at the same time.

In Xiaomei's live broadcast room.

The first year after deterrence.

Countless houses made of synthetic boards and metal plates appear ~ very fragile.

The living conditions are quite uncomfortable.

Food and water are rationed here, and as time goes by, rations get less and less food.

For those born in the Deterrence Era, this is hell-like torture.

Under such circumstances, Cheng Xin became the target of these people's venting.

"Go away! Trash!"

"If it wasn't for you bitch, how would Three-Body World dare to invade Blue Star?"

"We were blind and chose you bastard!"

Countless people scolded angrily.

Damn Cheng Xin!

If she activated the gravitational wave broadcast directly after receiving the attack warning, the Trisolaran would probably be scared away!

Even if Blue Star is destroyed, there are still decades of good life ahead!

Take a step back.

Even if the broadcast is activated and the earth is destroyed immediately, it will be better than being forced in this ghost place!

For a while, Cheng Xin became the target of their insults and even beatings.

Some even started grabbing her rations!

After a few days.

The surrounding residents also came to harass.

Sometimes when they threw them at the house, sometimes they yelled and cursed so loudly that Cheng Xin couldn't hold her head up.

However, seeing this scene, the audience in front of the screen did not have the slightest sympathy.

At most, he just shook his head regretfully.

"I'm really speechless. Could it be that this life is what Cheng Xin wants to see?"

"The Holy Mother is a victim! She has not only harmed others, but also herself!"

"Yun Tianming is so blind that he fell in love with such a person! I feel worthless for him!"

"Hehe, the Holy Mother will only touch me, I wish I could rush into the game and stab this bastard to death!"

When everyone is discussing.

As soon as the screen turned, a screen appeared.

in a prison.

Vader was working in front of a simple house.

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of him.

When seeing her, everyone was stunned.

what's the situation?

Cheng Xin came to look for Vader again?

Doesn't she hate this person the most?

Suddenly, an audience sent out a barrage.

"Hehe, hate it? Wade reminded her long ago that Cheng Xin is not suitable to be a sword bearer at all! But this woman won't listen!"

"If Vader, who is 100% intimidating, is the sword bearer, I'm afraid Blue Star is still very safe now!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly realized.

Right now.

Subtitles appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[The next day, I did something that I could hardly understand: I went to see Vader]

[Wade was sentenced to three thousand years in a prison

【When I saw him, he was working】

[I can notice that one of his arms is empty, I don't know why, now it is easy to attach a mechanical prosthesis, but he doesn't do that]

[Some prisoners whistled at me, but when they found me next to Vader, they immediately fell silent and seemed a little scared]

[Now Wade, although he is serving his sentence in such a difficult place, he is much neater, even cleaner than the prison guards

[He hands me some nails, and then works in silence]

【If he nails one, I will give him another nail. He will not break the silence until I give him all the nails in my hand】

【Let's go, he said to me】

[I..... I hesitate, I don't know what to say

【He said, leave Ozhou, and leave before the immigration is completed! When he spoke, his lips barely moved】

【This sentence stunned me】

【Vade is like a precise machine, every time he speaks, there are many layers of meaning. I can't understand the complexity of it for a while, but I always feel a little shuddering】

[Let's go, this time I want you to get out of here, Vader continued.

【Hearing this, I had no choice but to leave silently, but there was always an inexplicable fear in my heart】

Seeing these subtitles, not only Cheng Xin, but also the audience were a little puzzled.

"What does this mean, have you heard it? I always feel that Vader is scheming again!"

"Isn't it? Now that the Three-Body World has occupied the entire Blue Star, and Vader doesn't know what's going on, what else can he plot?"

"Hehe, maybe it's the backhand! Let's not underestimate Vader!"

"Let me analyze it. He let Cheng Xin go, maybe he wanted to tell Cheng Xin that there would be danger here?"

"Um, can the situation get any worse now?"

The screen changed.

At this moment, images of the refugee camp appeared on the camera.

Food is getting scarcer.

At the same time, the living environment is getting worse and worse, and large-scale infectious diseases seem to break out at any time.


In this environment, the officials of Austria have made a regulation.

They demanded that immigrants be expelled from the city and that immigrants should also be banned from entering the city in the future.

Under such circumstances, officers and soldiers clashed with immigrants, resulting in many casualties.

See this scene.

An inexplicable sense of sadness rose in the hearts of the audience.

When did all the human beings in the whole world collectively become refugees?


Even Blue Star, which has bred human beings for hundreds of millions of years, can't stay here at will?

Even Dai Xiaomei said angrily: "These three-body people are too bad! [Blue Space] will send out a signal immediately, let's see what their expressions will be!"

Hearing this, the eyes of countless audiences suddenly brightened.

"That's right! We still have [Blue Space]! Once the space broadcast is sent out, let's see what they will do!"

"Hahahahahaha! I really want to know now, what would it be like in Trisolaran World at that time!"

"What else is there? If you don't steal chickens, you will lose the rice! If you don't succeed, you will die with them!!"

"Ah, in fact, the matter could not have developed to this point!"

The actions of Austrian officials have drawn the ire of immigrants.

In less than half a month, a total of hundreds of millions of immigrants invaded the cities of New South Wales and washed them away!

The whole city is full of flames and crimes are rampant, like a horrible tomb.

Living here, the living conditions are not as good as in the immigrant area!

After that, the immigrant army rushed to Kanla, the capital of Austria.

At this time, the United Fleet was also stationed here, and the army was forced to defend.

Here, the audience saw a shocking scene!

The army opened fire, constantly shooting at the ground trying to stop the crowd in front of them.

However, the people in front couldn't retreat at all under the crowd, they could only rush forward.

Countless crowds instantly overwhelmed the army.

The crowding of hundreds of millions of people has caused a bigger step in the stampede.

In this stampede, more than half a million people died, and tens of millions more were completely cut off from food and drinking water supplies.

At this point, the migrants only desire food, water, and living space for a bed.

However, at this time of day, it seems impossible to happen!

Conflicts between nations became more frequent.

Originally it was just to grab food, but later it developed into a planned competition for living space, so that there was almost a big war!

In the live broadcast room, the audience was surprised to find that this war is so grand and so funny!

In a large-scale war involving tens of millions of people, the attack method used is actually throwing stones!

Sophon said before that when the Trisolaran Fleet arrives, it will bring a peaceful and comfortable life to everyone.

this sentence.

At this time, it has become the only spiritual support for most people, and they pray for the Trisolaran Fleet to come as soon as possible.

Nine months later.

More and more immigrants, the night fell into a dead silence.

The living environment deteriorated further, immigration was forced to stop, but the water droplets began to attack cities outside of Oasis.

Now there are more and more people in Aozhou, almost filling up this place.

Three-Body World will continue to force the remaining 700 million people into it!

At this time, there were already 4.16 billion people in Aozhou.

Seeing the densely packed human beings gathered together like ants, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but gasp.

I thought Blue Star would be crowded enough.

But compared to them, it's nothing!

Some refugee camps don't even have a place to stand!

Immediately afterwards, a subtitle appeared again.

[In order to supervise human immigration, Sophon began to recruit the human army. There were a total of one billion applications for enlistment, but only five million people were recruited]

[This army is called the Blue Star Security Army, and it has a large number of well-equipped

[In the beginning, their discipline was relatively restrained, but with Tomoko's orders and threats, the security forces became more and more crazy]

[They did not hesitate to use force to force immigrants, causing millions of deaths around the world]

【When Sophon ordered to eliminate the human beings outside the reserve, the security forces completely turned into devils. They drove flying cars, held laser sniper rifles, and killed everyone they saw】

[On the contrary, the Blue Star Resistance Movement has appeared in human beings, the number of people is between 1.5 million and 2 million, and it is launching a guerrilla war with the security forces [waiting for the main body to fight the final battle]

【Their sacrifices are the greatest, because the Security Force has the assistance of Shui Di and Tomoko, and every combat operation of the resistance organization is tantamount to suicide】

[The composition of the Blue Star Resistance Movement is very complicated, a large proportion of them are AD people, and the six sword-wielding candidates are all commanders of this movement, but three of them have been sacrificed now]

【All members of the resistance movement know very well that this battle is hopeless. After the Trisolaran fleet arrives on Earth, their entire army will be wiped out】

[But they never gave up resistance, they are fighting for the last dignity of human beings

See these subtitles.

For a moment, all the audience were in awe.

It turns out that even at the moment when human beings are going extinct, there are still some of these people.

They can willingly die for the dignity of human beings!

Knowing that you are defeated, you still have to fight to the death!

Even knowing that this trip will never come back.

……ask for flowers……

But these two million fighters still fought!

The screen changed.

The cg playback footage shows a picture of a resistance army.

Seeing his vigorous back, the audience inexplicably felt a little familiar.

But when he led the resistance squad, he shot and killed more and more vigilantes, and even shot out of a flying car.

Audiences finally got to see his face!

Full of wrinkles, but the eyes are still bright!

Just look at him, and you will be overwhelmed by the depth of his eyes!

this is………

Dai Xiaomei seemed to hear her rapid breathing.

She excitedly said, "This is Dr. Luo Ji?!"


Hearing Xiaomei Dai's words, everyone in the live broadcast room erupted!

"Damn it! Did I read it right? It's actually me, Brother Luo Ji! The most amazing Wallfacer! The first sword bearer!

"I said why I didn't see Luo Da's picture just now, it turned out that he joined the

The resistance army, and killed so many law and order troops, and protected so many people!"

"I suddenly have a bold guess right now! Could it be that this army was founded by Luo Ji?!"

"It's very possible! Do you remember? The leader of the resistance army on the surface is a candidate for the sword bearer! What does this mean??"

"My God! Great God Luo Ji, you must persevere!"

At this time, countless people are excited!

It turns out that even in the final critical moment of human beings, they will always have someone they can trust!

The only successful Wallfacer!

Founder of the Deterrence Program!

The first sword bearer!

Luo Ji!

Accompanied by the excitement of the audience.


The screen is deflected.

The parliament hall inside a building.

Sophon stood on the stage, dressed in camouflage uniform, looking refreshed.

He bowed to the venue, and then said: "Immigration is over!"

"Thank you everyone, thank you to everyone present, this is a great feat, almost equivalent to the fact that primitive humans walked out of Feizhou tens of thousands of years ago!"

"A new era of two civilizations begins!"


The bombing sounded!

Everyone in the venue looked up nervously, feeling that the whole building was crumbling.

However, Sophon was not affected at all, and continued: "Before the arrival of the great Trisolaran fleet, everyone will have to experience three months of hard life! I hope that human beings will continue to be outstanding!

"I now declare that Aozhou continues to be completely isolated from the outside world, and the use of any modern technology, including electricity, is prohibited!"

"The Security Forces are systematically dismantling all power generation facilities in Aozhou!"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned, and then showed disbelief!

Without power generation facilities, it is impossible for the crops here to grow quickly, and there is no way to get enough food!

And the current food reserves are only enough for 4.2 billion people to last for a month!

"This is massacre!!"

A barrage suddenly appeared.

At the scene, a person asked hoarsely: "What about the food?! Where does the food come from?!"

Sophon looked around at everyone: "Food? Isn't this all food? Look around you, it's all food, living food."

Her voice is calm.

"In the next competition for survival, most people will be eliminated, and only 30 to 50 million people will be left to start a civilized and free life..."

"I hope you will be able to eat food in the future, instead of being eaten by food."

Seeing this scene, everyone felt endless fear in their hearts!

Immediately afterwards, the screen turned into darkness.

The sound of crashes, gunshots, cursing, and screams spread to every corner.

Most people will be food.

The era of cannibalism has arrived, and human beings have returned to the starting point.

But this time, it was impossible for them to set off again.


A strange voice sounded.

Suddenly, the surrounding noise subsided.

There was a dead silence around, and then a huge sound burst out suddenly!


All huge cheers!

The audience watched the live broadcast in confusion, not understanding what happened.

Dai Xiaomei finds that she can control the game again.

A voice asked: "Dr. Cheng Xin, can you not see?"

It turned out that the reason why the screen was dark was because Cheng Xin was blind.

Dai Xiaomei said: "What happened now?"

The man said: "Now everyone is ready to go home, leave Aozhou, and go back and forth from wherever."

Dai Xiaomei was pleasantly surprised: "What?"

The man continued to explain: "[Gravity] launched a gravitational wave broadcast!"

"The Trisolaran galaxy and the solar system are exposed, the Trisolarans are about to run away, the second fleet has turned around, and the water droplets have all been withdrawn!"

At this moment, the surrounding sound waves are boiling!

Man cheers in the free air!

The tide recedes, the vast land is revealed, and the fate of mankind shows a little warmth!

No matter what the future holds.

At least for now, human beings have temporarily survived from the brink of death!.

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