The eyes of many viewers quickly returned to Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room.

In this world without Zhang Beihai.

[Blue Space] and [Gravity] made the same choice.

Now they start to exit the voyage of the four-dimensional fragments, and with the start of the deceleration, they return to the three-dimensional almost instantly.

Guan Yifan frowned and said: "No, according to calculations, we should have more than twenty hours before we can exit the interior of the four-dimensional debris!"

Chu Yan said: "Then there are only two reasons."

"Either the fragment is accelerating, or it itself is shrinking!"

When saying this.

A sentence appeared on the screen in front of him, which was also what the tombstone said before.

[When the sea dries up, the fish will gather in the puddles, and as the puddles dry up, the fish will disappear]

After a while.

All of them returned to three-dimensional space.

But soon, the detection system of the battleship discovered something strange.

Long lines appear around the four-dimensional fragments, turning into many smaller segments, and finally disappearing completely.

Immediately afterwards, another subtitle appeared.

[After research, it is found that these long lines are four-dimensional substances that have entered the three-dimensional world]

[According to this speed, in about 20 days, the "Rubik's Cube" will enter the three-dimensional space

[In the next ten days, after research and discussion, they came to a conclusion: the high dimension in the macroscopic state is falling to the low dimension, and the four-dimensional space will fall to three-dimensional]

【And that "Lord of the Rings", the existence that claims to be the cemetery, will soon be destroyed in the entire three-dimensional universe at this moment】

[Twenty-two days later, at the moment when the three-dimensional unfolded, all the four-dimensional structures inside the "Lord of the Rings" were completely destroyed, which was a complete destruction]

[Now, it is time for the two warships to consider their own future. Only more than two hundred people choose to take the hibernation cabin to return to the solar system

[The vast majority of people choose to join the battleship formation, planning to bypass the four-dimensional debris and determine a new target galaxy]

The subtitles slowly disappeared.

Seeing all this, countless spectators fell silent.

After a long time, the bullet screens were sent out one after another.

"For now, the humans in the galaxy and these two battleships are no longer the same civilization!"

"But that's fine, they may be the biggest spark on Blue Star!"

"Hey, I don't think about that anymore. Even the four-dimensional world will be destroyed. It's a miracle that a low-level civilization like human beings can survive!"

"Yeah! Once you see the four-dimensional space, even the three-body world will look so bad!"

At this time, after seeing the four-dimensional world.

Countless viewers felt a little emotional in their hearts.

In the universe, nothing is grand.

Who dares to say that there is no so-called five-dimensional space above the four-dimensional space?

Everything seemed so small.

While the audience was discussing, the picture on the blue star appeared on the screen again.

When all the dust settled, people began to accuse and condemn the sword bearer.

If it is said that the sword bearer starts the cosmic broadcast before the incident, at least the subsequent disaster can be avoided.

But generally speaking, Cheng Xin was not the target of Fisherman's attacks.

Because of her beautiful public image, people are more tolerant of her, and instead regard her as a victim.

one way or another.

History took a big detour, but did not change the overall course.

Cosmic radio was still on.

People desperately want to enjoy a better life and enjoy this last time.

However, the picture changed.

At this moment, Cheng Xin was in great pain.

Her past life became torture, and she fell into pain all day long.

She often felt miserable, depressed, and even more withdrawn, and even AA couldn't help her.

At this time, Dai Xiaomei found that she could regain control of the game.

On this day, a phone rang suddenly.

"Go look outside!"

It was the voice of an old man.

Dai Xiaomei walked out the door.

A blue star appeared in the sky, a star outside the solar system.

Its brightness increased sharply, and the figure on the ground was quickly reflected.

Two minutes later, the brightness of the star reached its peak, brighter than the moon, making it impossible to look directly at.

at the same time.

There were screams from the surrounding buildings, and something seemed to be broken.

There was a voice on the other end of the phone.

"Children, don't be afraid, what should happen will happen."

A subtitle appears.

[At this moment, the dreams of human beings are completely shattered

[The dark forest theory has been finally confirmed, and the three-body world has been destroyed]

【The human world has witnessed the destruction of a civilization for the first time, and such a fate will fall on me at any time】

[The three-century-long three-body threat has completely disappeared, replaced by a more ruthless entire universe]

[However, it is strange that the expected panic did not appear, and human beings were quite quiet, as if waiting for something at a loss

[They have subconsciously felt that no matter how bad things are, there will always be a savior or a miracle]

[On the third day after the destruction of the Trisolaran system, Sophon suddenly invited Cheng Xin and Luo Ji to drink tea]

this day.

When little girl Dai went to Zhizi's villa, she saw Luo Xing again.

At this time, Luo Ji's complexion was still straight and stern, except that his beard had turned gray, it seemed unchanged.

When he saw Miss Dai, he smiled slightly.

This smile made countless audiences in front of the screen feel extremely warm.

Tomoko greets them in front of the villa.

She bowed again: "Welcome both of you."

A line of subtitles appeared.

[The stellar explosion destroyed everything in the Trisolaran galaxy, most of the spaceships and space cities were destroyed, and a few spaceships escaped by chance]

[In the Trisolaran galaxy, the remaining two suns will form a stable binary star system, and a vast accretion disk is formed around them, like two gray grasslands]

See the popup on the screen.

Dai Xiaomei asked questions that the audience wanted to know.

"How many people left?"

Sophon bowed his head and fiddled with the tea: "Including the fleet that has already sailed, it is less than one thousandth."

Looking at the screen, Dai Xiaomei continued: "How long do we have?"

Sophon said: "Not sure, the blow will come at any time, it may be a century or two, or it may be immediately.

She subconsciously glanced at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji sat upright without any reaction.

Sophon continued: "The Trisolaran world is different from the solar system. The coordinates of the Trisolaran galaxy are broadcast first. Even if the attacker has checked the relevant information of the Milky Way, it will take time to strike.

"From a distance, the Trisolaran galaxy is more dangerous than the Milky Way."

Dai Xiaomei followed the audience's prompts and asked: "Why?"

Sophon shook his head firmly: "I can never tell you this."

"However, I can say one thing, the strike of the dark forest has two characteristics: casual and economical."

This time there is no need for audience prompts.

Dai Xiaomei blurted out: "What do you mean?"

Sophon said: "This is not a regular war, it's just a convenient way to eliminate possible threats. For super civilizations, this is just a random thing, in order to induce the destructive power of the bid galaxy.

"A blow can come at any time, and there is no way to defend against it."

Speaking of this, Tomoko said: "Don't talk about this anymore, okay? I invited you two to drink tea.

Dai Xiaomei quickly took the tea, blew on it and started to drink.

Luo Ji shook his teacup aside, and said the first sentence: "I can't ask any more?"

There was a look of awe in Tomoko's eyes.

He bowed deeply: "Please wait a moment."

Then close your eyes and meditate.

Seeing this, the audience is very clear.

Sophon is just a female robot, and she should be communicating with the Trisolaran Fleet controlling Sophon a few light years away.

About two minutes later.

Sophon raised his head: "You can only ask one question, and I can only say yes, no or don't know."

"This is entirely out of the respect that Trisolaris has for you. This answer is definitely true, but it may be harmful to Trisolaris, so there is only one question, please consider it carefully.

Luo Ji barely paused, and said decisively, "I've thought about it, and here's my question."

"If the Trisolaran world shows some dangerous features from a long distance on a cosmic scale, is there some kind of security feature that can indicate to the universe that a civilization is safe? And thus avoid the attack of the dark forest?"

"Is there a way for humans to make this kind of safety statement?"

As soon as this word came out.

Tomoko pondered for a long time.

Suddenly, she looked up at Luo Ji, and said firmly, "Yes!"

How to do it?!

Almost all viewers have raised such questions.

But Tomoko shook his head and continued to add more tea: "No more, there is nothing more I can tell you, never more."

When Sophon finished speaking, all the light on the screen disappeared.

See this scene.

Countless audiences were instantly excited!

"Safety statement? If such a statement can be found, will humans in the galaxy survive?"

"Hehe, don't you think this is too ridiculous? If there is such a statement, why don't their Trisolarans use it?"

"Yeah! I think it's a bit of nonsense too! This may be a lie!"

"No, the Trisolaran world may lie to the human world, but it will never lie to Luo Ji. Sophon has repeatedly emphasized this point!"

"That's useless. For today's human beings, there is no such statement! Anyway, I can't imagine it!"

When the audience was discussing, the subtitles poured out again.

[After the "Tea Ceremony Talk" was released, everyone was thinking about a question, how to issue a safety statement]

[All human beings have put forward countless plans, which can be divided into two categories in the end: declarative and self-mutilation

[The vision of the statement school is to broadcast a statement to the universe, declaring that human civilization is safe, but no matter how subtle the statement is, it will not make all life believe it]

【Therefore, the self-mutilation faction believes that human beings must pay the price for survival and turn Blue Star into a safe civilization】

[Such as regressing to farming society, turning Blue Star into a low-tech society, and even using intelligence to self-mutilate]

[But these plans were all rejected because they were not feasible

[Next, human thinking changed completely, and they prayed on a large scale, wanting to welcome the arrival of the Lord]

[At the same time, the Three-Body Civilization has also become the object of prayer. Human beings began to pray hard, thinking that the Three-Body World is a legendary god, and the place where Sophon lives has become a holy place]

[At the same time, there are still some musicians who are still trying to find scientific research methods]

[Cheng Xin's image in front of the public has also begun to slowly change. People think that she is a great woman, and the reason why she didn't issue threats is because she feels the need for human beings.

[Cheng Xin, as the object of maternal love for human beings, is like the Holy Mother, worshiped by countless people]

【But for Cheng Xin, this cut off her last hope of surviving】

[Life 603 has long been a burden and torture for her. The reason why she lives is to accept her own


[But now, human beings are lost, she has become a dangerous symbol and will become a fog in front of human beings, so she decides to disappear forever]

【However, at this moment, Tomoko called and invited her and Luo Ji again】

Subtitles disappear.

When the screen turns on again.

Dai Xiaomei found that she had come to Tomoko's penthouse villa.

Luo Ji was also on the side.

But a few hundred meters below, there were huge crowds of people, and countless believers who came to worship were in a state of silence, as if they were waiting for something.


Tomoko said.

None of the three spoke this time.

In the last tea party, the communication between the two worlds has already been finished.

After the tea is ready.

Sophon held the tea to Luo Ji: "I'm leaving, take care both of you."

"Maybe we will meet again in the future."

When it came to this, the three of them drank all the tea in their hands.

Sophon raised his head and said, "Before parting, I have to complete one last mission, or rather, to pass on a message.

She stood up and looked at Little Sister Dai with meaningful eyes.

"Cheng Xin, Yun Tianming wants to see you."


The whole world was stunned.

Countless viewers looked at the screen like sculptures, their eyes full of horror.

Sky, tomorrow!

This brain was sent into space by Vader, and it has long been determined to be dead!

This is the man who regards Cheng Xin as the love of his life!

Now, it is not dead??

And judging from Tomoko's tone, he should still be in the hands of Trisolaran?


Ever since his brain was sent into space, it has been controlled by Trisolarans?!

For a time, the crowd was in an uproar!

The barrage of countless audiences occupies the entire screen!

"Fuck! Fuck! What's going on?! Yun Tianming isn't dead? Besides, he's still in the Trisolaran Fleet?"

"My God! What the hell did this man do? Didn't he only have one brain? So he was saved by the Trisolaran?"

"So, Vader saved him! If there hadn't been the order to 'send only the brain', Yun Tianming would have disappeared three centuries ago!"

"Oh my god! We won't see Yun Tianming's brain later, right? Just thinking about it makes me feel horrified!"

"Probably not! With the technology of the Trisolaran civilization, a suitable body should have been cloned for him long ago! Maybe we can see Yun Tianming again!"

"I feel that Yun Tianming's status in the Three-Body World is very high now! To be honest, he was treated so cruelly back then, would he still think he is human?".

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