]

[Among them, the [Gravity] has been calling the [Blue Space], telling them that there is no point in escaping, and asking them to slow down and surrender, but the [Blue Space] has been ignoring it]

【One year ago, the distance between the two warships was getting closer and closer, and there were only thirty astronomical units.】

[But an accident happened, [Gravity] and the water droplets that accompanied it entered the sophon blind area, and the real-time communication with the earth was interrupted. We can only communicate by means of electromagnetic waves, and it will take one year and three months to transmit the message]

[The quantum connection between sophons is one-time, and it cannot be restored after interruption. Those sophons who enter the sophon blind zone will be lost in it forever and lose contact

Seeing this line of subtitles, the audience thought about it.

"In other words, this sophon blind spot is like the Bermuda Triangle on Blue Star, a mysterious and dangerous existence?"

"It seems so! Then when the [Gravity] enters, nothing will happen?"

"What are you afraid of? There are water droplets nearby to protect it! With the technological level of Trisolaran, this difficulty should be solved!"

"I agree! Even if the water drop is gone, we can still know what's going on in it!"

"By the way, there won't be an alien who is better than the three-body world, right?"

In the discussion room.

A line of subtitles appeared again.

[After entering the blind spot, the three-body world lost control of the water droplets, which are completely controlled by the AI ​​system]

[[Gravity] decided to speed up the progress of the task, speed up again, and at the same time get the connection from [Blue Space]

[[Blue Space] realized that due to the existence of water droplets, they had no possibility of resistance, so they chose to surrender]

[The entire crew of [Gravity] wakes up from hibernation and enters a combat state, hoping to complete the mission as soon as possible and return quickly]

[However, ninety-eight hours after they woke up, Lieutenant Colonel Devon, a member of the fleet, took the initiative to consult the psychiatrist West]

Subtitles flashed.

The next moment, the screen was displayed in the battleship.

Dai Wen, the military police commander of the battleship, has a sturdy appearance and a tough personality. No one would have thought that he would take the initiative to find a psychiatrist.

"Doctor, I know this is ridiculous, but please keep it a secret!"

Devon said cautiously.

hear this.

The audience felt a little awkward.

A man who is tall and thick, speaks coyly, like a woman, which makes people very uncomfortable.

West is very friendly: "For my profession, nothing is ridiculous, just say it."

Devon nodded and said, "It's like this. I came out of the fourth meeting cabin yesterday and wanted to go back, but near the intelligence center, I saw a person..."

Speaking of which.

He shook his head, looking a little dazed.

"Is there something wrong?" West asked.

Devon sighed: "I passed by that person, and when he saluted me, I just glanced at it..."

"That person is Colonel Pu Yijun on the [Blue Space]!"

West looked calm: "You mean, you saw the people on the [Blue Space] on the [Gravity]?"

Devon said a little uneasy: "Yes, my job is to monitor the [Blue Space], and I am very familiar with them, so I am sure it is that person, Colonel Pu Yijun!"

"Maybe it's just the looks?"

Devon affirmed: "Impossible, there is no such person on this ship!"

"Besides, he was expressionless at the time. I froze for a moment, and when I looked back, he disappeared."

West laughed and said: "Many people have this feeling, you are just tired, so you hallucinate the colonel, it's that simple."

"Just get some rest."

Hearing this, Devon stood up, and said coldly: "I participated in the Doomsday Campaign, drifted in space for a month, was almost dead when I was rescued, and didn't have any psychological problems.

"I believe what I see."

"If I see that bastard again, no matter where it is, I will kill him!"

See here.

Questions arose in the minds of countless viewers.

"What's the situation? The people on the [Blue Space] sneaked into this battleship? What do they want to do?"

"Brother, it doesn't seem that simple! From the tone of Devin's description, this fucking ghost is clearly!"

"Hahaha! What the hell? This is a sci-fi game! I think Devon must be hallucinating!"

The audience talked a lot.

Although it felt a little strange, what Devin said was indeed a little ridiculous.

Many viewers felt that this should be his hallucination.

After sailing in the universe for so long, it is not surprising that even a tough man has a little mental illness.

At this moment, another screen appeared.


There was a crisp sound.

A medium pipe in Ecozone Three ruptured.

When you see it breaks.

Ivan, the maintenance engineer, stood there, stunned for a moment.

Then he shouted like he saw a ghost: "This...it was broken by a micrometeorite!"

Hearing this, the people around couldn't help laughing.

The ecological zone is tens of meters away from the hull, so it is impossible for such a thing to happen.

If this is the case, the battleship would have had an accident long ago!

Ivan explained: "I've been doing overboard maintenance for over a decade, there's absolutely no way I could get it wrong!"

"Look, there is high-temperature ablation on the outside of it, which is obviously a micrometeorite damage!"

During the conversation.

He cut out that piece and magnified it a thousand times.

Seeing this image, everyone fell silent.

These are indeed a few micrometeorites!

However, the surrounding bulkheads were not damaged at all, and the alarm system was not activated.

So, how did micrometeorites come in through space?

"Damn it!"

Ike grunted.

The screen flipped again.

Under the camera, Ike was lying in the cabin sleeping, and suddenly, a hole was opened in the opposite bulkhead.

On the opposite side lived Lieutenant Vera, the goddess whom Ke crazily courted.

This hatch suddenly disappeared, he couldn't wish for it!

So he didn't think too much, and went straight in.

next moment.

He was stunned.

More than half of the entire cabin disappeared, and the clothes and bedside cabinets were all cut open.

When he pushed the bed away, the scene in front of him scared him half to death!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but gasp!

"Fuck! What's going on?"

"Scare me!"

"Isn't it really a hell?!"

Countless spectators were dumbfounded.

Dai Xiaomei was so scared that she almost turned off the screen!

On the other side of the hole, half of Vera's single bed was missing, and even Vera's calf disappeared!

The section of the leg is still a mirror surface, as if painted with mercury, you can clearly see the uncut muscles and bones!

What's even more frightening is that Vera seems to be unresponsive, still sleeping soundly!


On-screen Ike forces himself to calm down.

He picked up a violin, put it in front of him, and found that it too had disappeared.

After reaching out to take it back, I found that the violin was safe and sound!

"What exactly is going on?"

Ike forced himself to calm down.

After several hours, the round hole actually disappeared.

He knocked on Vera's door again.

"Let me see, are you... all right?"

"Silly x!"

Vera scolded.

Nothing seemed to happen at all.

However, Dai Xiaomei and the audience in front of the live broadcast room can see it clearly!

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

This time they can see clearly!

The Vera just now fell on the bed as if her limbs had been amputated!

That scene has simply become a psychological shadow for some viewers!

at the same time.

A thought came to their minds involuntarily.

So, what happened to Devon before is also true?

Isn't that an illusion??

"Damn! How could there be such a strange thing?"

"It's unbelievable! I think this is probably a conspiracy of the Three-Body World!"

"Impossible! If the water drop really wants to do something, the [Gravity] will be gone long ago! I'm more inclined to be the ghost of [Blue Space]!"

"It makes sense! After all, Devon has seen the people on that battleship before!"

Some viewers comforted themselves with the conspiracy of Three-Body World and [Blue Space].

However, they are very clear in their hearts.

The Three-Body World doesn’t need to play tricks at all, and the [Blue Space] doesn’t even have that strength!

Could it be that.…………

Is there really a ghost?!

Just when the audience was feeling uneasy……………

The third screen flashed at the same time.

Sergeant Liu Xiaoming was driving a small space capsule to conduct external inspections, and saw an unbelievable scene.

The [Universal Gravity] sign that was originally a cylinder, at this time, the tail unexpectedly appeared

There is a slope!

At the same time, the hull was shortened by one-fifth, as if a section had been cut off!

Liu Xiaoming closed his eyes and opened them again, but the hull in front of him remained unchanged.

The stern has indeed disappeared!

He forced himself to calm down, closed his eyes, counted to ten and opened them again.

Still not there.

Count to thirty and unfold again.


The stern of the ship appeared, and the fusion engine continued to operate, emitting a dim red light.

"I may be mentally ill."

Liu Xiaoming sighed and returned to the cabin door.

However, the audience in front of the screen had already seen all this clearly.

At this time, they only felt a chill in their hearts, and a creepy feeling rose from the bottom of their hearts!

Suddenly the weirdo!

The missing hatch!

Even the battleships are mostly gone now!

Now, even if there is no ghost, some viewers can't believe it!

Could it be that there are really dead aliens in this star field?

Even Dai Xiaomei couldn't help feeling tense.

She quickly picked up the pillow and put it in front of her body, suppressing the fear in her heart and continuing to watch.

But a cold feeling still arises spontaneously in my heart!

Just when the audience was trembling.

The screen is deflected.

Psychiatrist West found Guan Yifan.

Guan Yifan is a scholar who is responsible for the observation of the universe.

"I found out that you have symptoms of a mental disorder, so I came to see you."

West said.

Guan Yifan said impatiently: "I'm working, and I haven't threatened the safety of the spaceship, so leave me alone.

West said: "I'm doing it for your own good. I don't believe you are claustrophobic and still work here."

Guan Yifan was stunned for a moment, and then chased after him: "How do you know? I'm really a little afraid of being claustrophobic?"

West laughed and said, "It's not surprising, you are studying the universe, but you stay in a narrow space, and you haven't hibernated for four years, right?"

Guan Yifan was about to speak.

West said: "Let's go, go to the square to relax, it will help you.

During the conversation.

The two entered the square.

But West still noticed that Guan Yifan was a little restless, and his symptoms did not alleviate at all.

"Don't you feel better?"

asked West.

Guan Yifan shook his head: "No."

He looked out the window of the ship and sighed: "Doctor, I had a dream yesterday, I dreamed that I was in a very spacious place, and when I woke up, I felt that the reality was very narrow.

West nodded: "Tell me about that place."

Guan Yifan smiled mysteriously: "I will tell the physicists, but not you."

"Doctor, I have no prejudice against you personally, but I can't understand your attitude.

"As long as anyone is identified as having a mental disorder, then everything he says is an illusion!"

West laughed and said, "But you said it was a dream."

Guan Yifan shook his head: "It's like a dream but not a dream. I can't tell. I may be sick, but this universe itself is also sick!"

2.1 "Why?"

Guan Yifan looked up at the magnificent Milky Way.

Quietly said: "The universe is 16 billion light-years away, and it is still expanding, but the speed of light is only 300,000 kilometers per second, which is extremely slow!"

"This means that light will never reach the end of the universe!"

"If the universe is a person" it means that it does not have a single nerve signal that travels throughout the body!"

"Isn't this a paralyzed patient? Or, the universe is an expanding corpse!"

West thoughtfully: "Interesting, really interesting!"

Guan Yifan laughed loudly: "I think the universe still has a 'three' symptom. The universe has ten dimensions, but there are only three dimensions macroscopically!"

"From this point of view, there is no possibility of us encountering more than three dimensions!"

"And what about the cause?" West asked.

Guan Yifan laughed loudly: "To tell you the truth, no one can think so far!"

While speaking, he sighed and said: "Now the universe is just a bloated corpse in my eyes, it no longer attracts me, I just want to go home now.

hear this.

West's eye sockets were a little moist.

He felt that something was hitting his heart, and he couldn't help sighing: "My friend, I'm old too!

At this moment, a shrill siren sounded suddenly.

Countless information is tumbling on the square, constantly emerging, it seems to cover the Milky Way!

West's face changed: "Water drop attack!"

"They are all speeding up, aiming at [Blue Space], and at the same time aiming at us!"

Guan Yifan looked around, grabbed the doctor, and stabilized his body.

West held his hand: "It's too late, we only have ten seconds to live."

did not expect.

Death came so suddenly!

Seeing this scene, the audience in front of the screen was completely blown away!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

"What's the situation? The Three-Body World has been very friendly for so many years, why is it about to attack in a blink of an eye?!".

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